
DOE Geothermal Technologies Program News

Geothermal Technologies Legacy Collection

March 30, 2007
Update: the Geothermal Technologies Legacy Collection site is renamed.
Formerly known as the Geothermal Technologies Subject Portal, the new name emphasizes the addition of the most valuable sources of DOE-sponsored information in the geothermal field from the 1970's to present day.
October 2006
A Geothermal Legacy podcast is now available.
October 24, 2006 - December 6, 2006
Update: Geothermal Technologies Subject Portal (GTSP)
The GTSP Web site was simplified to primarily feature the Basic Search. Information about the site is now available from the "About" and the new "News" pages.
September 10-13, 2006
Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) 2006 Annual Meeting
Geothermal Technologies Subject Portal and Legacy Collection – presented at the GRC 2006 Annual Meeting by Lynn Davis, DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information, on behalf of the DOE Geothermal Technologies Program, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
August 31, 2006
Update: Geothermal Technologies Legacy Collection
Significant portal updates – such as Basic and Advanced Searching, now enable scientific researchers and the interested public alike to more quickly and easily find geothermal reports and citations. Further, since April 2005 this collection, which dates from the 1970's to present day, has grown by more than 6,000 DOE-sponsored technical and programmatic "legacy" reports. These are among the most valuable sources of DOE-sponsored information in the geothermal field. Other related citations and reports from DOE, other government agencies, international sources, and organizations are available also.