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Capability Replacement Laboratory

Construction begins on Physical Sciences Facility complex

PSF construction

Randolph Construction Services, Inc. of Pasco began clearing land last week to make way for the Physical Sciences Facility, ushering the start of the single largest construction effort in the history of PNNL.

The $1.7-million contract for site preparation work awarded to Randolph includes clearing brush and grading the PSF Horn Rapids Triangle site, stockpiling soil, excavation, blending and placement of structural fill, and procurement and installation of temporary facilities and utility infrastructure. A second contract will go out for bid in September for placement of concrete foundations and erection of structural steel. The third and final contract for completing the PSF, a 200,000-square-foot facility, will be issued next year.

"The future of the Laboratory depends on our ability to deliver this facility on the defined schedule and within the approved funding profile. We have assembled an outstanding team to manage the various project phases," says Jim McClusky, director of the Capability Replacement Laboratory project office. "Success to date in large measure can be attributed to Jeff Pittman, Facilities and Operations Directorate, and his design, engineering and construction management staff."

Sponsored by the federal government, the PSF will consist of three laboratories—the Materials Science and Technology, Ultra-Trace and Radiation Detection buildings—as well as a radiation portal monitoring test track, and a large detector laboratory. About 450 staff will reside in the PSF once it is completed and turned over to operations in 2010.

The new research complex will house PNNL's nuclear and radiological capabilities, which are being displaced because of DOE's cleanup plans for the 300 Area.

The Office of Science, National Nuclear Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security are funding the $224-million federal line-item portion of the CRL project, which includes the PSF and upgrading the 325 Building, or Radiochemical Processing Laboratory.

External Capability Replacement Laboratory