Dynamic Profiler

Authors: Wayne Rasband (wsr at nih.gov)
Michael Schmid (schmid@iap.tuwien.ac.at)
History: 2003/09/24: First version
2003/09/26: Fixed bug that caused plugin to fail to run more than once
2003/10/07: Plot is updated when a key is pressed
2007/01/09: Correctly plots scaled and calibrated images
2007/12/07: Plot is updated when the image changes
Source: Dynamic_Profiler.java
Installation: Download Dynamic_Profiler.class to the plugins folder, or subfolder, restart ImageJ, and there will be a new "Dynamic Profiler" command to the Plugins menu or submenu.
Description: This plugin continuously updates a profile plot as a line or rectangular selection is moved or resized. (Note that the arrow keys can be used to move the selection.) It is also updated if the image changes, thus it can be used to monitor the effect of a filter during preview. Plot size etc. are set by Edit>Options>Profile Plot Options.
See Also: Z Profiler plugin

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