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Low SES Women & Girls Project

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TReND: Low SES Women and Girls Project (Phase I): The Effects of Tobacco Control Policies on Low SES Women and Girls

About the Project

Tobacco control policies, such as increases in cigarette excise taxes, worksite smoking bans, and youth-focused media campaigns show promise in reducing smoking at the population level. However, few studies have examined the effects of policies in reducing smoking prevalence and secondhand smoke exposure among disadvantaged women and girls. Those of lower socioeconomic status (SES) have higher-than-average rates of tobacco use and suffer disproportionately from the health consequences of tobacco.

The Low SES Women & Girls Project was initiated in 2004 by the Tobacco Research Network on Disparities [TReND] to strategically address and examine the effects of multiple tobacco control policies on diverse populations of low SES women and girls. The project aims to stimulate new research, review existing research, and, as a result of its findings, inform the development and implementation of policies and programs by practitioners that may reduce tobacco use among low SES women and girls.

Major activities of the Low SES Women & Girls Project included:

  • Conducting a review of the literature

  • Planning and convening a meeting, Tobacco Control Policies: Do They Make a Difference for Low SES Women and Girls? (held September 22–23, 2005, in Bethesda, Maryland)

  • Developing a report that describes the meeting process, outcomes, and recommendations

  • Sponsoring a special-issue journal issue published by the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

The results from the Low SES Women & Girls Project suggest that some policies have modest effects while others have no effect on smoking behavior or secondhand smoke exposure among low SES women and girls. Please see links below for additional information.

    Download papers from Tobacco Control Policies and Low Socioeconomic Status Women and Girls. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

    Download the NCI Report, Tobacco Control Policies: Do They Make a Difference for Low SES Women and Girls?, Summary Report (coming soon!)

    Download the NCI Executive Summary, Tobacco Control Policies: Do They Make a Difference for Low SES Women and Girls? (PDF)

Back to the Low SES Women and Girls (Phase I) homepage

Last Updated: February 22, 2008

National Cancer Institute | National Institutes of Health | U. S. Department of Health and Human Services
National Cancer Institute Office of Women's Health | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health
The American Legacy Foundation | The Tobacco Research Network on Disparities (TReND)

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