Promoting Independent Living Through Technology
for All People with Disabilities in Illinois

IATP's believes that disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes a person's right to:

  • live independently
  • enjoy self-determination and make choices
  • benefit from an education
  • pursue meaningful careers and
  • enjoy full inclusion and integration in the economic, political, social, cultural, and educational mainstream of society in the United States.

IATP's primary focus is on education, employment, community living, information technology and telecommunications. Our mission is to enable people with disabilities so they can fully participate in all aspects of life. Our services include:

  • State Financing – Tech Connect is an alternative financing program for individuals with disabilities and their families. 

    • Low Interest Loan Program people with disabilities can borrow money at a low interest rate; with extended terms and flexible approval criteria that supports getting assistive technology devices, services and home and vehicle modifications. 
    • Telework Low Interest Loans provide individuals with disabilities the opportunity to borrow money at a low interest rate, with extended terms and flexible approval criteria to start or improve a home-based business.
  • Device Reutilization - AT Classifieds provides an online database of assistive technology devices available for sale or donation.  Individuals can list AT items to sell or shop for a device.  The service is free and provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to acquire needed AT at a reduced cost.
  • Device Loans – The purpose of IATP’s device loan program is to let potential AT users “try-out” devices prior to purchase, have access to a backup system when their device is in for repairs and/or have access to a device while waiting for their device to be delivered.  There are over 1,000 devices in the loan inventory.  In 2006, IATP loaned 1,043 devices to consumers statewide.
  • Device Demonstration – Located in Springfield, IATP AT Demonstration Center showcases a wide variety of assistive technology devices.  Consumers, family members and service providers spend hours touring the center learning about and trying out new devices.
  • State Leadership Activities Include:
    • Public Awareness and Information and Assistance.  IATP conducts Public Awareness activities that are intended to reach large numbers of people such activities include Newsletter, other print materials, Presentations, Exhibits, Conferences.  Through these various venues individuals are educated about IATP and its services, AT device, services, funding resources etc. Through its 800 numbers, IATP responds to request for information and/or puts individuals in contact with other agencies, organizations or companies that can provide the caller with needed information on AT products, devices, services, funding sources, or other related disability topics, or providing intensive assistance to individuals about AT products, devices, services funding sources or other related disability topic
    • Training and Technical Assistance – IATP conducts numerous training activities each year that are designed to increase participants’ knowledge, skills and competences regarding AT. IATP provides technical assistance to assist programs and agencies in improving their services, management policies and/or outcomes with respect to AT devices and services. 
    • Coordination and Collaboration – IATP coordinates and collaborates on the provision of its state level and its state leadership activities with both public and private agencies to increase the access to and the acquisition of assistive technology devices and services.  

The Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) is a statewide, not-for-profit agency, in its seventeenth year of service.  It was one of the first nine states funded under the Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988, as amended. 

IATP located at 1 West Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 100, Springfield IL 62701
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