NAEPP Coordinating Committee
School Asthma Education Slide Set
  1. NAEPP Coordinating Committee
  2. Asthma is a Major Public Health Problem
  3. In a classroom of 30 children, 2 or more children are likely to have asthma

  4. What is Asthma?
          A disease that:

  5. What are the Symptoms of Asthma?
  6. What Happens During an Episode of Asthma?
  7. What Makes Asthma Worse?
  8. What Makes Asthma Worse? (cont.)
  9. What Makes Asthma Worse? (cont.)
  10. Is There A Cure For Asthma?
  11. How Is Asthma Controlled?
  12. How Is Asthma Controlled? (cont.)
  13. How are Asthma Episodes Controlled?
  14. What Should People with Asthma Be Able To Do?
  15. Asthma Goals For School Health
  16. Goal: Healthy School Environment
  17. Goal: Health Services in School
  18. Goal: Asthma Education
  19. Goal: Supportive Policies
  20. Supportive Policies
  21. Supportive Policies
  22. Supportive Policies
  23. Supportive Polices
  24. Supportive Policies
  25. Supportive Policies
  26. Goal: Sound Communication
  27. Asthma Resources For School Health