



ORDER NO.  3265, Amendment No. 3  (Amended material italicized)


SIGNATURE DATE:  November 30, 2007


Subject:  Realignment and Reassignment of Certain Bureau of Reclamation Functions


Sec. 1  Purpose.  This Order authorizes the establishment of a new Deputy Commissioner, two senior management positions, and realigns the Bureau of Reclamation functions under three deputy commissioners who report to the Commissioner.  Currently, the Commissioner has six direct reports.  Establishing a new deputy position reduces the number of direct reports to three.  The realignment establishes the Immediate Office of the Commissioner, thereby strengthening and improving the internal management of the bureau, and promoting better coordination of the Washington office.


Sec. 2  Authority.  This Order is issued under the authority of Section 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1262), as amended.


Sec. 3  Organizational Changes.


            a.         Establish a new position, Deputy Commissioner for Policy, Administration and Budget.  


            b.         Establish a Director of Administration with oversight responsibility for the Chief Information Office, Management Services Office, Human Resources Office, and Office of Civil Rights and EEO.   


            c.         Realign the Director of Administration, Director of Security, Safety, and Law Enforcement, Director of Program and Budget, and Director of Program and Policy Services under the Deputy Commissioner for Policy, Administration and Budget.


            d.         Abolish the Director of Policy, Management, and Technical Services position and establish the Director of Technical Resources.  The Director of Technical Resources reports to the Deputy Commissioner, Operations.          


            e.         Establish two senior management positions under the Director of Technical Resources.


            f.          Rename the Deputy Director of Operations position to Director of Operations - Washington Office.


Sec. 4  Delegation.  The Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation and the Deputy Commissioners are delegated all the authority necessary to carry out the responsibilities of their positions.


Sec. 5  Implementation.  The Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation is responsible for implementing this Order, including ensuring the appropriate transfer of personnel, funds, programs, records, and property.


Sec. 6  Expiration Date.  This Order is effective immediately.  It will remain in effect until its provisions are converted to the Departmental Manual, or until it is amended, superseded or revoked, whichever occurs first.  In the absence of any of the foregoing actions, the provisions of this Order will terminate and be considered obsolete on January 31, 2008.  The termination of this Order will not nullify the realignment effected herein.





                                                                                                /s/ DIRK KEMPTHORNE

                                                                                                Secretary of the Interior


SO#3265A3 11/30/07

Replaces SO#3265A2 8/31/07

Replaces SO#3265A1 8/9/06

Replaces SO#3265 11/18/05