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1. ECON1310E  -  Principles of Economics I: Macroeconomics (Evening & Weekend)
Explore macroeconomics and the economic organization of a market economy. ... Gain an appreciation and understanding of fiscal and monetary policies. ... Discover the role of supply and demand, consumption, investment, production, taxes, and money and banking. ... Study contemporary problems of unemployment and inflation and ...

2. ECON1311E  -  Principles of Economics II: Microeconomics (Evening & Weekend)
Gain an overview of the modern market economy as a system for dealing with the problem of scarcity. ... Study supply and demand, welfare and surplus, markets and market failures. ... Gain an understanding of the roles of consumers, producers, and other economic agents. ... ACE College Credit Recommendation Service reviewed. ...

3. ECON2215E  -  Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (Evening & Weekend)
Probe the complexities of designing public policy for environmental and natural resource issues. ... Examine, in an economic framework, the concepts of externalities, public goods and depletable resources. ... Discuss the relative merits of property rights, command and control regulation, taxes and subsidies in dealing with these problems. ...

4. ECON2500E  -  Understanding Economic Indicators: Main Street vs. Wall Street (Evening & Weekend)
Gain a more sophisticated appreciation of the key economic indicators released by the federal government and reported in the popular and business presses. ... Learn how to access this indicator information, interpret statistics and trends, and place these indicators into their appropriate economic context. ... Improve your understanding ...

5. ECON5500E  -  International Trade Policy (Evening & Weekend)
Learn the basics of U.S. ... trade law and its development. ... Gain knowledge of the economic, political and legal foundations of trade policies and their interaction with international commitments. ... role in international trade organizations and agreements, like the WTO and NAFTA. ... Discuss globalization, free ...

6. ECON5545E  -  Econometrics I (Evening & Weekend)
Learn basic theories and methods underlying empirical economics and the estimation and application of the general linear model. ... Learn the application of the least square properties, tests of significance, confidence regions, analysis of variance, predictions and multicollinearity. ... The course utilizes the E-VIEWS 4.1 software ...

7. ECON5546E  -  Econometrics II (Evening & Weekend)
Gain skills in simulation, forecasting and policy analysis using econometric models. ... Expand your knowledge of general linear models to include dummy variables, seasonal adjustment, autocorrelation, lagged variables and simultaneous-equation estimation methods (two stage least squares, limited information and three-stage least-squares). ...

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Displaying results 1 to 7 of 7

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