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Electronic Numbering (ENUM)

Roundtable on Convergence of Communications Technologies
August 14, 2002

1:00 PM
Welcoming Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael Gallagher, NTIA

1:05 - 2:30 PM
Panel 1: Convergence Technologies - Their Viability and Utility in a Competitive Marketplace -
This session will address such questions as: (1) how the various convergence technologies function, including results from existing testbeds; (2) possible applications of convergence technologies; (3) how ENUM or similar systems would be introduced and implemented in the U.S., including how such systems could open to competition; and (4) whether and how convergence technologies and systems can co-exist.

Ronald Brouillette, Science Applications International Corporation
Patrik Fältström, Internet Engineering Task Force
Carl Ford, Pulver.com
Scott Hoffpauir, BroadSoft, Inc.
Scott Marcus, Federal Communications Commission
Tom McGarry, NeuStar, Inc.
Douglas Ranalli, NetNumber, Inc.
Gary Richenaker, ENUM Forum

2:45 - 4:15 PM
Panel 2: Privacy, Security, Authentication, and other Policy Issues Relating to Convergence Technologies -
This session will address policy issues, including: (1) what privacy measures might be necessary to protect individual data collected through the use of convergence technologies; (2) whether privacy protections are better left to the competitive marketplace or should be standardized; (3) what security precautions might be necessary to protect user data; and (4) what authentication and authorization requirements might be necessary to ensure the identity of the user.

Casey Anderson, AOL Time Warner, Inc.
David G. Belanger, AT&T
Scott Bradner, Harvard University
Toby Levin, Privacy Council, Inc.
Scott Marcus, Federal Communications Commission
John Morris, Center for Democracy and Technology
Laks Prabhala, ENUM Forum
David Valdez, Verizon Communications
Kristen Verderame, BT North America, Inc.

4:15 - 5:00 PM
Audience Question and Answer Session


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