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National Stop on Red Week

Stop Red Light Running Logo

National Stop on Red Week is dedicated to educating Americans about the dangers of running red lights.

The success of this week depends on local efforts around the country. Following is a list of 10 activities you can coordinate to help promote National Stop on Red Week in your community:

Ten Activities for National Stop on Red Week

  • Press conference. Hold a press conference to announce national and statewide statistics gathered from local law enforcement agencies and the National SRLR program.
  • Proclamations. Encourage the Governor and State legislators to declare SRLR week, and work with them to enact stiffer penalties.*
  • Pledges. Motivate drivers to sign a pledge to stop running red lights. Deliver the pledges to the statehouse lawn during a press event.*
  • Radio and TV promotions. Encourage radio and TV stations to promote National Red on Red week. Radio stations can do live broadcasts from high-crash intersections in town. Stations can give away promotional items in support of the week. TV stations can air public service announcements (PSAs).*
  • Schools. Work with the local school system to ask all children to wear red during the week.
  • Police ride-alongs. Encourage journalists to ride along with police officers as they make traffic stops.
  • SRLR posters. Hang posters at schools, local businesses and other high-visibility areas.*
  • Movie theater slides. Work with a local movie theater to include a SRLR slide in the pre-film slide presentation.*
  • Paycheck reminders. Encourage local employers to develop paycheck reminders announcing the week and providing safe driving tips.*
  • Billboards. Seek donated advertising space on billboards, buses, cabs and at gas stations.*
*For assistance with media relations, please contact the National Campaign to Stop Red Light Running at 202-828-9100 or More information is available at

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