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   ICED Stategic Plan

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Illinois Interagency Committee on Employees with Disabilities (ICED)

Strategic Plan


The Committee’s mission, as defined in Section 19a of the Personnel Code, is:


(a) to provide a forum where problems of general concern to State

employees with disabilities can be raised and methods of their resolution

can be suggested to the appropriate State agencies;


Objective:       Ensure increased awareness of ICED, its mission and functions through public relations/outreach campaign.


            Action Item:    Generate poster.


            Action Item:    Create link from other agencies’ websites to ICED.


            Action Item:    Implement statewide conference.


Objective:       Ascertain employee perceptions of issues and concerns/needs to state employment success.


Action Item:    Research/Garner university cooperation to design, analyze and provide results of a targeted survey.


Action Item:    Develop letter to accompany the findings with recommended options for resolution from co-chairs or Executive Director.


Action Item:  Assess completion of recommended changes.


Objective:       Create a forum that will allow employees with disabilities to communicate information related to issues/opportunities, ideas and comments.


Action Item:    Create an electronic suggestion box (web-based) to gather issues.


Action Item:    Provide opportunities for people to get involved.

(b) to provide a clearinghouse of information for State employees with

disabilities by working with those agencies to develop and retain such



            Objective:       Create an equipment and resource library.


Action Item:    Request that each agency create an adaptive equipment inventory list.


Action Item:    Request that each agency assign an employee to equipment and product reviews from individuals.


Objective:       Create a standardized and well-publicized process for disseminating reasonable accommodation methods.


Action item:   Ensure each agency understands and is knowledgeable of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.


Action Item:    Research each agency’s reasonable accommodation process.


Action Item:    Create step-by-step reasonable accommodation process with timeframes.


Action Item:    Standardize process and reasonable accommodation form for all agencies.


Objective:       Identify contact person in each agency for persons with disabilities to contact for issue resolution.


Action Item:    Secure list of all agency Reasonable Accommodation Coordinators with phone numbers and email addresses.


Action Item:    Create method for maintaining accurate list of Reasonable Accommodation (ADA) Coordinators.


Action Item:    Assign job duties for ADA Coordinator so issues will be directed appropriately.

Objective:       Disseminate information to employees with disabilities and interested parties.


Action Item:    Update and use the Department of Central Management Services (CMS) list of employees with disabilities. 


Action Item:    Maintain ICED website.


Action Item:    Create and disseminate semi-annual newsletter.


(c) to promote affirmative action efforts pertaining to the employment of

persons with disabilities by State agencies; and


            Objective:       Use ICED newsletter, website and other forums to disseminate information.


Action Item:    Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) will distribute a letter to Centers for Independent Living (CILs) about new employment options for candidates with disabilities.


Action Item:    Utilize monthly Personnel Manager meetings to disseminate information.


Action Item:    Utilize Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) Officer meetings to disseminate information.


Objective:       Develop promotional materials/efforts/events to showcase advantages of hiring individuals with disabilities.


            Action Item:    Host legislative reception.


            Action Item:    Host awards ceremony.


Action Item:    Develop brochure on employment options for candidates with disabilities that agencies could distribute at job fairs.


Objective:       Increase awareness of Successful Disability Opportunities (SDO) Program.


                        Action Item:    Hold specific meetings with all agencies.


Action Item:    Make agency directors aware of SDO and share information throughout agencies.


Action Item:    Have training available via CMS to increase awareness of ADA for supervisors and managers.


            Objective:       Increase eligibility list of qualified candidates with disabilities.


Action Item:    Identify recruitment opportunities, job fairs, etc. and share this information with agencies—post on ICED website.


(d) to recommend, where appropriate, means of strengthening the

affirmative action programs for employees with disabilities in State



Objective:       Establish a full-time Executive Director and sufficient support staff to advance the mission and goals of ICED on a full-time permanent basis.


Action Item:    Meet with Deputy Governor to pursue enabling legislation.


Objective:       Devote sufficient funds to address underutilization hiring issues.


Action Item:    Meet with Deputy Governor to pursue enabling legislation.


Objective:       Increase recruitment efforts by all agencies with respect to hiring individuals with disabilities.


Action Item:    Publish Department of Human Rights’ (DHR) workforce statistics of individuals with disabilities on the ICED website.

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