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   Your Right to Reasonable Accommodation

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Your Right to Reasonable Accommodation

ADA Coordinators
EEO Officers

A state employee with a disability has the right to request reasonable accommodation in connection with his or her job. The federal Americans with Disabilities Act and the Illinois Human Rights Act prohibit job discrimination based on disability and require an employer to reasonably accommodate the functional limitations of otherwise qualified applicants and employees with disabilities. A variety of physical or mental disabilities that "substantially limit a major life activity" are covered by these laws.

What is Reasonable Accommodation?

"Reasonable accommodation" means a modification to job site, job schedule, or job process that would enable a person with a disability to perform a given position. The reasonable accommodation requirement is broad, and different accommodations may be needed for different individuals, different disabilities, and different jobs. Examples of accommodations include provision of equipment, modified work schedules, physical modification of the work site, job restructuring (which means reassignment of non-essential job duties), and provision of readers or interpreters. Employers are not required to provide accommodations when they would impose "undue hardship" on the operation of business. "Undue hardship" is a flexible concept that includes consideration of the number of people employed and the cost of the accommodation.

Making a Reasonable Accommodation Request

Although procedures differ among the various state agencies, each agency has a reasonable accommodation procedure and request form. If you need accommodation of some sort, it is your duty to request it. You can initiate a request with the agency Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officer or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator. If the names of these individuals in your agency are not indicated below, ask your supervisor for the information. The EEO Officer or ADA Coordinator should be able to explain your agency's procedure to you. If you or your agency needs assistance in identifying appropriate accommodations, you can call the Job Accommodation Network, at 1-800-526-7234 (V/TTY), or the Disability Research Network, at 1-800-447-4221 (V/TTY).

If You Have Been Discriminated Against

If you believe you have been discriminated against in regards to an accommodation request, you have the right to file a charge with the Illinois Department of Human Rights at  these locations: 

Department of Human Rights

James R. Thompson Center
100 West Randolph Street, Suite 10-100
Chicago, Illinois 60601
(312) 814-6200
(312) 263-1579 (TDD)

222 South College, Floor 1
Springfield, Illinois 62704
(217) 785-5100
(217) 785-5125 (TDD)

Marion State Regional Office Building
2309 W. Main Street, Suite 112
Marion, IL 62959
(618) 993-7463

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