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R & D Project Summaries Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What information does R&D provide?

Answer: Provides access to summaries of ongoing or recently completed R&D projects performed by the DOE laboratories and research facilities.

Question: How many years back does this site have data?

Answer: The earliest records go back to fiscal year 1995.

Question: My password will not work?

Answer: Passwords must be changed every 6 months per DOE Password Guidelines. If you have not used your account in the past 6 months your password must be reset.

Question: Do I submit records with no fiscal year funding?

Answer: Do not submit records with no fiscal year funding.

Question: I have been tasked with uploading R&D data to OSTI for the R&D data call. Where do I go to learn more?

Answer: You want to first visit the Information page. On this page you will find links to the guidance document which will help you with the contents required for the data load. Other important links are the XML Supplement, the Download R&D Tracking DTD, and the example XML files. You will also have to apply for an account on the DOE Administrative Account Request page.

Question: Can anyone get an administrative account?

Answer: No. Only authorized DOE and DOE contractor personnel with either a need to enter data or a need to know can get an administrative account to this web site. You are welcomed to use the public search on this site without an administrative account.

Question: What is the DOE Science Accelerator?

Answer: The DOE Science Accelerator searches multiple science resources, including DOE R&D Project Summaries. These resources, developed by OSTI, reside in the deep Web where popular search engines cannot go. The DOE Science Accelerator provides a "deeper" search that yields results ranked by relevancy. This search may take a little longer, but returns more comprehensive, higher quality science information.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information US Department of Energy
Last Updated: September 17, 2007