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Headline Archives

FBI Director Discusses Common Issues in Mideast and Europe


A graphic of Director Mueller during high-level meetings in Europe and the Mideast. On November 7, Director Mueller returned from three days of high-level meetings in Europe and the Mideast on issues ranging from terrorist investigations to international accords, from police training initiatives to security for the 2004 Olympic Games.

"There is so much value in meeting face to face with my colleagues," he said upon his return. "We speak a common language -- all of us focused on the safety of our communities in a world of global threats -- and we find we can come to agreement on practical issues quickly."

Director Mueller met with his colleagues in law enforcement and intelligence and also with President Saleh in Yemen, Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz in Saudi Arabia, and with Minister of Public Order Georgios Florides in Athens. In Baghdad he met with Iraqi police as well as with FBI Special Agents detailed there for investigative purposes. Pictured are the Director and U.S. Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III (Civil Administrator for the Coalition Provisional Authority) being briefed in Baghdad on seized detonation devices.

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