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Play and Learning Station - Information for the First Day

The first day in a new environment can be challenging for any child. We make every effort to be aware of the circumstances that can produce anxiety during the first few days, and we work with you and your child to help ensure a smooth adjustment. If possible, we suggest that parents spend a little extra time in the classroom during the first few days. We also encourage parents to call any time during the day to see how their child is adjusting. Some separation anxiety is normal and expected, and the director will be happy to provide suggestions for a smooth and enjoyable transition into the school environment for both you and your child.

To ensure that your child’s fist day is as enjoyable and comfortable as possible, please bring the following items to school:

  • A complete change of clothes (more than one set for infants).
  • A small, child-sized blanket for rest or nap.
  • A familiar cuddly toy, especially for younger children, to used only at nap time.
  • Bibs for the infants and toddlers.
  • An extra can of pre-mixed formula for infants, for emergencies only, if needed.
  • Diapers and wipes, if needed

Please label all belongings brought from home with your child’s name.