Spectrum Efficiency and Technology Roundtable Forum

DATE: December 9, 2003

LOCATION: Room 4830 of the U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC.

SPONSOR: National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

PURPOSE: This forum is one in a series of discussions to implement the President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative, which will result in recommendations to the President for improving spectrum management policies and procedures. This forum will address incentives for more efficient and beneficial spectrum use and deployment of new and expanded services and technologies. NTIA will also solicit written public comments on these topics in a future NTIA Request for Comment. We anticipate that key industries and organizations that use spectrum, economists and analysts, technologists and futurists, equipment manufacturers, and other interested parties will contribute to the dialogue.


Registration (9:00 a.m.)

Welcome/Opening Remarks (9:15 a.m.)

PANEL I:      Incentives for More Efficient and Beneficial Spectrum Use

(9:30 am to 11:30)

 Description: Panelists would discuss the following:

·   Definitions:

o Universal definition: Functional efficiency vs. Technical efficiency vs. Economic efficiency

o Efficiency vs. effectiveness to complete mission

o Methods to measure efficiency

o Identifying federal and non-federal policies for efficiency: spectrum usage, review and monitoring, peer review and self-policing


·   Incentives for Beneficial Spectrum Use

o Incentive based reform proposals: flexibility and rights, secondary markets and leasing, and fees.


·   Key topics outlined in FCC’s Spectrum Policy Task Force report.


Questions from Audience

(11:30 am to 12:00 pm)


PANEL II:    Deployment of New and Expanded Services and Technologies

(1:30 pm to 3:30 pm)

Description: Panelists would discuss the following:

·   Technology developments to improve efficiency

o License exempt technology, such as WiFi

o Cognitive and software radio

o Overlays and underlays

·   Streamlined technology deployment

o Regulatory processes

o Shared spectrum

o Relocation processes (e.g. trust fund proposal)

·   Key topics outlined in FCC’s Spectrum Policy Task Force report



Questions from Audience

(3:30 pm to 4 pm)



                        CLOSING REMARKS

                        (4 pm to 4:15)