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Application for Retired IRS Special Agent Credentials


May 24, 2006

PURPOSE: The purpose of this document is to provide Retired Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation (IRS CI) Special Agents specific instructions to apply for Retired Law Enforcement Credentials in accordance with the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004.

BACKGROUND: On July 22, 2004, Congress passed and the President signed the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (the "Act"), Pub. L. No. 108-277, 118 Stat. 865 (2004), codified at 18 U.S.C. §§ 926B and 926C. With certain limitations and conditions, the Act exempts active and retired "qualified law enforcement officers" ("qualified LEOs") from state laws and local ordinances prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons.

POLICY: It is the policy of the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation to provide retired credentials to retired/retiring law enforcement officers. Questions regarding this policy should be emailed to


1) Prepare and submit complete application package to Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Security and Technical Operations (STO) (address provided below). The application must contain original signatures. Electronic signatures will not be accepted. The complete application package consists of the following documents (attached).

  • Application Form (Attachment A)
  • Initialed and signed Conditions of Use (Attachment B)
  • Attestation (Attachment C)
  • Copy of OPM Standard Form 50 indicating retirement status and date of retirement
  • FBI Identification Record.  Instructions are available on the web at The original record must be submitted.  Copies will not be accepted.

Please note:  Incomplete packages cannot be processed.

2) Mail the completed package to:

Internal Revenue Service
Criminal Investigation
Room 2513
PO Box 768
Washington, DC  20044-0768

3) Once the application is received, STO will review the package and conduct the appropriate internal checks to determine the applicant’s eligibility to receive credentials. 

4) If the retiree is eligible to receive credentials, STO will mail a letter to the retiree with instructions on where to report for verification of identity, digital photo, and digital signature. 

5) If the applicant is determined ineligible to receive credentials, STO will mail a letter to the applicant indicating such determination.  If the applicant believes the determination was made in error, the applicant may submit a letter to STO asking for reconsideration.  The applicant may be asked to provide additional information for reconsideration.


Criminal Investigation (CI)

Information for Retired IRS CI Special Agents  

Frequently Asked Questions About Retired Credentials