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“If you give me a fish, I’ll eat for a day; if you teach me to fish, I’ll eat for a lifetime”
The Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) is one of several HUD programs administered by the Bernalillo County Housing Department (BCHD). 
FSS is a program that encourages Section 8 assisted families to obtain employment or higher paying jobs that will lead to economic independence and self-sufficiency.   
The participant enters into a 5-yr. Contract in which the participant agrees to an Individual Training and Service Plan (ITSP).    The FSS Coordinator monitors the progress of the participant and works with the participant to help him/her achieve their set goals.
BCHD works with welfare agencies, schools, businesses, and other local partners that provide resources to acquire the skills and experience needed to enable participants to obtain employment or career advancement that will lead to self-sufficiency.    Program services may include, but are not limited to:
  • Childcare
  • Transportation
  • Job training and employment counseling
  • Education
  • Financial literacy and money management
  • Homeownership counseling
As the participant begins to increase their income, the difference in the amount of the increase in family rent resulting from an increase in earned income is deposited in an interest bearing escrow account maintained by BCHD. Upon completion of the program the participant can choose to use this tax-free money however they wish.
BCHD has disbursed more than $248,000 since starting its program in 1994.   Many of the graduates of the program have chosen to go into homeownership and have been able to use this money for a down payment on their home. 
Many of our graduates have expressed thoughts of gratitude upon completion of the program. Here are just a few…
Jennifer received a check in the amount of $2,754.00. Jennifer stated, “I truly thank everyone who has helped me throughout the years. If it had not been for the greatness of your program and all those who make it possible, I wouldn’t be able to buy a home-but because of you-I AM!”
Kristine received a check in the amount of $10,869.46. Kristine stated, “I owe all that is possible to your employees and this program! I would have NEVER made it this far! I, while raising 4 children alone, made it through college, established a wonderful career and learned so much with the help of your department and will forever remember what was given to me. Yes, I know, I too worked very, very hard for what I have established, but know that I did so because you made it possible for me to work so hard. Again, thank you so very much for what has to have been a golden opportunity to make something of myself for myself and for my children. May all good be with you and those who make such an impact on so many lives!”
Pearl received a check in the amount of $15,940.53. Pearl stated, “I appreciate the help that the FSS Program has done for me and my family through the Bernalillo County Housing Dept. This program has been beneficial to me and I’m sure also to a lot of families with single working parents. It has helped me to stay focused and look forward to goals and dreams that I would like to accomplish. This program definitely helps individuals to look forward to owning their own home. That is what I am doing with the funds that I have saved through the years. Thank you again for having this program available.”