National Research Program

Investigations of Single and Multiphase Fluid Flow, Mass and Energy Transport, and Fluid Phase Change in the Subsurface Environment

The subsurface environment is subject to both natural and man- imposed stresses, the interaction of which determines both its preservation and its employment as a multifaceted natural resource for water supply, energy production, and subsurface storage of energy and materials. Study of subsurface problems requires synthesis of a theoretical framework of physics of single and multiphase fluid flow, mass and energy transport and fluid phase change as applied to the subsurface environment, and describing subsurface behavior based on measurements in complex heterogeneous environments. Improved understanding is required to solve present subsurface problems. Objectives of this project are to elucidate fundamental theory describing flow and transport phenomena in complex heterogeneous geologic environments; develop quantitative methods for analysis of systems in the subsurface environment involving single and multiphase fluid flow, mass and energy transport and fluid phase change; and apply these methods to field problems in order to illuminate hydrological relationships which are important in both the preservation and optimal employment of the subsurface.


Michael, H.A., and Voss, C.I., 2008, Evaluation of the sustainability of deep groundwater as an arsenic-safe resource in the Bengal Basin: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.105, no. 25, p.8531-8536. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Voss, C.I., 2008, Editor' s message: Hydrogeology Journal news: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 16, no. 4, p. 609-611.

Abarca, E., Carrera, J., Sánchez-Vila, X., and Voss, C.I., 2007, Quasi-horizontal circulation cells in 3D seawater intrusion: Journal of Hydrology, v. 339, no.3-4, p.118-129. (on-line abstract of journal article)

McKenzie, J.M., Siegel, D.I., Rosenberry, D.O., Glaser, P.H., and Voss, C.I., 2007, Heat transport in the Red Lake Bog, glacial Lake Agassiz peatlands: Hydrological Processes, v. 21, no. 3, p. 369-378. (on-line abstract of journal article)

McKenzie, J.M., Voss,C.I. and Siegel, D.I., 2007, Groundwater flow with energy transport and water-ice phase change: numerical simulations, benchmarks, and application to freezing in peat bogs: Advances in Water Resources, v. 30, no. 4, p. 966-983. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Misut, P.E. and Voss, C.I., 2007, Freshwater-saltwater transition zone movement during aquifer storage and recovery cycles in Brooklyn and Queens, New York City, USA: Journal of Hydrology, v. 337, no. 1-2, p.87- 103. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.01.035. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Konikow, L.F., Reilly, T.E., Barlow, P.M., and Voss, C.I., 2006, Chapter 23: Groundwater Modeling, in Delleur, J., ed., The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, Second Edition: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 54 p.

Provost, A.M., Payne, D.F. and Voss, C.I., 2006, Simulation of Saltwater Movement in the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the Savannah, Georgia–Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Area, Predevelopment–2004, and Projected Movement for 2000 Pumping Conditions: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5058, 124 p. (on-line abstract or on-line report in pdf format, 15 MB)

Sanz, E. and Voss, C.I., 2006, Inverse modeling for seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers: Insights about parameter sensitivities, variances, correlations and estimation procedures derived from the Henry problem: Advances in Water Resources v. 29, no. 3, p. 439-457. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Gingerich, S.B., and Voss, C.I., 2005, Three-dimensional variable-density flow simulation of a coastal aquifer in southern Oahu, USA , Hydrogeology Journal, v. 13, p. 436-450. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Voss, C.I., 2005, The future of hydrogeology: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 13, no. 1, p. 1-6. DOI: 10.1007/s10040-005-0435-8.

Marin, L.E., and Voss, C.I., 2004, SWICA - 2 M3: Second Conference on Salt Water Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers: Monitoring, Modeling, and Management:, Ground Water, v. 42, no. 3, p. 318-318.

Misut, P.E., and Voss, C.I., 2004, Simulation of seawater intrusion resulting from proposed expanded pumpage in New York City, USA, in Miller, C.T., Farthing, M.W., Gray, W.G., and Pinder, G.F., eds., Computational Methods in Water Resources, Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XV), June 13-17 2004, Chapel Hill, NC, USA: Elsevier, p. 1595-1606.

Voss, C.I., Olcott, P., and Schneider, R., eds., 2004, Editors' message - Hydrogeology Journal in 2003: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 12, no. 1, p. 1-2. (on-line editorial in pdf format, 96 kb)

Voss, C.I., Olcott, P., Schneider, R., and Watson, C., eds., 2004, Hydrogeology Journal in 2004: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 12, no 6, p. 611-612. .

Weatherill, D., Simmons, C.T., Voss, C.I., Robinson, N.I., 2004, Testing density-dependent groundwater models: two-dimensional steady state unstable convection in infinite, finite and inclined porous layers: Advances in Water Resources, v. 27, no. 5, p. 547-562. (on-line summary plus)

Ge, S., Bekins, B.A., Bredehoeft, J., Brown, K., Davis, E.E., Gorelick, S.M., Henry, P., Kooi, H., Moench, A.F., Ruppel, C., Sauter, M., Screaton, E., Swart, P.K., Tokunaga, T., Voss, C.I., and Whitaker, F., 2003, Fluid flow in sub-sea floor processes and future ocean drilling: EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, v. 84, p. 145, 151-152.

Geier, J., Voss, C.I., and Dverstorp, B., 2003, Conceptual uncertainty in crystalline bedrock: is simple evaluation the only practical approach?, in Kovar, K., and Hrkal, Z., eds., Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling - A Few Steps Closer to Reality: IAHS publication 277, p. 296-302. (on-line abstract)

Olcott, P. Schneider, R., and Voss, C.I., eds., 2003, Editors' message - Hydrogeology Journal in 2002, v. 11, no. 1, p. 1-2. (on-line editorial in pdf format, 119 kb)

Payne, D.F., Provost, A.M., and Voss, C.I., 2003, Parallel development of MODFLOW and SUTRA models in coastal Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida; an approach to study regional ground-water flow and local saltwater intrusion: Proceedings - Georgia Water Resources Conference Vol.2003.

Voss, C.I., ed., 2003, Editors' message - Announcing a Hydrogeology Journal theme issue on "The future of hydrogeology": Hydrogeology Journal, v. 11, no. 4, p. 415-417. (on-line editorial in pdf format, 98 kb)

Winston, R.B., and Voss, C.I., 2003, SutraGUI, a graphical interface for SUTRA, a model for ground-water flow with solute or energy transport: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-285, 114 p. (on-line report, in pdf format)

Abarca, E., Carrera, J., Voss, C.I., Sánchez-Vila, F-X., 2002, Effect of aquifer bottom morphology on seawater intrusion, Proceedings of 17th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting (SWIM-17), Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 116-126.

Ge, S., Bekins, B.A., Bredehoeft, J., Brown, K., Davis, E.E., Gorelick, S.M., Henry, P., Kooi, H., Moench, A.F., Ruppel, C., Sauter, M., Screaton, E., Swart, P.K., Tokunaga, T., Voss, C.I., and Whitaker, F., 2002, Hydrogeology program planning group final report: JOIDES Journal, v. 28, no. 2, p. 24-29. (on-line journal with article - pdf format)

Gingerich, S.B. and Voss, C.I., 2002, Three-dimensional variable-density flow simulation of a coastal aquifer in southern Oahu, Hawaii, USA, Proceedings of 17th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting (SWIM-17), Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 93-103.

Misut, P.E., Monti. J., Jr., and Voss, C.I., 2002, A three-dimensional finite-element model of seawater intrusion in western Long Island, New York, Proceedings of the 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference June 2-5, 2002, Columbia University, New York, NY,

Schneider, R., and Voss, C.I., eds., 2002, Editor's Message - The past year and thanks: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 10, no. 1, p. 1-2. (on-line editorial in pdf format, 13 kb)

Voss, C.I., 2002, Editor's Message: Hydrogeology Journal - manuscript processing goes online: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 10, no. 4, p. 441-442. (on-line editorial in pdf format, 21 kb)

Voss, C.I. and Provost, A.M., 2002, Using variable-density flow modeling for siting a nuclear waste repository in Sweden, Proceedings of 17th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting (SWIM-17), Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 142-154.

Voss, C.I. and Provost, A.M., 2002, SUTRA, a model for saturated-unsaturated variable density ground-water flow with energy or solute transport: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-4231, 250 p. (on-line report, in pdf format - 4.5 MB)

Konikow, L.F., August, L.L., and Voss, C.I., 2001, Effects of Clay Dispersion on Aquifer Storage and Recovery in Coastal Aquifers, Transport in Porous Media, v. 43, p. 45-64. (on-line abstract)

Payne, D.F., Provost, A.M., and Voss, C.I., 2001, Preliminary numerical models of saltwater transport in coastal Georgia and southeastern South Carolina: Proceedings - Georgia Water Resources Conference Vol.2001, p. 656-659.

Voss, C.I., and Provost, A.M., 2001, Recharge-area nuclear waste repository in southeastern Sweden, Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate Report 01:44, Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm, 57 p.

Yechieli, Y., Kafri, U. Goldman, M., Voss, C.I., 2001, Factors controlling the configuration of the fresh-saline water interface in the Dead Sea coastal aquifers: synthesis of TDEM surveys and numerical groundwater modeling: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 9, no. 4, p. 367-377. (on-line abstract or on-line pdf file)

Voss, C.I., and Wilson, W.E., 2000, Online First is here! 2000, Hydrogeology Journal, Volume 8, no. 2, p. 159.

Wilson, W.E., and Voss, C.I., eds., 2000, Editors' message: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 8, no. 1, p. 1. (on-line editorial)

Glynn, P.D., and Voss, C.I., 1999, Geochemical characterization of Simpevarp ground waters near the Aspo Hard Rock Labortory, Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate-SKI, SKI-Report 96:29, 210 p.

Glynn, P.D., Voss, C.I., and Provost, A.M., 1999, Deep penetration of oxygenated meltwaters from warm based sheets into the Fennoscandian Shield, in Use of Hydrological Information in testing groundwater flow models: Technical Summary and Proceedings of a Workshop organized by the NEA Coordinating Group on Site Evaluation at Design of Experiments for Radioactive Waste Disposal (SEDE) and by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB), Borgholm, Sweden, September 1-3, 1997, p. 201-241.

Tiren, S.A., Beckholmon, M., Voss, C.I., and Askling, P., 1999, Development of a structural model of Aspo, southeastern Sweden, Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate Report 96:16, Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm, 198 p.

Voss, C.I., 1999, USGS SUTRA code - history, practical use and application in Hawaii, in Bear, J., Cheng, A.H.D., Sorek, S., Ouzar, D., and Herrera, I., eds., Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers - concepts, methods, and practices: Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 249-313.

Voss, C.I., 1999, Scientific visualization in hydrogeology, editor's message: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 7-2, p. 153-154. (on-line pdf file)

Clifford I. Voss
U.S. Geological Survey, 430 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192
Telephone: 703-648-5885

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