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Healthy Forests Initiative - Fact Sheet

Making A Difference
Fremont-Winema National Forests - Oregon

Using the new categorical exclusions under the President’s Healthy Forests Initiative, the Fremont-Winema National Forests in Oregon are expediting important fuel reduction projects in order to protect communities and other values at risk to catastrophic fire. Here is a sampling of projects:

Sy Precommercial Thin and Natural Fuels (Chiloquin Ranger District): The project totals about 52 acres. The purpose of the project is to reduce fuels by pre-commercially thinning small conifers, piling and burning the slash, and underburning the natural fuels. This project is being done in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, which owns the adjacent lands. The Conservancy is conducting similar activities on their property as part of a cooperative research project examining the effects of stocking reduction and prescribed fire on cavity nesting birds. Forest Service researchers are assisting in the study. The analysis was completed and a decision memo was signed the week of July 26, 2004.

Southgate/Scoria. The Southgate/Scoria Fuels Treatment Project encompass 483 acres bordering the southern “panhandle” of Crater Lake National Park. Some of the units will require cutting young conifers 8 inches and less in diameter, and the removal of small amounts of understory to minimize single and group tree torching. This material will be pulled away from larger trees and, depending on the quantity, either piled or scattered. There may also be some mechanical treatment needed to reduce ground and ladder fuels, resulting in a lower intensity underburn. Hand and/or machine piling followed by pile burning may take place as well. The pre-treatments and underburning will most likely start the spring of 2005 and continue until the project is completed. A decision memo is expected in the late summer to fall 2004

Ninemile CE (Chiloquin Ranger District): About 130 acres of non-wildland urban interface treatment from the HFRA Ninemile Project Area , includes commercial thinning, brush mowing, underburning – analysis completed, decision memo in late summer 2004

Big Jack Projects (Chemult Ranger District): under development, decision memo expected fall 2004

Winter Fuel Break (Paisley Ranger District): beginning project development, no decision memo date yet.

For more information on the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 and the Healthy Forests Initiative, visit www.healthyforests.gov


US Forest Service
Last modified August 03, 2004

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