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Committee on Science and Technology

Press Releases :: October 25, 2007

Gordon, Miller Criticize Censoring of Federal Climate Science

Call on White House to Turn Over All Materials Related to Stifling of Gerberding Testimony

The Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Science and Technology Bart Gordon (D-TN) and the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight Brad Miller (D-NC) are calling on the White House to turn over all documents and records relating to their editing of Congressional testimony on the health impacts of climate change and global warming.

In a letter to White House Science Advisor Dr. John Marburger, the Chairmen demanded an explanation and all documentation surrounding the extensive changes his office made to the testimony of Dr. Julie Gerberding, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dr. Gerberding delivered the edited testimony before a U.S. Senate Committee this week.

"Actions such as this make it clear that Congress needs to pass and enforce a Scientific Integrity Act to protect the rights of government scientists and researchers. If the experts aren’t free to talk about their work without threat of editing or interference, then the public is one who suffers," said Chairman Gordon in reference to the letter. "In the past, we have received promises from Dr. Marburger and the Administration that they will protect the rights of scientists and science - particularly in the area of climate change – but recent actions show we may not be able to rely on those promises. Rep. Henry Waxman and I introduced a Scientific Integrity Act in the last Congress, and I intend to introduce it again."

"When Congress calls a witness to testify, we expect the witness to testify based on the truth as the witness knows it, not what a higher up tells the witness is true. My advice to any administration witness is if you’re convicted of contempt of Congress, obstruction of justice or perjury, Dr. Marburger will not serve your sentence for you," added Chairman Miller.

Read the letter from the Chairmen to Dr. Marburger » »



News from the House Science and Technology Committee
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Bart Gordon, Chairman


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