BioPreferred awareness Training
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You Can Help  
Use BioPreferred
SM !

Welcome to Awareness Training for the BioPreferredSM Program.  This resource is a supporting component in compliance with Section 9002 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (FSRIA).  It directs the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to develop and implement a comprehensive preferred procurement program for the Federal Government.  The law requires Federal agencies to give procurement preference to USDA-designated biobased products and to develop affirmative procurement programs for purchasing them and establishing tracking and reporting systems. 

BioPreferredSM is the name of the procurement preference program designed to increase the purchase and use of biobased products by Federal agencies.  Upon completion of the Modules, you will be able to:


Define the term, biobased product and give examples;


Define BioPreferredSM;  


Define the term, designated item and give examples;


Be aware of the item designation process;


Discuss benefits of buying biobased products; and


Know where to buy designated biobased items.

To enter the training, click on Module One, “Biobased Products & BioPreferred:  What are they?” and follow the arrows at the bottom of each slide.  Once you complete each module, if you wish to review the information again, select the Home link in the footer to go back.  You may review the modules of your choice as often as your needs require.  Take the Self Tests when you are ready to refresh your learning.

Remember - You can help by participating in BioPreferredSM!