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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)


USIP regularly publishes an array of comprehensive analysis and policy recommendations on current international affairs issues, especially on the prevention and resolution of conflict.

We encourage you to sign-up to receive our weekly e-mail newsletter to receive notification of new publications. Below is an overview of the most recent publications. You can also view Special Reports and Peaceworks organized by region.

USIP Press Bookstore Now Open!
Peacebuilding Toolkits
Peacebuilding Toolkit

USIP Develops Fragile States Framework
Working with a wide array of partners from non-governmental organizations, governments, militaries, international organizations, and the private sector, USIP is helping develop common doctrine, frameworks, and methodologies in support of peacebuilding.
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State Building Competencies

State-Building Competencies
State-building is an increasingly important foreign policy mission, whether in the form of assistance to the developing world or in the form of stability and reconstruction operations in post-conflict societies. This document introduces a set of leadership competencies for state-building professionals (SBPs).
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USIP Press
USIP Press Spring 2008 Book Catalog

Spring 2008 Catalog
The Spring 2008 USIP Press Book Catalog is now available, featuring new and forthcoming books such as How We Missed the Story: Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and the Hijacking of Afghanistan, by Roy Gutman; My Kashmir: Conflict and the Prospects for Enduring Peace, by Wajahat Habibullah; and The Madrassah Challenge: Militancy and Religious Education in Pakistan, by C. Christine Fair. | Go Go to the Bookstore

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PDF Catalog addendum: Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace (562KB)

Recent Publications

Would You Fight Again?: Understanding Liberian Ex-Combatant Reintegration
September 2008 | Special Report | Richard Hill, Gwendolyn Taylor, and Jonathan Temin
In countries emerging from conflict, the reintegration of ex-combatants into society is a challenging task—for the nation, aid organizations, and, most of all, the former fighters themselves.


Making Borders Irrelevant in Kashmir
September 2008 | Special Report | P. R. Chari and Hasan Askari Rizvi
In this report, a duo of experts from India and Pakistan explore the prospect of "making borders irrelevant" in Kashmir through increased movement of people, goods and services across the "Line of Control." The findings draw on the results of a survey of stakeholders and public opinion on both sides.


Securing the Future: A Primer on Security Sector Reform in Conflict Countries
September 2008 | Special Report | Sean McFate
Security sector reform (SSR) is essential in the transition from war to peace in conflict zones and is a topic of urgent importance. This report discusses definitions of SSR, the field's emergence, and challenges in current SSR implementation, among other topics.


Haiti: Confronting the Gangs of Port-au-Prince
September 2008 | Special Report | Michael Dziedzic and Robert M. Perito
The UN mission in Haiti's successful campaign against the country's gangs set a precedent for future missions. Based on field research, authors Michael Dziedzic and Robert Perito explore the conduct of military and police operations, Haitians' overwhelmingly positive views of the UN intervention and lessons learned.


Depoliticizing Zimbabwe’s Economy: Solutions for Two Million Percent
August 2008 | USIPeace Briefing | Raymond Gilpin
Zimbabwe is saddled with two million percent annual price increases, rampant corruption and pervasive unemployment. Experts believe that an effort to reform the country's political corruption and irresponsible monetary policies will be central to establishing social and economic stability in the long run.


Moving Beyond Relief: The Challenges of Settling Kenya's Internally Displaced
August 2008 | USIPeace Briefing | Sheila Mwiandi
This briefing by Sheila Mwiandi explores various dimensions of Kenya's post-election IDP problems, including elections-related issues prior to 2008, challenges to relocating IDPs and strategies for improving the situation.


Iraq: Positive Change in the Detention System
July 2008 | USIPeace Briefing | Elizabeth Detwiler
This USIPeace Briefing, summarizing remarks from a former commander for detainee operations in Iraq, discusses recent successes in improving the conditions of insurgent detainees in the country.

Online Press Kits and News Releases
Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace Cover

Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace: American Leadership in the Middle East
February 2008
Authors Scott Lasensky and Daniel Kurtzer conlude that there can be no endgame, two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict without the United States playing an active role in spurring the negotiations.
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How We Missed the Story Cover

How We Missed the Story: Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and the Hijacking of Afghanistan
January 2008
Award-winning journalist Roy Gutman weaves a narrative that exposes how and why the U.S. government, the United Nations, and the Western media "missed the story" in the leadup to 9/11.
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