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Security and Democracy in Pakistan: Back to the Future?
September 10, 2008 | A public event co-sponsored with the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
audio [Audio Available]


Antiquities in Iraq: Cultural Heritage and Iraq's Future
September 8, 2008 | Public Event


Red Flags, Green Flags: How Big Business Can Help Promote Peace in Conflict Zones
August 21, 2008 | Public Event


Roundtable on Economic Stabilization and Peace in Zimbabwe
August 12, 2008 | Public Event


Iraqi Minister of Interior, Jawad al-Bolani
July 30, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Thwarting Afghanistan's Insurgency: A Pragmatic Approach to Peace and Reconciliation
July 29, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


The Future of the U.S. Military Presence in Iraq
July 25, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Israel's Airstrike on Syria's Nuclear Reactor: Preventive War and the Nonproliferation Regime
July 14, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Mullahs, Money, and Militias: How Iran Exerts its Influence in the Middle East
June 27, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


His Excellency, Dr. Abdul Jabbar Sabit, Attorney General of Afghanistan
June 24, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Foreign Policy and the Next U.S. Administration
June 24, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Zimbabwe Votes 2008
June 23, 2008 | Public Event


Nepal: En Route to Peace and Democracy
June 18, 2008 | Public Event


Sudan: What's Happening, What Needs to Happen Now?
June 18, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Resettling Kenya's Internally Displaced Persons
June 17, 2008 | Public Event


Lessons from the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War for the War on Terror
June 16, 2008 | Public Event


New Avenues for National Reconciliation in Iraq
June 12, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Major General Douglas Stone, MNF-I Deputy Commanding General for Detainee Operations
June 11, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Advancing the Interfaith Youth Movement for Peace
June 10, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Promoting Business and Peace in Conflict-Affected Countries
June 9, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


A Discussion with Ahmed Rashid
June 6, 2008 | A public event co-sponsored with the CSIS Post-Conflict Reconstruction Project.


Kenya's Media and Post-Election Violence
June 3, 2008 | A public event co-sponsored with Internews.


Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo
June 4, 2008 | A public event co-sponsored with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Africa Program.


The Kashmir Dispute: Making Borders Irrelevant
June 4, 2008 | A public event co-sponsored with the Brookings Institution.


Community-Centered Conflict Prevention and Preparedness: New Paradigm?
May 21, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


First Annual INPROL Meeting
May 20, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


The North Korean Food Crisis: What Can Be Done?
May 20, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Held Hostage in Colombia: New Hope for a Humanitarian Accord?
May 14, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Is Lebanon Sliding Toward a New Civil War?
May 15, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Bringing Peace to the Niger Delta
May 2, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


The United States and the Northern Ireland Peace Process: A Washington Forum
May 1, 2008 | Public Event


Religious Reconciliation in Iraq
April 29, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Kick-starting the Virtuous Cycle? Security, Development, and Governance in Afghanistan
April 25, 2008 | A public event of the Afghanistan Working Group.
audio [Audio Available]


Can Hip Hop Beat Conflict?
April 18, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


GEMAP in Liberia: A Model for Economic Management in Conflict-Affected Countries
April 9, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Fixing the Interior Ministry and Police in Iraq
April 7, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Creative Solutions for Economic Recovery in Conflict-Affected States
April 4, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Searching for Truth in the Midst of Conflict
March 31, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Zimbabwe: A Pre-election Report
March 27, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


The Current Situation in Somalia and the Way Forward
March 24, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace: A Guidebook for American Policymakers
March 13, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Beyond Bricks And Mortar: The "Civilian Surge" In Iraq
March 11, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Jan Egeland: Protecting People
March 11, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Killing Friends, Making Enemies: The Impact and Avoidance of Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan
March 10, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Riding the Surge? The Progress of Iraq's National Government
March 7, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


A World Without Nuclear Weapons: The International Dimension
March 6, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio and Summary Available]


The Role of Independent Diplomat: A New Approach to Diplomacy and Conflict
March 5, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Interim Governments: Institutional Bridges to Peace and Democracy?
March 4, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Democracy's Revenge? Pakistan's Elections and Beyond
March 4, 2008 | Public Event


Resurrecting the Wall of Fear: The Human Rights Situation in Syria
February 29, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Kosovo: What Next?
February 26, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Iraq: Are Politics Beginning to Move?
February 21, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


The Role of Diasporas in Conflict and Peacemaking
February 14, 2008 | Public Event


Peace, Security, and Reconciliation with the Taliban
February 8, 2008 | Public event featuring the Honorable Prof. Sibghatullah Al-Mojaddedi, chairman of the Afghan Upper House and former president of the Islamic Interim Government of Afghanistan


Negotiating with the Islamic Republic of Iran: Raising the Chances for Success
February 7, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Confronting the Truth: Truth Commissions and Societies in Transition
February 5, 2008 | Public Event/Film Screening


Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq
February 5, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio, Summary, and Transcript Available]


How We Missed the Story: Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and the Hijacking of Afghanistan
January 31, 2008 | Public Event


Intelligence and the Prevention of Conflict: The NIE Process and Iran's Nuclear Ambitions
January 30, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Iraq's Mystery Men: Insurgent, Tribes and Sadrists
January 29, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Integrating Women into Liberia's New Security Forces
January 24, 2008 | Public Event
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Sri Lanka’s Return to War
January 18, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Rethinking Democracy Promotion in the Middle East
January 16, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]


Public Opinion in Pakistan
January 7, 2008 | Public Event
audio [Audio Available]



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