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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

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Executive Office

The officers of the United States Institute of Peace are appointed by its Board of Directors, consistent with the United States Institute of Peace Act and the Institute's Bylaws.

President: Richard H. Solomon
Richard Solomon

Richard H. Solomon has been president of the Institute since 1993, and has overseen the Institute's growth into a center of international conflict management analysis and applied programs. Prior to this assignment, Solomon was assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs from 1989 to 1992. In that capacity, he negotiated the Cambodia peace treaty, the first United Nations "Permanent Five" peacemaking agreement; had a leading role in the dialogue on nuclear issues between the United States and South and North Korea; helped establish the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation initiative; and led U.S. negotiations with Japan, Mongolia, and Vietnam on important bilateral matters. More

Senior Counselor/Vice President for Headquarters Project: Charles E. Nelson
Charles Nelson

Charles E. Nelson is vice president of the Institute. Among his many duties, he works on the Institute's relations with Congress and on the development of architectural plans and funding for the Institute's new headquarters building. He also oversees the Institute's Latin America activities, which have included programs focusing on democracy-building, civil-military relations, and the Organization of American States. More

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