import ij.*; import ij.gui.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import ij.plugin.frame.*; /** * @version 1.2 Date 21 Aug 2006 - uses absolute positioning * 1.1 Date 18 Aug 2006 - added KeyListener support * 1.0.5 Date 17 Aug 2006 - code improved by Wayne Raspband * 1.0 Date 15 Aug 2006 * * @author Dimiter Prodanov * * Catholic University of Louvaion - Brussels * * Based on Mikael Bonnier's Pocket Calculator * * @contents This plugin is a programing example for the PluginFrame class * * * @license This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ public class JCalc_ extends PlugInFrame implements ActionListener, KeyListener { public final int WINDOW_WIDTH = 300; public final int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 275; public final int OP_NONE = 0; public final int OP_ADD = 1; public final int OP_SUB = 2; public final int OP_MUL = 3; public final int OP_DIV = 4; public final int OP_NEG = 5; public final int OP_SQRT = 6; public final int OP_SQR = 7; public final int OP_LOG = 8; public final int OP_XDIV = 9; public final int OP_PI = 10; public final int OP_EQ = 70; public final int OP_C = 80; public final int OP_AC = 90; public final int OP_MC = 100; public final int OP_MR = 110; public final int OP_MM = 120; public final int OP_MP = 130; public final int OP_PCT = 14; public final int DECSEP = -1; TextField text; int buttonWidth, buttonHeight; String msDecimal; int mnOp = OP_NONE; boolean mbNewNumber = true; boolean mbDecimal = false; double mdReg = 0.0; double mdMemory = 0.0; boolean mbConstant = false; double mdConstant = 0.0; int mnConstantOp = OP_NONE; boolean mbPercent = false; double mdFirst = 0.0; static PlugInFrame instance; public JCalc_() { super("JCalc Plugin"); if (instance!=null) { instance.toFront(); return; } WindowManager.addWindow(this); instance = this; setSize(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);; setVisible(true); } /** Overrides Component.addNotify(). Init() must be called after addNotify() or getInsets() will not return the title bar height. */ public void addNotify() { super.addNotify(); init(); } public void init() { int titleBarHeight = getInsets().top; int rows = 5; int columns = 5; buttonWidth = 50; buttonHeight = 34; int xm = 20; // x margin int ym = titleBarHeight+38; // y margin int xinc = (WINDOW_WIDTH-xm*2)/columns+1; int yinc = (WINDOW_HEIGHT-ym)/rows-2; Button btn0 = makeButton("0", OP_NONE, xm, ym+yinc*3); Button btn1 = makeButton("1", OP_NONE, xm, ym); Button btn2 = makeButton("2", OP_NONE, xm+xinc, ym); Button btn3 = makeButton("3", OP_NONE, xm+xinc*2, ym); Button btn4 = makeButton("4", OP_NONE, xm, ym+yinc); Button btn5 = makeButton("5", OP_NONE, xm+xinc, ym+yinc); Button btn6 = makeButton("6", OP_NONE, xm+xinc*2, ym+yinc); Button btn7 = makeButton("7", OP_NONE, xm, ym+yinc*2); Button btn8 = makeButton("8", OP_NONE, xm+xinc, ym+yinc*2); Button btn9 = makeButton("9", OP_NONE, xm+xinc*2, ym+yinc*2); //Button btnPI = makeButton("PI", OP_PI); // modifiers Button btnDecSep = makeButton(".", OP_NONE, xm+xinc, ym+yinc*3); Button btnNeg = makeButton("\u00b1", OP_NEG, xm+xinc*2, ym+yinc*3); // plus-minus sign // operands Button btnSqrt = makeButton("Sqrt", OP_SQRT, xm+xinc*3, ym+yinc*4); Button btnPlus = makeButton("+", OP_ADD, xm+xinc*3, ym); Button btnMinus = makeButton("-", OP_SUB, xm+xinc*3, ym+yinc); Button btnTimes = makeButton("x", OP_MUL, xm+xinc*3, ym+yinc*2); Button btnDiv = makeButton("\u00f7", OP_DIV, xm+xinc*3, ym+yinc*3); Button btnEqual = makeButton("=", OP_EQ, xm+xinc*4, ym+yinc*4); Button btnClear = makeButton("C", OP_C, xm+xinc*4, ym); //Button btnAllClear = makeButton("AC", OP_AC); Button btnMemoryClear = makeButton("MC", OP_MC, xm+xinc*4, ym+yinc*2); Button btnMemoryRecall = makeButton("MR", OP_MR, xm+xinc*4, ym+yinc*3); //Button btnMemoryMinus = makeButton("M-", OP_MM); Button btnMemoryPlus = makeButton("M+", OP_MP, xm+xinc*4, ym+yinc); //Button btnPercent = makeButton("%", OP_PCT, xm, ym+yinc*4); Button btn1ovX = makeButton("1/x", OP_XDIV, xm+xinc, ym+yinc*4); Button btnLog = makeButton("Log", OP_LOG, xm, ym+yinc*4);; Button btnSqr = makeButton("x\u00b2", OP_SQR, xm+xinc*2, ym+yinc*4); // "\u00b2" = superscript 2 setLayout(null); setForeground(java.awt.Color.darkGray); setResizable(false); setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14)); text = new TextField("0", 80); text.setEditable(false); text.addKeyListener(this); text.setBounds(xm, ym-30, WINDOW_WIDTH-xm*2, 25); add(text); String sOneTenth = (new Double(0.1)).toString(); msDecimal = sOneTenth.substring(sOneTenth.length()-2).substring(0, 1); // Handles language dependent decimal separator. } Button makeButton(String label, int op, int x, int y) { Button button = new Button(label); button.addActionListener(this); button.addKeyListener(this); button.setName(""+op); if (label.length()>2) button.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14)); else button.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 16)); button.setBounds(x, y, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); add(button); return button; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { Button b = (Button)evt.getSource(); int op = Integer.parseInt(b.getName()); if (op==OP_NONE) { String cmd = evt.getActionCommand(); doOp(OP_NONE); if (cmd.equals(".")) append(DECSEP); else append(cmd); } else doOp(op); } public void append(String value) { append(Integer.parseInt(value)); } public void append(int nValue) { String sDigit; if(nValue == DECSEP) if(!mbDecimal) { if(mbNewNumber) { text.setText("0"); mbNewNumber = false; } mbDecimal = true; sDigit = msDecimal; } else return; else sDigit = (new Integer(nValue)).toString(); if(mbNewNumber) { text.setText(sDigit); if(nValue != 0) mbNewNumber = false; } else text.setText(text.getText() + sDigit); //repaint(); } public void doOp(int nNewOp) { double dDisp; dDisp = (new Double(text.getText())).doubleValue(); if(mbPercent) if(nNewOp != OP_ADD && nNewOp != OP_SUB) mbPercent = false; if(!mbPercent) switch(nNewOp) { case OP_ADD: case OP_SUB: case OP_MUL: case OP_DIV: if(mbNewNumber) { if(nNewOp == mnOp && !mbConstant) { mbConstant = true; mdConstant = dDisp; mnConstantOp = nNewOp; } else mbConstant = false; } else mbConstant = false; case OP_EQ: case OP_MM: case OP_MP: case OP_PCT: if(!mbNewNumber || isEqOp(nNewOp)) { if(mbConstant) { mdReg = mdConstant; mnOp = mnConstantOp; } mbPercent = nNewOp == OP_PCT; if(mbPercent) mdFirst = mdReg; switch(mnOp) { case OP_ADD: mdReg = mdReg + dDisp; break; case OP_SUB: mdReg = mdReg - dDisp; break; case OP_MUL: mdReg = mdReg * dDisp; break; case OP_DIV: mdReg = mdReg / dDisp; break; case OP_EQ: case OP_MM: case OP_MP: case OP_PCT: case OP_NONE: mdReg = dDisp; break; } if(mbPercent) mdReg /= 100; text.setText((new Double(mdReg)).toString()); } mnOp = nNewOp; mbNewNumber = true; mbDecimal = false; break; } switch(nNewOp) { case OP_ADD: if(mbPercent) { mdReg = mdFirst + mdReg; text.setText((new Double(mdReg)).toString()); mbPercent = false; } break; case OP_SUB: if(mbPercent) { mdReg = mdFirst - mdReg; text.setText((new Double(mdReg)).toString()); mbPercent = false; } break; case OP_NEG: dDisp = -dDisp; text.setText((new Double(dDisp)).toString()); if(isEqOp(mnOp)) mdReg = dDisp; break; case OP_SQRT: dDisp = Math.sqrt(dDisp); text.setText((new Double(dDisp)).toString()); if(isEqOp(mnOp)) mdReg = dDisp; mbNewNumber = true; mbDecimal = false; break; case OP_SQR: dDisp = dDisp*dDisp; text.setText((new Double(dDisp)).toString()); if(isEqOp(mnOp)) mdReg = dDisp; mbNewNumber = true; mbDecimal = false; break; case OP_XDIV: dDisp = 1/dDisp; text.setText((new Double(dDisp)).toString()); if(isEqOp(mnOp)) mdReg = dDisp; mbNewNumber = true; mbDecimal = false; break; case OP_LOG: dDisp = Math.log(dDisp); text.setText((new Double(dDisp)).toString()); if(isEqOp(mnOp)) mdReg = dDisp; mbNewNumber = true; mbDecimal = false; break; case OP_PI: dDisp = Math.PI; text.setText((new Double(dDisp)).toString()); if(isEqOp(mnOp)) mdReg = dDisp; mbNewNumber = true; mbDecimal = false; break; case OP_C: dDisp = 0.0; text.setText("0"); if(isEqOp(mnOp)) mdReg = dDisp; mbNewNumber = true; mbDecimal = false; break; case OP_AC: text.setText("0"); mnOp = OP_NONE; mbNewNumber = true; mbDecimal = false; mdReg = 0.0; mbConstant = false; break; case OP_MC: mdMemory = 0.0; break; case OP_MR: dDisp = mdMemory; text.setText((new Double(dDisp)).toString()); if(isEqOp(mnOp)) mdReg = dDisp; mbNewNumber = true; mbDecimal = false; break; case OP_MM: mdMemory -= mdReg; break; case OP_MP: mdMemory += mdReg; break; } } private boolean isEqOp(int nOp) { return nOp == OP_EQ || nOp == OP_MM || nOp == OP_MP || nOp == OP_PCT; } /** Overrides windowClosing in PluginFrame. */ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { super.windowClosing(e); instance = null; } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent ev) { char c=ev.getKeyChar(); int code=ev.getKeyCode(); String s=new String(""); if (c>='0' && c<='9') { doOp(OP_NONE); s+=c; append(s); } else if (c=='.') { doOp(OP_NONE); append(DECSEP); } else if (c=='+') doOp(OP_ADD); else if (c=='-') doOp(OP_SUB); else if (c=='*') doOp(OP_MUL); else if (c=='/') doOp(OP_DIV); else if (c=='=') doOp(OP_EQ); else if (c=='q') doOp(OP_SQRT); else if (c=='s') doOp(OP_SQR); else if (c=='l') doOp(OP_LOG); else if (c=='x') doOp(OP_XDIV); else if (c=='n') doOp(OP_NEG); else if (c=='p') doOp(OP_PI); else if (c==' ') doOp(OP_C); else if (c=='%') doOp(OP_PCT); } public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ev) {} public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ev) {} }