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Federal Coordinator Powell Asks Congress for $4.2 billion in Additional Funds for Louisiana’s Housing Needs

Release Date: 02/15/06 00:00:00

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact:  DJ Nordquist, (202) 357-8150
February 15, 2006

Federal Coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuilding Donald E. Powell convened a briefing on Capitol Hill today with members of the Louisiana Congressional delegation, Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and several parish presidents to discuss the details of President Bush’s request to Congress to provide an additional $4.2 billion in Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) for Louisiana’s housing needs in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

The full supplemental budget request will be transmitted by the Office of Management and Budget tomorrow. This $4.2 billion will be a part of that request.

“Louisiana faces dual challenges: first, they have to repair the damage from the hurricanes, and we spoke to that need earlier with the $6.2 billion in Community Development Block Grant funds,” Powell said. “Their second challenge is to protect against future flooding disasters, not simply with repair of damaged housing and infrastructure, but also through hazard mitigation measures. These additional $4.2 billion in funds that President Bush is requesting speak to that second challenge.

“I have been engaged in constant dialogue with the leaders representing the region, and I am encouraged by the progress they are making toward a detailed plan on how to rebuild their community. These funds will help them realize those plans, and we look forward to seeing those plans continue to be developed in a responsible manner. We believe that these funds will meet the permanent housing needs of the state so that its residents can return and get back on their feet, not only with a roof over their heads, but with a safe one.

“The President is committed to fulfilling his promise to provide federal assistance to support the plans of the local people devastated by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. We will help them build back ‘better and stronger,’ in President Bush’s words, and we will ensure the safety of the residents and the vitality of the region,” he concluded.


This page was last modified on 02/15/06 00:00:00