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Federal Coordinator Doug O'Dell Attends New Langston Hughes Charter School Groundbreaking

Release Date: June 10, 2008

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: Brendan Lacivita (202) 572-8878

New Orleans, LA. – General Doug O'Dell, federal coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuilding, today spoke at a groundbreaking ceremony for the new state-of-the art Langston Hughes Charter School.

"It is an honor to stand here today to recognize the efforts of local leaders, such as Principal John Alford, who are the embodiment of a courageous new generation seeking to serve a cause larger than themselves," said O'Dell. "Local leaders, parents, and educators in New Orleans are focused on experimenting with what produces results and charter schools like Langston Hughes are producing those results."

The new Langston Hughes Charter School, expected to be completed by August 2009, is the first new public school to be constructed in New Orleans in five years, and is part of the Quick Start school initiative. The initiative, announced last summer, will result in the construction or complete renovation of five New Orleans public schools within the next two years. Charter schools allow for more flexibility, greater accountability, and better results for the city's young people. The U.S. Department of Education has worked to support the city and state in this effort by granting more than $45 million to strengthen this emerging network of charters.

"FEMA also deserves credit for their efforts to streamline their internal processes to ensure the policies they are using to reconstruct schools throughout New Orleans are based more on common sense and practical thinking," added O'Dell. "I would particularly like to recognize Jim Stark, acting associate deputy administrator for Gulf Coast recovery and director of the Louisiana Transitional Recovery Office, and send full credit to FEMA Administrator Dave Paulison and Deputy Administrator Harvey Johnston for their efforts to assist the people of New Orleans through more effective public assistance processes, and for using practical solutions to speed recovery working with State Education Superintendent Paul Pastorek and Recovery School District Superintendent Paul Vallas. Without the generosity of the American taxpayer and the partnerships between local leaders and government agencies the recovery of New Orleans would not be where it is today."

The Office of the Federal Coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuilding has been engaged in facilitating and streamlining the recovery effort, providing key federal support and resources to state and local leaders, as well as reinforcing the federal government's commitment to the people of the Gulf Coast.


This page was last reviewed/modified on June 10, 2008.