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Committee on Science and Technology

Press Releases :: May 29, 2007

Miller, Lampson Continue Efforts to Halt Closure of Savannah River Ecology Lab

(Washington, DC) The Investigations and Oversight (I&O) Subcommittee and the Energy and Environment (E&E) Subcommittee of the House Committee on Science and Technology today followed up on their previous request for information regarding the pending closure of the Savannah River Ecology Lab (SREL).

“On May 16 we wrote to you regarding the decision making surrounding the reduction in support for the work of the Savannah River Ecology Lab – a reduction so severe it amounts to a decision to close the lab. We asked at that time that you provide direction that funding for the lab continue at a level that would provide minimal support for the lab, its personnel, overhead and research efforts. We have learned that amounts to just $300,000 a month,” state I&O Chairman Brad Miller (D-NC) and E&E Chairman Nick Lampson (D-TX) in their follow-up letter to U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman.

“Your response back dated May 23 is silent on our request that you provide an assurance that the Department would continue to support the lab. We ask again for that commitment. In just two days, the lab will have to lay off employees, shut down experiments, release, give away or euthanize animals on site and a whole chain of other steps that will make it increasingly difficult to revive the laboratory should Congress decide that the Department’s decision making here does not reflect the best interests of the public.”

The internationally regarded lab was established to study effects of the Savannah River Nuclear Weapons facility on the surrounding environment. Despite its success and proven value, federal funding has been halted and the lab faces closure within days.

In previous correspondence to Secretary Bodman, Miller and Lampson called the lab indispensable in tracking the environmental conditions around the Savannah River site and providing unbiased information to the public and the government about those conditions.

The Chairmen have asked Secretary Bodman to take care to guard against the destruction of any records the Committee has requested and they also make clear that further action – specifically a formal Committee hearing on this matter – will likely be held this summer.

Read today’s letter from the Chairmen to Secretary Bodman by clicking here.



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Bart Gordon, Chairman


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