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Committee on Science, Democratic Caucus Appropriation Update :: September 26, 2005

Moving the Money

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In the House Appropriations Committee

Awaiting Subcommittee action

  • All bills complete

Awaiting Committee action

  • All bills complete

Approved for Floor

  • All bills complete

In the Senate Appropriations Committee

Awaiting Subcommittee action

  • All bills complete

Awaiting Committee action

  • Defense

Approved for Floor

  • Labor - HHS - Education
  • District of Columbia
  • Transportation - Treasury - Judiciary- HUD

Floor Action

House Passed
11 of 11

  • Agriculture
  • Defense
  • Energy and Water
  • Foreign Operations
  • Homeland Security
  • Interior and Environment
  • Labor - HHS - Education
  • Legislative Branch
  • Military Quality of Life - Veterans Affairs
  • Science - State - Justice - Commerce
  • Transportation - Treasury - HUD - Judiciary - District of Columbia

Senate Passed
8 of 12

  • Agriculture
  • Commerce - Justice - Science
  • Energy and Water
  • Homeland Security
  • Interior and Related Agencies
  • Legislative Branch
  • Military Construction - Veterans Affairs
  • State - Foreign Operations

Conference Committees

Conference Pending

  • Agriculture
  • Science - State - Justice - Commerce [Commerce - Justice - Science]
  • Energy and Water
  • Homeland Security
  • Foreign Operations [State - Foreign Operations]
  • Military Quality of Life - Veterans Affairs [Military Construction - Veterans Affairs]

In Conference


Public Laws

Signed by President


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