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Atmospheric Science & Global Change

Complex Regional Meteorology

  • Conduct basic and applied research in boundary-layer, mesoscale, and synoptic scale atmospheric processes
  • Design and conduct field campaigns to obtain measurements of a wide range of atmospheric processes
  • Analyze field campaign measurements and apply conceptual and numerical models to improve understanding of fundamental meteorological processes and to determine how those processes affect the evolution of trace gases and aerosols

Our research approach at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is characterized by integrating data analysis and modeling to improve our understanding of atmospheric processes related to transport and fate of energy-related pollutants, regional climate, and homeland security issues. Examples of past work include circulations influenced by complex terrain such as slope, valley, and canyon wind systems, structure of the convective, stable, and transition boundary layers, turbulence, circulations in urban environments, radiation budgets, fluxes of heat, moisture, and momentum, and local to synoptic scale transport processes. As part of these activities, PNNL has led field studies that have been performed collaboratively with other government agencies, universities, and private companies. We maintain a large suite of surface-based, in situ, and remote sensing meteorological instruments that have been widely used in field studies, and we have extensive experience in applying and developing conceptual, analytical, and mesoscale meteorological models and direct numerical simulation models.

Members of the PNNL Meteorology group have published scientific papers in a broad range of journals, including the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Monthly Weather Review, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Journal of Climate, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Weather and Forecasting, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, Atmospheric Environment, and Boundary-Layer Meteorology.

Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change

Fundamental & Computational Sciences

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