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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why should I breastfeed?

Breastfeeding is normal and healthy for infants and moms. Breast milk has disease-fighting cells called antibodies that help protect infants from germs, illness, and even sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Breastfeeding is linked to a lower risk of various health problems for both babies and moms. Infant formula cannot match the exact chemical makeup of human milk, especially the cells, hormones, and antibodies that fight disease. For most babies, breast milk is easier to digest than formula. It takes time for their stomachs to adjust to digesting proteins in formula because they are made from cow's milk.

Learn more about the Benefits of Breastfeeding.

How long should I breastfeed?

It is best to give your baby only breast milk for the first six months of life. This means not giving your baby any other food or drink—not even water—during this time. Drops of liquid vitamins, minerals, and medicines are, of course, fine, as advised by your baby's doctor. It is even better if you can breastfeed for your baby's first year or longer, for as long as you both wish. Solid iron-rich foods, such as iron-fortified cereals and pureed vegetables and meats, can be started when your baby is around six months old. Before that time, a baby's stomach cannot digest them properly. Solids do not replace breastfeeding. Breast milk stays the baby's main source of nutrients during the first year. Beyond one year, breast milk can still be an important part of your child's diet.

Will breastfeeding tie me to my home?

Not at all! Breastfeeding can be convenient no matter where you are because you don't have to bring along feeding equipment like bottles, water, or formula. Your baby is all you need. Even if you want to breastfeed in private, you usually can find a woman's lounge or fitting room. If you want to go out without your baby, you can pump your milk beforehand, and leave it for someone else to give your baby while you are gone.

Learn more about the Pumping and Storage of breast milk.

Will my partner be jealous if I breastfeed?

If you prepare your partner in advance, there should be no jelousy. Explain that you need support. Discuss the important benefits of breastfeeding. Explain that not making bottles means more rest. Be sure to emphasize how much money will be saved. It would cost over $300 a month to pay for formula—money that could go to bills, savings, or a vacation. Explain that breastfeeding will give the child the best start at life, with benefits that can last well into childhood. Your partner can help by changing and burping the baby, sharing chores, and simply sitting with you and the baby to enjoy the special mood that breastfeeding creates.

Learn more about Family and Partner Support.

If I have small breasts or very large breasts, can I still breastfeed?

Of course! Breast size is not related to the ability to produce milk for a baby. Breast size is due to the amount of fatty tissue in the breast and the milk storage capacity of your breast. Small breasts make plenty of milk; they just do not store a lot of milk. Therefore babies will breastfeed often from a mother with smaller breasts. Large breasts make plenty of milk, too.

Can I still breastfeed if I have had breast surgery?

How much milk you can produce depends on how your surgery was done, where your incisions are, and the reasons for your surgery. Women who have had incisions in the fold under the breasts are less likely to have problems making milk than women who have had incisions around or across the areola, which can cut into milk ducts and nerves. Women who have had breast implants usually breastfeed successfully. If you ever had surgery on your breasts for any reason, talk with a lactation consultant. If you are planning breast surgery, talk with your surgeon about ways he or she can preserve as much of the breast tissue and milk ducts as possible.

Can I breastfeed if I become ill?

Yes! Most common illnesses, such as colds, flu, or diarrhea, can't be passed through breast milk, and your milk will have antibodies in it to help protect your baby from getting the same sickness.

Do I have to restrict my sex life while breastfeeding?

No. But, if you are having vaginal dryness, you can try more foreplay and water-based lubricants. You can feed your baby or express some milk before lovemaking so your breasts will be more comfortable and less likely to leak. During sex, you also can put pressure on the nipple when it lets down or have a towel handy to catch the milk.

Do I still need birth control if I am breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding can delay the return of normal ovulation and menstrual cycles. But, like other forms of birth control, breastfeeding is not a sure way to prevent pregnancy. You should still talk with your doctor or nurse about birth control choices that are compatible with breastfeeding, including the lactational amenorrhea method.

Can I breastfeed if I smoke?

If you smoke tobacco, it is best for you and your baby if you try to quit as soon as possible. If you can't quit though, it is still better to breastfeed since your baby is at higher risk of having respiratory problems and for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Breastfeeding lowers the risk of both of these health problems in your baby. Be sure to smoke away from your baby and change clothes to keep your baby away from the secondhand smoke on your clothing.

Learn more about Smoking and How To Quit.

Can I breastfeed if I drink alcohol?

You should avoid drinking large quantities of alcohol if you are a breastfeeding mother. If you have an occasional drink of alcohol, you should wait for about two hours to pass before breastfeeding. Also, many babies don't like the taste of your milk after you have had alcohol and will breastfeed more once the alcohol is out of your system.

I heard that breast milk can have toxins in it from my environment. Is it still safe for my baby?

Breast milk remains the best way to feed and nurture young infants and children. The advantages of breastfeeding far outweigh any possible risks from environmental pollutants. Infant formula is usually not a better choice. The formula itself, the water it is mixed with, and/or the bottles or nipples used to give it to the baby can be contaminated with bacteria or chemicals.

Will my baby get enough vitamin D if I breastfeed?

All infants and children, including those who are exclusively breastfed and those who are fed formula, should have at least 200 International Units (IU) of vitamin D per day, starting during the first two months of life, to help them build strong bones. New research suggests that mothers should be getting 200-400 IU of vitamin D per day to ensure plenty of vitamin D in her milk and for her own health. You can buy vitamin D supplements for infants at a drug store or grocery store. Sunlight can be a major source of vitamin D, but it is hard to measure how much sunlight your baby gets. Ask your doctor and your baby's doctor about vitamin D.

Does my breastfed baby need vaccines? Is it safe for me to get a vaccine when I'm breastfeeding?

Yes. Vaccines are very important to your baby's health. Follow the schedule your doctor gives you and, if you miss any, check with him or her about getting your baby back on track. Breastfeeding while the vaccine is given to your baby—or immediately afterwards—can help relieve pain and sooth an upset baby. Most nursing mothers may also receive vaccines. Breastfeeding does not affect the vaccine, and vaccines are not harmful to your breast milk.

What should I do if my baby bites me?

A baby can't bite and breastfeed at the same time, although many older babies will try! If your baby starts to clamp down, you can put your finger in his or her mouth and take him or her off of your breast with a firm, "No." If your baby continues to bite you, you can try a few things:

  • Stop the feeding immediately so the baby is not tempted to get another reaction from you. Don't laugh. This is part of your baby learning limits.
  • Offer a teething toy, or a snack or drink from a cup instead.
  • Put your baby down for a moment to show that biting brings a negative consequence. You can then pick him up again to give comfort.

I just found out that I'm pregnant. Can I still breastfeed my toddler?

Breastfeeding during your next pregnancy is not a risk to either the breastfeeding toddler or to the new developing baby. If you are having some problems in your pregnancy such as uterine pain or bleeding, a history of preterm labor, or problems gaining weight during pregnancy, your doctor may advise you to wean. Some women also choose to wean at this time because they have nipple soreness caused by pregnancy hormones, are nauseous, or find that their growing stomachs make breastfeeding uncomfortable. Your toddler also may decide to wean on his own because of changes in the amount and flavor of your milk. He or she will need additional food and drink because you will likely make less milk during pregnancy.

If you keep nursing your toddler after your baby is born, you can feed your newborn first to ensure he or she gets the colostrum. Once your milk production increases a few days after birth you can decide how to best meet everyone's needs, especially the new baby's needs for you and your milk. You may want to ask your partner to help you by taking care of one child while you are breastfeeding. Also, you will have a need for more fluids, healthy foods, and rest because you are taking care of yourself and two small children.

For More Information

For more information about breastfeeding, call at 1-800-994-9662 or contact the following organizations:

American Academy of Pediatrics
Phone number: (847) 434-4000
Internet address:

American College of Nurse-Midwives
Phone number: (240) 485-1800
Internet address:

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
Phone number: 202-638-5577
Internet address:

American Pregnancy Association
Phone number: (972) 815-2337
Internet address:

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH
Phone number: (800) 370-2943
Internet address:

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), HHS
Phone number: (888) INFO-FDA or (888) 463-6332
Internet address:

International Lactation Consultant Association
Phone number: (919) 861-5577
Internet address:

La Leche League
Phone number: (800) LALECHE or (800) 525-3243
Internet address:

March of Dimes
Phone number: (914) 997-4488
Internet address:

Wellstart International
Phone number: (619) 295-5192
Internet address:

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program, USDA
Internet address:

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Content last updated September 10, 2008.

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