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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Photo Galleries

Featured Gallery

Strengthening Security and the Rule of Law in Nepal

Strengthening Security and the Rule of Law in Nepal

February- August, 2007

Since 2005, USIP has worked with civil society and police on rule of law and security issues through projects on the ground in Nepal. Additionally, the Institute has organized public events, seminars and political briefings in Washington on important rule of law and human rights issues related to Nepal. This gallery chronicles USIP's work in Nepal.

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Other Galleries
USIP Participates in Global Youth Forum in Chicago

USIP Participates in Global Youth Forum in Chicago
November 7-11, 2007
USIP supported this year's Global Youth Forum, hosted by People to People International, by developing a program on the complexities of international conflict and resolution.
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Building Bridges of Understanding and Peace with the Muslim World

Building Bridges of Understanding and Peace with the Muslim World
October 11-13, 2007
This program was designed to focus on cultural and religious conflict, and was a part of a series of three events that USIP sponsored in Minneapolis.
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International Mediation: Maximizing Prospects for Success

International Mediation: Maximizing Prospects for Success
September 27-28, 2007
Twenty-five conflict resolution professionals focused on mediation strategies at this conference, which featured a simulation on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a presentation on mediation by former Middle East envoy Dennis Ross.
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Our photos are available for download from our photo galleries. We do, however, require that you credit USIP by including the following information with your photo: (Photo Courtesy: USIP). We also ask that you link back to our Web site, www.usip.org, if possible. Please contact us to request high-resolution copies of our photos.

Often, our photos are credited to photographers. Please check the credit in the specific photo gallery of the photo you wish to use. If there is a specific photographer mentioned, please use the following citation: (Photo Courtesy: USIP/Name of Photographer). Use of other photos on our site are on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for use of these photos, or if you have any questions.


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