SCS Sensor Information

The DAVID STARR JORDAN maintains a suite of sensors which measure or compute nearly many different variables. Additional sensors are added as specified by the project. The three main types of data are navigation, meteorological and oceanographic. The following is a list of sensors currently integrated into the SCS:

Northstar GPS DGPS Receiver (Bridge and Radio Room)
Magnavox MX200 GPS DGPS Receiver
ODEC Speed Log Doppler Speed Log
Sperry MK-37 Gyro Compass Ship's Gyro Compass
Meteorological Data
Barometer Digital barometric pressure
RM Young Met  
Air Temperature  
Relative Humidity  
Relative Wind Speed / Direction  
True Wind Speed / Direction Calculated from relative wind and ship's heading.
Bathymetric Data
Simrad EQ-50, Skipper, Simrad EK500 Depth Recorder
Oceanographic Data
Seabird Thermo-salinograph (TSG) Hull mounted thermosalinograph (sea surface temperature, conductivity, salinity)
RD Instruments ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

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Updated: October 18, 2000