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Dartmouth Crest
The I3P is managed
by Dartmouth College

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The Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (The I3P) is a consortium of leading universities, national laboratories and nonprofit institutions dedicated to strengthening the cyber infrastructure of the United States.

Research Projects

Survivability and Recovery of Process Control Systems Survivability and Recovery of Process Control Systems
Business Rationale Project
Business Rationale
Safeguarding Digital Identity Project Safeguarding Digital Identity
Insider Threat Project Insider Threat
Risk Pricing Better Security Through Risk Pricing


This Month's Featured Consortium Member

Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute

Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a federally funded research and development center located in Pittsburgh, PA.  Working closely with defense and government organizations, as well as industry and academia, SEI has been committed to improving software-intensive systems and security since 1984. The Institute currently supports five technical programs: Dynamic Systems, Product Line Systems, Software Engineering Systems Management, Networked Systems Survivability, and Acquisition Support.


Last Updated: 9/22/08