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A white, oval shape logo, with the title WaterShare centered in green letters.  There is a blue drop of water and the title.

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A watercolor of an agricultural field divided into three sections.  Each section of the field is being irrigated in a different way.  Brown mountains are pictured in the background.

Animated watercolor of blue water spraying across a green field from pipes mounted across large metal wheels.  There is also water spraying out of pipes which are laying on the ground.

Animated watercolor showing soil in an agricultural field being flooded with blue water coming from black pipes.  The pipes lead into the field from a reservoir located beside the field.

Animated watercolor of blue water spraying a vineyard.  The water is coming from small pipes which run along the ground into small pipes angling upward about two feet into small sprinklers spraying the water.  To the left of the vineyard is an orchard with small purple pipes running along the ground.

A blue banner with yellow letters stating Managing Water on the Farm.

A watercolor drawing of fish swimming in a blue stream. There are gray boulders along the banks of the stream.

A watercolor drawing of a gray concrete fish screen in the middle of a blue and green stream.  The fish screen is in the shape of a three-dimensional triangle, and covers the intake of an agricultural canal.  The back and sides of the triangle are solid, while the front has a mesh screen to allow water in, but not fish.

(Two-part image) A watercolor picture of a blue stream surrounded by rolling green hills.  There is a brown mother duck and three baby ducks standing on one bank.  There is a gray concrete fish screen in the middle of the stream with fish swimming past it.  The fish screen is in the shape of a three-dimensional triangle, and covers the intake of an agricultural canal.  The back and sides of the triangle are solid, while the front has a mesh screen to allow water in, but not fish.
(Second part of previous picture.) There is a wide red arrow pointing downstream past the fish screen with text reading, Path fish take to avoid the fish screens.

A watercolor picture of the layers of a streambed.  Yellow sand on the bottom is overlain with a layer of brown soil (silt), a layer of gray boulders, and a small blue stream.

A watercolor picture of the layers of a streambed.  Yellow sand on the bottom is overlain with a layer of brown soil (silt), a layer of gray boulders, and a high, fast-moving blue stream.

A watercolor picture of the layers of a streambed.  Yellow sand on the bottom is overlain with a layer of brown soil (silt), a layer of gray boulders, and a high, fast-moving blue stream.  There is a pop-up picture of two green and pink salmon shown leaping out of a blue stream over the streambed picture.

A pop-up picture of two green and pink salmon shown leaping out of a blue stream over the streambed picture.

A graphic of a dark green banner with gold letters entitled Sharing Water with Nature.

A watercolor drawing of fish swimming in a blue stream.  There are gray boulders along the banks of the stream.

A watercolor drawing of a gray concrete fish screen in the middle of a blue and green stream.  The fish screen is in the shape of a three-dimensional triangle, and covers the intake of an agricultural canal.  The back and sides of the triangle are solid, while the front has a mesh screen to allow water in, but not fish.

A watercolor drawing of a blue stream running through an agricultural field.  There is a gray grain silo, a red barn, and a tractor on the far bank.  There are gray boulders along the near bank.  There are fish swimming in the stream.

A watercolor drawing of a yellow streambed with a little bit of water.  The streambed is running through an agricultural field.  There is a gray grain silo, a red barn, and a tractor on the far bank.  There are gray boulders along the near bank.  A large white bird is swooping over fish swimming in the stream, and a farmer in blue jeans and a red shirt is looking at the stream.

A watercolor drawing of a blue stream running through an agricultural field.  There is a gray grain silo, a red barn, and a tractor on the far bank.  There are gray boulders along the near bank.  There are fish swimming in the stream. A farmer in blue jeans and a red shirt is looking at the stream and waving.

A diagram titled Typical diameters of soil grains, shown about 100 times actual size.  Below the title is a vertical line bisected at three, evenly spaced points with horizontal lines.  The first horizontal line is about two and a half inches long, and indicates that the length of the horizontal line represents the size of a grain of medium sand, which in true scale is .4 millimeters.  The second horizontal line is about one quarter of an inch long, and indicates that the length of the horizontal line represents the size of a grain of large silt, which in true scale is .04 millimeters. The third horizontal line appears only as a tiny dot, and indicates that the dot represents the size of a grain of soil clay particle, which in true scale is .004 millimeters.

A black and white photograph of diversion pipes going from a river, up the river bank to a small building on stilts.

A black and white photograph of a bulldozer piling up large rocks and gravel along the banks of a river.

Black and white pencil drawing depicting spawning salmon laying eggs in redds(salmon nest).  After spawing, chinook and coho salmon die.  Steelhead may swim back to the sea and then return to the river to spawn again.

Black and white pencil drawing depicting a dead salmon and salmon eggs buried beneath gravel along a stream.  Eggs develop in the gravel and hatch into alevins. Black and white pencil drawing depicting alevins hatching.  Alevins stay in the gravel and live on their rich yolk sacs. Black and white pencil drawing depicting a fry in the gravel along a stream.  When the yolk sac is gone, alevins have become fry, and the fry swim out of the gravel and begin to eat insects and other food. Black and white pencil drawing depicting smolts in a stream.  The salmon migrate downstream, toward the sea.  The smolts spend some time in the estuary, getting ready to enter the ocean.

Black and white pencil drawing depicting adult salmon.  Adult salmon spend several years in the ocean, where they swim many miles and grow very large.

Black and white pencil drawing depicting adult salmon spawning up a stream.  Salmon return to their home rivers to spawn.  They swim hard and jump high to get back to where they were born.

A black and white photograph of a fish leaping upstream over a fish ladder that spans about five feet between two concrete pilings.  The fish ladder looks like a sloped storm drain grate with water churning over the top.

A black and white drawing of a winding river, with trees and rocks along the banks.

A photograph of a broad river with trees and bushes covering the banks.

An aerial photograph of a flooded plain with half submerged trees.

A black and white photograph of a concrete-lined canal, divided in the middle by a concrete structure that looks like a small dam spanning the canal.  The structure is actually a series of fish screens.  The fish screens are located at water level.  The front of the fish screens have mesh screens to allow water to flow through, but not fish.

A aerial photograph of water rushing over the top of a very large dam that spans the entrance to a lake.  There are structures and pipes below the dam, and there are hills and snow covered mountains in the background beyond the lake.

A black and white photograph of a stream running into a culvert.  The culvert leads into a farm field.  There is a barn in the distance.  The stream has a screened gate located inbetween the stream and the culvert, that acts to allow water to flow through, but not fish.

A black and white photograph of several salmon swimming in a shallow river bed lined with gravel.

A graphic cartoon of a fish with a conversation bubble reading thanks for sharing the water!

An animated graphic of the back yard of a yellow house with a blue roof. The back yard changes back and forth between  , and being landscaped with flower beds and a small lawn.

A graphic of a man, a child, a cat and a dog playing in the back yard.  There is a yellow house with a blue roof to the right, and a yellow fence around the yard.

An animated graphic of a man spraying off the sidewalk in front of his yellow house with a garden hose.  There is a graphic that pops up in a thought bubble over his head showing a flexed arm with big muscles.

An animated graphic of a man sweeping off the sidewalk in front of his yellow house with a push broom.  There is a graphic that pops up in a thought bubble over his head showing a flexed arm with big muscles.

A purple banner with yellow letters that reads Saving Water in Your Home.

There is a line on which to enter your name, followed by black text reading who completed a course in urban water conservation.  Underneath the text is a picture of a yellow house with a blue roof.  To the right of the house it reads four ways to save water in your home on the watershare world wide web site, and the web site address of www.watershare.usbr.gov in grey text.

A purple banner with yellow letters is across the top of the picture that reads 'Four ways to save water'.  Below the banner is a cartoon drawing of a yellow house with a blue roof.  It is encircled by a large grassy yard.  There is a man wearing roller blades and holding a basketball playing with a child in the front yard.  A gray cat and a brown dog are at their feet.  Next to the house is a yellow text circle with purple letters that reads 'In Your Home.'  Over the yard is a green text circle with dark green letters that reads 'In Your Yard.'

A graphic of a small glass of water, filled one eighth full of blue water.

A graphic of a small glass of water, filled one quarter full of blue water.

A graphic of a small glass of water, filled three eighths full of blue water.

A graphic of a small glass of water, filled half full of blue water.

A graphic of a small glass of water, filled five eighths full of blue water.

A graphic of a small glass of water, filled three fourths full of blue water.

A graphic of a small glass of water, filled seven eighths full of blue water.

A graphic of a small glass of water, filled full of blue water.

A graphic of a small glass of water, filled full of blue water.

A green banner with white text outlined in blue that reads your water learn water meter.  There is a blue drop of water to the left of the text.

A purple banner with yellow text outlined in black that reads saving water in your yard.

There is a line on which to enter your name, followed by black text reading who completed a course in urban water conservation.  Underneath the text is a picture of  a family playing sports..  To the right of the family it reads four ways to save water in your yard on the watershare world wide web site, and the web site address of www.watershare.usbr.gov in grey text.

An animated graphic of musical notes floating from behind a yellow shower curtain.  There is blue water flowing from a red shower head over the shower.  A person's hand is waving from behind the shower curtain.

A graphic of a red shower head over a shower with a yellow shower curtain.

An animated graphic of sprinklers watering the lawn in front of a yellow house with a blue roof.  One of the sprinklers is broken and is shooting water straight up in the air, causing water to flow down the street.  Another sprinkler is spraying water off the lawn and onto the driveway, also causing water to flow down the street.

An animated graphic of sprinklers watering the lawn in front of a yellow house with a blue roof.  One of the sprinklers is broken and is shooting water straight up in the air, causing water to flow down the street.  Another sprinkler is spraying water off the lawn and onto the driveway, also causing water to flow down the street.

An animated graphic of sprinklers watering the lawn in front of a yellow house with a blue roof.  The sprinklers have been fixed and are only spraying water onto the lawn.

Animated cartoon image of blue water flowing out of a bathroom sink tap into a white sink.  Lying beside the sink is an open green tube of toothpaste and a purple toothbrush.

Cartoon image of a white bathroom sink and faucet.  The faucet is turned off.  Lying beside the sink is an open green tube of toothpaste and a purple toothbrush.

An animated graphic of a see through image of a toilet.  It illustrates water flowing from the tank into the bowl because the flap inside the toilet tank is not completely covering the water pipe from the tank to the bowl.  The toilet bowl continuously fills and empties.

An animated graphic of a see through image of a toilet.  It illustrates the flap inside the toilet tank which blocks water from flowing into the toilet bowl being properly closed.  Water is no longer continuosly flowing from the tank into the bowl.

A graphic of a yellow, front loading washing machine with the door open.  There are different colored clothes scattered on the floor around the washer.

A graphic of a yellow, front loading washing machine with the door open.  The washing machine if full of different colored clothes.

Cartoon image of a red car parked in a driveway.  Next to the car is a bucket of soapy water, a sponge, and a hose with water running out of it.

Cartoon image of a red car parked in a driveway.  Next to the car is a bucket of soapy water, a sponge, and a hose with a gold nozzle screwed onto the end.


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