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Property Accountability

Our Mission

The SAIC Frederick Property Accountability Department has the primary responsibility for all matters relating to personal property management support for the NCI-Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center. This program encompasses a wide range of functions such as accountability, inventory management, property disposal, surplus, and property sales, as well as acquiring accountable property from other institutes and agencies. Responsibility for inter-contractor and intra-contractor transfers, verification of loans of government-owned equipment, and reconciliation of accountability records also resides within this department. All Government-owned property is adequately protected, maintained, utilized, and accounted for as delineated by the current DHHS publication, Contractors Guide for Control of Government Property (Supervisor, Steve Koogle extension 5822).


The Property Accountability Department Inter-Area Transfer Form (Short Form) is used for relocation of equipment that is charged against the same center number. If items are being moved from one building to another or going to Meadows for storage, but remain on the same center number, you may use this form.   The Request for Property Transfer Form is used to transfer, relocate or surplus items.  The information on this form is used to efficiently process equipment into surplus or transfer status. Your neatness and accuracy will make the process run smoother and complete your transfer quickly. You may contact property at extension 1156, FAX at 301-846-6080 for additional information on this procedure.


There are two (2) ways to remove equipment from the NCI-Frederick: The Loan Document (not to exceed (1) year and a Property Pass (30 days or less). Without complete and correct information, loan documents will be returned for resubmittal. You may contact Kurt Zimmerman at extension 7096, FAX at 301-846-6080 for additional information on this procedure.

IMPAC Purchases

Notification to Property - Sensitive Items is used for purchases of sensitive property. At the top of this form is a listing of items classified as sensitive which must be decaled. If you have purchased any of this equipment, please fill-in the bottom half and mail to Property Accountability Department. Any questions on this procedure can be answered by Quentin Jackson at extension 7090, FAX at 301-846-6080.

Available Computer Equipment

Brad Staup is the primary contact for reissuance of all computer related hardware (ADPE). A "Wish List" is also maintained if the item is not currently available in surplus. Brad Staup may be reached at extension 7095, FAX 301-846-6080 for additional information.


Brad Staup is the primary contact for items in the re-utilization warehouse (surplus) and in Government Services Administration (GSA) matters. While anyone in the Property Accountability Department can assist with surplus needs, Brad is the individual working most closely with the flow of items into and out of surplus. He is the main contact person for GSA related transactions including; Sales, Transfers, Donations, and Scrap Orders. Brad Staup may be reached at extension 7095, FAX 301-846-6080.


Sensitive Items

Items classified as sensitive items regardless of cost, require a Property Decal.  Purchases of these items are handled through the Purchase Requis i tion process or the Purchase Card if cost does not exceed card limit.