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Teens and Technology Package:
Take advantage of this full-service toolkit to better understand the trends – and risks – associated with your teen’s digital communication habits.


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Parenting Tips Newsletter
Strategies to help keep your teen drug-free

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Navigating the Teen Years: A Parent's Handbook for Raising Healthy Teens

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Keeping Your Teens Drug-Free: A Family Guide

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Keeping Your Teens Drug Free: A Guide For African-American Parents and Caregivers

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Keeping Your Teens Drug Free: A Guide For Hispanic Families (Bilingual)

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When It's Not Your Kid, How Do You Deal with Drug Use and Drinking?


Suspect Your Teen Is Using Drugs or Drinking?

Packages of Resources by Topic

A comprehensive compilation of print materials, web content, fact sheets, and activities to assist community groups in addressing a specific topic.

Bridging the Parent-Teen Generation Gap
What teens do and what parents think they do are often two different things. Take advantage of our activity guides, video, conversation starters, and quizzes to encourage more communication and understanding.


Teen Prescription Drug Abuse
Armed with the latest statistics, interactive tools, and materials for parents, you’ll be able to create effective strategies to fight prescription and over-the-counter drug abuse at home and in your community.


Teen Marijuana Use
Marijuana is still the most commonly abused drug by teens. Check out our fact sheet, strategies, and talking points to help drive home the truth about the dangers of marijuana use.


Teens and Technology
Your teens may be safe at home when they are surfing online, but the messages they are getting might have more influence than you realize. Learn more about your teens’ digital world with these quizzes, fact sheets, and guides.


Drugged and Drunk Driving
Teens are just as likely to drive under the influence of drugs as alcohol. Lay down the rules for the road – or warn parents of the prevalence and dangers of drugged and drunk driving – with help from our new driver’s kit, talking points, posters, and postcards.


Steroid Abuse
Parents have the challenge of explaining to teens why using steroids is a serious issue. Use these resources to help equip your kids with the knowledge and skills to make responsible, healthy choices.


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