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Upper Mississippi River

UMESC Projects on the Upper Mississippi River

Aquatic Sciences
Project Title
Upper Mississippi River Pools 4, 8, 13, 16, 26, Open River, and La Grange
Complete and summarize annual increments of monitoring data for fish sampling on the Upper Mississippi River System
Assessment of potential effects of increased commercial navigation on the fishes of the Upper Mississippi River System
Upper Mississippi River Pool 5
Assessment of the biological effects of the Finger Lakes Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project: Responses of fish and aquatic invertebrates
Habitat use and movement of lake sturgeon in the Upper Mississippi River: Effects of navigation
Upper Mississippi River Pools 4, 8, 13, 26, Open River, and La Grange
Spatial analysis of fish monitoring data collected by active gear
Integrated analysis of fish monitoring data
  Fish passage through dams on the Upper Mississippi River
Upper Mississippi River Pool 7
Ecological interactions between aquatic macrophytes and fish in Lake Onalaska, Pool 7, Upper Mississippi River
Upper Mississippi River Pools 7 and 8
Relations among flow, water depth, sediment texture, and fingernail clams
Upper Mississippi River Pool 8
Genetic characterization of the endangered mussel Lampsilis higginsi
Sediment-contaminant database for the Upper Mississippi River System
  Development of regional nutrient criteria for the Upper Mississippi River Basin and US Environmental Protection Agency Region 5
Upper Mississippi River Pool 8
Landscape analysis of freshwater mussels in the Upper Mississippi River System
Upper Mississippi River Pool 8
Denitrification and sediment ammonia in the Upper Mississippi River

Terrestrial Sciences
Project Title
Upper Mississippi River Pool 8
Contaminants in tree swallows in relation to water level management
Abundance and distribution of plant foods used by migratory waterfowl on selected pools of the Upper Mississippi River
Upper Mississippi River Pools 4, 8, and 13
Community characteristics of breeding passerine birds in relation to riverine habitats on selected reaches of the Upper Mississippi River
Upper Mississippi River Pools 7, 8, 9, and 11
Importance of wet meadows to grassland birds in the Upper Midwest
Abundance, diversity, and productivity of songbirds nesting in upland and floodplain forests of the Upper Mississippi River Basin

Ecosystems / Habitats
Project Title
Development of models for ecological investigation and management of the Upper Mississippi River System
Upper Mississippi River Pool 5
Assessment of the biological effects of the Finger Lakes Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project: Responses of fish and aquatic invertebrates
Evaluation of Water Level Reduction as a Habitat Management Tool for the Upper Mississippi River
Analysis of land cover changes in selected side channels of the Mississippi River
Ecocriteria to measure the health of the Upper Mississippi River
Ecological Status and Trends in the Upper Mississippi River System (1998)
  Obtain and summarize five annual increments of limnological monitoring data for selected reaches of the Upper Mississippi River System
  The limnology and ecology of off-channel areas in the Upper Mississippi River System
Long Term Resource Monitoring Program

Invasive Species
Project Title
Upper Mississippi River Pool 8
Density and size distribution of zebra mussels in the Upper Mississippi River, Pool 8, and effects of predators
Upper Mississippi River and Illinois River   A Biological Synopsis and Risk Assessment of Asian Carps of the Genus Hypophthalmichthys

River Inventory and Monitoring
Project Title
  Long Term Resource Monitoring Program

Science Applications to Resource Management
Project Title
Development of models for ecological investigation and management of the Upper Mississippi River System
Adaptive environmental assessment applied to the Upper Mississippi River
Evaluation of tools for management of non-indigenous species
Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge and Illinois River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge Decision Support System
Habitat Needs Assessment for the Upper Mississippi River System

Technical Programs
Project Title
LTRMP Spatial Data Query and Visualizaton Tool

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Page Last Modified: May 20, 2008