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What documents are submitted by a company wishing to qualify as a producing winery? 

The following application forms and related information must be submitted to TTB’s National Revenue Center:

  • Application to Establish and Operate Wine Premises Form 5120.25
  • Application for Basic Permit Under the FAA Act Form 5100.24
  • Wine Bond Form 5120.36
  • Environmental Information Form 5000.29
  • Supplemental Information on Water Quality Considerations Form 5000.30
  • Signature Authority:
    • Power of Attorney Form 5000.8, or
    • Signing Authority for Corporate and LLC Officials Form 5100.1, or
    • Signing Authority in Organizational Documents
  • Special Tax Registration Form 5630.5 (Registration only – No Tax Due)
  • Trade Name Registration for the company’s Operating Trade Name and any additional Bottling Trade Names
  • Diagram of bonded wine premises from all alternating proprietor hosts and tenants. A diagram is not required from non-alternating applicants, but it is quite helpful during TTB’s processing of your application.
  • Alternating Proprietor agreement or contract, if alternating
  • Lease agreement, if any
  • Organizational documents (articles of incorporation, partnership agreement, etc), as applicable

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