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Population Health and Clinical Care Connections Workgroup

At its November 29, 2005, meeting, the American Health Information Community (the Community) recommended the formation of a workgroup on biosurveillance. The meetings of this Workgroup will be public and all documents discussed will be made available to the public.

At the January 23, 2007, Community meeting, the name of the Biosurveillance Workgroup was changed to Population Health and Clinical Care Connections Workgroup. At the same time, the broad charge was expanded to meet the goals of the restructured workgroup.

The revised Broad Charge for the Workgroup:

Make recommendations to the Community to facilitate the flow of reliable health information among population health and clinical care systems necessary to protect and improve the public’s health.

The Community further recommended that this workgroup develop a plan to realize a specific charge (transmitting certain data from health care providers to public health systems) within one year, which is visible to the American public and works towards a broader charge (facilitating the flow of reliable health information among population health and clinical care systems to protect and improve the public’s health) over time.

Specific Charge for the Workgroup:

Make recommendations to the Community so that within one year, essential ambulatory care and emergency department visit, utilization, and lab result data from electronically enabled health care delivery and public health systems can be transmitted in standardized and anonymized format to authorized public health agencies within 24 hours.

Workgroup Member List:

Member Organization
John Lumpkin Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Julie Gerberding HHS/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
ONC Director  
Kelly Cronin HHS/Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Cheryl Austein-Casnoff  Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Michael Barr American College of Physicians
Scott Becker Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL)
Larry Biggio State of Wyoming
Theresa Cullen HHS/Indian Health Service
Art Davidson Denver Public Health Department (representing NACCHO)
Jon Einbinder Partners HealthCare
Vincent Fonseca Texas Department of State Health Services (representing CSTE)
Thomas Frieden New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (representing NACCHO)
Shawn Fultz Department of Veterans Affairs
Shaun Grannis Regenstrief Institute, Inc.
Capt Richard Haberberger Department of Defense
Amy Helwig HHS/Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Charles Kahn Federation of American Hospitals
Brian Keaton American College of Emergency Physicians
Martin LaVenture Minnesota Department of Health (representing ASTHO)
John Loonsk HHS/Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Bob Martin HHS/CDC/National Center for Public Health Informatics
Dave Ross Public Health Informatics Institute
Lisa Rovin HHS/Food and Drug Administration
Edward Sondik HHS/CDC/National Center for Health Statistics
Ex-Officio Members  
Lisa Dwyer Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE)
Angela Fix The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)
Michelle Meigs Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL)
Paula Soper National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO)
  last updated on 6/20/08

Upcoming Meeting of the Population Health and Clinical Care Connections Workgroup:

  • Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 3:30 p.m., E.T.