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Research Highlights

March 2007

Jim Dooley Appointed to Program Committee on Greenhouse Gas Technologies

Congratulations to Jim Dooley, recently appointed to the Program Committee for the Ninth International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-9). The GHGT conference series is the premier international symposium for the technical community focused on carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies, and is coordinated through the International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme. This programme has three main activities:

  • Evaluation of technologies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
  • Promotion and dissemination of results and data from its evaluation studies,
  • Facilitating practical research, development and demonstration activities

The GHGT-9 conference will be held on November 16-20, 2008, in Washington DC, with major sponsorship provided by the U.S. Department of Energy. These conferences are held every two years in the programme's member countries, and rotate between North America, Europe and Asia.

Jim is a senior staff scientist located at the Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI), a collaborative partnership between the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Maryland.

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