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May 2008

Staff Recognized at Science Team Meeting

This poster excerpt (by Sherman Beus, Todd Halter, Nicole Keck, and Matt MacDuff from PNNL) won a People’s Choice Award at the ARM Program Science Team Meeting in March 2008.  It shows the results of a visualization tool that helps ARM staff manage thousands of data files.  Here, the color-coding indicates which files were archived successfully in a database.
This poster excerpt (by Sherman Beus, Todd Halter, Nicole Keck, and Matt MacDuff from PNNL) won a People’s Choice Award at the ARM Program Science Team Meeting in March 2008. It shows the results of a visualization tool that helps ARM staff manage thousands of data files. Here, the color-coding indicates which files were archived successfully in a database. Enlarged View

Staff from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) were among those recognized at the 2008 Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program Science Team Meeting, which took place March 10 through 14, 2008 in Norfolk, Virginia. The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) ARM program is a multi-laboratory science collaboration that advances understanding of atmospheric processes that affect climate change.

Seventeen PNNL staff were recognized for seven exemplary posters at the meeting. Dr. Warren Wiscombe, ARM Chief Scientist, presented awards to Sutenay Choudhury, Victor Morris, John Schmelzer, and Yan Shi and Drs. Larry Berg, Connor Flynn and Evgueni Kassianov (two posters each), Xiaohong Liu, Chuck Long, Sally McFarlane, Mikhail Ovtchinnokov, Beat Schmid, and Weiguo Wang. Additionally, a poster by PNNL's Sherman Beus, Todd Halter, Nicole Keck, and Matt MacDuff received second place in the People's Choice Awards.

This year's meeting brought together 270 ARM researchers, ARM Climate Research Facility infrastructure members, and leading scientists from 10 countries around the world, including China, Japan, Australia, Niger, France, and Germany.  Highlights of the annual meeting included a session focusing on the role of observations in climate change research and breakout sessions with topics ranging from current field campaigns to new instruments.

View the posters from the meeting, including the award winners. Presentations from the meeting, including many from PNNL scientists, also can be viewed online.

Acknowledgments: PNNL strengthens U.S. scientific foundations for innovation by transforming the Nation's ability to predict climate change and its impacts.

The ARM Program is sponsored by DOE's Office of Science and managed by DOE's Office of Biological and Environmental Research.  Scientists at PNNL play a key role in the ARM Program by addressing scientific questions related to the effect of atmospheric processes on energy flow.  PNNL also serves as a key contributor in managing and operating the ARM Climate Research Facility—ground stations, a mobile facility, an aerial vehicles program, and data systems—that scientists worldwide use.

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