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4.88.1  Examination Issues Pertaining to ITG Cases  (06-01-2006)

  1. Many of the basic techniques for examining returns of Indian tribal entities are similar to those required of revenue agents (examiners) under the Small Business/Self Employed (SB/SE) and Large and Midsized Business (LMSB) Divisions when examining individual, partnership, and corporate returns. These procedures are found in IRM Part 4, Examining Process.

  2. Procedures that apply to more than one IRS process, including the examination process, are found in IRM Part 25, Special Topics.

  3. While IRC section 7871 Code indicates that Indian tribal governments are treated as states for certain enumerated Internal Revenue Code purposes, these do not include employment taxes. Thus, services performed for a tribal government are subject to employment taxes on the same basis as services performed for other taxpayers.

  4. Of particular interest to ITG specialists are the employment tax procedures, which are described below.  (06-01-2006)
ITG Employment Tax Related Issues

  1. This section provides a brief overview of employment taxes and serves as a reference guide for Indian Tribal Government (ITG) specialists in handling employment taxes of Indian tribal governments. General employment tax procedures are found in IRM 4.23, Employment Tax Handbook. See also Publication 4268, ITG Employment Tax Guide (ver. 10/04).

  2. Determinations of employment tax liabilities require finding that there is an employer, an employee, and payment of wages. Federal Employment Taxes consist of five separate taxes:

    • Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) IRC sections 3101 -3128,

    • Railroad Retirement Act (RRTA) IRC sections 3401 3406,

    • Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) IRC sections 3301-3311, (For special FUTA law concerning Indian tribal governments, See IRM

    • Collection of Income Tax at the Source of Wages (WT) IRC sections 3401-3456, and

    • Employment Contributions Act (SECA) - IRC 1401-1403

  3. When processing these cases, ITG specialists will follow guidelines for forms and procedures relating to TE/GE examinations under IRM Part 4.

  4. Procedures specific to TE/GE examination cases are found in IRM 4.5, TE/GE AIMS. General AIMS procedures are found in IRM 4.4, AIMS Processing Handbook. See also, IRM 4.4.10, Employment/Excise Tax Adjustments for detailed procedures on AIMS processing procedures.

  5. For expert advice, ITG Specialists can direct questions to members of the CPM staff or the ITG Knowledge Sharing Group on Employment Taxes.  (06-01-2006)

  1. IRM 4.23, Employment Tax, serves as the foundation for addressing consistent administration of employment taxes by various IRS functions involving the following taxes:

    Description of Taxes Forms Reported On
    a) Withholding of income tax on wages of employees (WT) Form 941 (Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return)
    Form 941-M (Employer's Monthly Federal Tax Return)
    Form 943, Employer's Annual Tax Return for Agricultural Employees
    Form 944, Employer's ANNUAL Federal Tax Return (after 01/01/2006)
    b) Employer and employee taxes (Medicare and Federal Insurance Contributions (FICA)) Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return
    Form 943 Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees
    Form 944, Employer's ANNUAL Federal Tax Return (after 01/01/2006)
    c) Unemployment insurance, Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return
    Form 940-EZ, Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Returns )
    d) Employer tax and employee tax for retirement purposes imposed on employers of individuals performing railroad services, and the railroad employee representative's tax under the Railroad Retirement Tax Act Form CT-1, Employer's Annual Railroad Retirement Tax Return
    Form CT-2, Employee Representative's Quarterly Railroad Tax Return
    e) Withholding of tax on certain gambling winnings by the payer of the winnings Form 945, Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax, or
    Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons
    f) Backup withholding requirements under IRC section 3406. Form 945, Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax


    Beginning the first quarter of 1999, all non-payroll withholding (backup withholding, withholding on pensions annuities, IRA's, Military retirement, Indian gaming profits, and gambling winnings) are no longer reported on Forms 941 and 941-M.

    g) Withholding of tax under IRC sections 1441 and 1442 Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons

  2. Another good source of information on employment taxes is Publication 4268, ITG Employment Tax Guide (ver 10/04)

  3. ITG Specialists should review the IRS Policy Statements that govern the Employment Tax Program in IRM 1.2.1 and become familiar with them.

  4. The Service administers the employment taxes imposed by Chapters 21 through 24 of the Internal Revenue Code and the self-employment taxes imposed by Chapter 2. An important phase of administration of employment taxes, including the self-employment tax, is interpreting the sections of the Code applicable to these taxes, that is, issuing rulings and technical advice that clarify the intent of these sections.

    1. The Service refers all questions of eligibility for and computation of social security benefits to the Social Security Administration, Baltimore, Maryland, or to their nearest local field office.

    2. Similarly, inquiries relating to unemployment benefits are referred to the appropriate State Unemployment Compensation Board.

    3. Those relating to railroad employee retirement benefits are sent to the Railroad Retirement Board, Chicago, Illinois.

  5. Technical questions arising in employment tax cases involving the interpretation and application of tax laws, regulations, or other precedents published by the ITG Headquarters to a specific set of facts should be referred to the ITG Headquarters.

  6. Requests for technical advice must include:

    • the facts,

    • the issues for which technical advice is requested

    • the applicable law,

    • the Service's position, and

    • the taxpayer's position.

  7. Rev. Proc. 2007-4 and Rev. Proc. 2007-5, (revised annually) provide procedures to request private letter rulings and technical advice, etc. See IRM

  8. The Classification Settlement Program (CSP) establishes procedures under an optional classification settlement program that will allow Indian tribal governments and ITG Specialists to resolve worker classification cases as early in the administrative process as possible. See IRM 4.23.6, Classification Settlement Program.

  9. Employment tax returns do not contain information that would provide a basis for classifying returns for examination potential. Independent selection of returns should be based on known or probable areas of non-compliance.

  10. The examination work papers and reports provide the basis for the decisions reached by the employment tax examiner. Only on the basis of the material in the work papers can a reviewer determine if the examination was complete and correct. The work papers should include:

    • explanations

    • analysis and conclusions developed and should be sufficiently complete so, generally, no additional comments will be needed in the transmittal letter for any items covered

    • documentation of acceptance of the Forms 1099 as correctly filed and that potential employer/employee relationships were considered

    • All notes made before, during, and after the examination

  11. ITG Specialists make determinations for FICA tax liability. Three factors must be present for FICA tax liability:

    1. The relationship of employer-employee must exist.

    2. The remuneration paid by the employer must constitute "wages" for purposes of the tax.

    3. The employee must perform services that constitute "covered employment" (as opposed to "excepted employment" ), for purpose of the tax.

  12. Under IRC section 6205, an employer who makes or has made an under-collection or an underpayment of employee taxes (FICA/RRTA) or income tax (withholding), may make interest-free payments of the tax due when certain conditions are met. This provision does not apply to FUTA. IRC section 6205 provisions are applicable to per capita withholding assessments made pursuant to IRC section 3402(r), as well as certain back-up withholding assessments under IRC section 3406.

  13. Under IRC Section 3509, if an employer fails to deduct and withhold any income tax or employee's share of FICA tax by reason of treating employees as independent contractors, the employer may be entitled to reduced rates for determining the employer's employment tax liability. The employer pays the full amount of the employer's share of FICA and FUTA taxes. However, IRC Section 3509 provides reduced rates for the employer's liability for the employee's share of FICA and income tax. Different rate reductions apply depending on whether the employer filed information returns with respect to the workers. This reduction applies unless the employer intentionally disregarded the requirements to deduct and withhold FICA tax or income tax, or unless the employer deducted and withheld income tax but not FICA tax.

  14. When an ITG Specialist discovers that a taxpayer has failed to file required Federal tax returns, he/she will:

    1. Determine the taxable periods for which the taxpayer was required to file returns.

    2. Ascertain the reasons why the taxpayer failed to file the required returns.

    3. Determine whether any indications of fraud exist.

  15. In accord with Policy Statement P-4-103, after employment tax has been assessed as a result of an examination action, the taxpayer will generally be required to pay the assessment and file a claim for refund before receiving any further consideration of the case. However, other circumstances may arise to allow for a claim for abatement to be considered on its merits.  (06-01-2006)
Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA)

  1. The enactment of Section 166 of the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-554, codified as IRC section 3306(c)(7)) changed how FUTA applies to Indian tribal governments. IRS Announcement 2001-16 was written to provide guidance to federally recognized Indian tribal governments about their Federal Unemployment Tax Act obligations for 2000. See Exhibit 4.88.1-1Announcement 2001-16.

  2. For services rendered after December 20, 2000, federally recognized Indian tribal governments are exempt from FUTA. This includes any subdivision, subsidiary, or wholly owned business enterprise of the tribal government. Instead, an Indian tribal government may elect to make contributions to the State unemployment fund as if services by its employees were employment under FUTA, or it may make payments in lieu of the contributions in amounts equal to the unemployment benefits attributable under the State law to such service. A separate election may be made for any subdivision, subsidiary, or business enterprise wholly owned by the tribal government.

  3. To ensure proper determination of FUTA liability, the State will need to advise IRS ITG and the Department of Labor of any determination it has made concerning a tribe's failure to make required payments or post a required bond and whether the tribe has subsequently satisfied these liabilities.

  4. If a tribe fails to make payments required (including assessments of interest and penalty) within 90 days of final notice of delinquency, the State will immediately notify separately:

    • the United States Department of Labor

    • ITG CPM in Washington at the following address:

    IRS Indian Tribal Governments
    1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20224  (06-01-2006)

  1. Generally, service performed by employees of tribal governments or tribal business enterprises constitutes employment and their wages are subject to federal employment taxes. Payments to tribal and non-tribal employees are to be reported on Form W-2.

  2. The Internal Revenue Code provides that for purposes of FICA, FUTA, and federal income tax withholding, the term " wages" means all payments received for "employment" with certain specified exceptions. Therefore, unless payments to employees are excepted from the term "wages" or the services performed by the employee are excepted from the term "employment" , such payments will be subject to FICA, FUTA, and federal income tax withholding. See Exhibit 4.88.1-1, Announcement 2001-16, for exceptions relating to Indian tribal entities and FUTA.

  3. Questions often arise concerning services performed for the tribe on tribal land by a tribal member who lives on the reservation. Individual tribal members are citizens of the United States and are subject to Federal income tax, unless specifically exempted by a treaty or statute (see Rev. Rul. 67-284, 1967-2 C.B. 55).Note: the rules for state income tax of tribal members may differ.  (06-01-2006)

  1. A limited exception from employment tax is found in IRC section 7873. Section 7873 provides that no employment tax shall be imposed on remuneration paid for services performed in a fishing rights-related activity of an Indian tribe by a member of such tribe for another member of such tribe or for a qualified Indian entity.

  2. There is a narrow exception for salaries paid to tribal council members for services performed by them as council members. Rev. Rul. 59-354,1959-2 C.B. 24, holds that while these amounts are includible in the council members' gross income, they do not constitute wages for purposes of FICA, FUTA, and income tax withholding.

  3. Rev. Rul. 59-354 further states that although amounts paid to tribal council members are not subject to employment taxes, services performed by other salaried employees of Indian tribal councils and by the employees of tribal business enterprises constitute employment and their wages are subject to federal employment taxes.  (06-01-2006)
Information Reporting

  1. Indian tribes are required to file information returns for payments to various recipients. These forms are to be issued to the recipient and provided to the Service. See IRM for a discussion of reporting requirements.

  2. There are two areas of Form 1099 issuance and withholding requirements that the ITG Specialist needs to be especially familiar with in conducting outreach, compliance checks, and examinations on Indian tribes. These involve distribution of net gaming revenue to tribal members. See IRM, Distributions of Gaming Revenue) and payments to non-employees other than net gaming revenue.

  3. This section also discusses the filing of Form 945, deposit requirements, and abatement of withholding assessments.  (06-01-2006)

  1. The tribe may make payments to multiple non-employees (e.g., service providers, rents, etc.) during the course of any given year. When payments to a non-employee of fixed or determinable gains, profits and income aggregate to $600 or more, a Form 1099 is required pursuant to IRC section 6041.

  2. IRM 4.10.5, Required Filing Checks, covers reportable payments to be included on the Form 1099. See IRM  (01-01-2003)
Backup Withholding

  1. Backup withholding provisions of IRC section 3406 are applicable to Indian tribal governments. See relevant sections of IRM and IRM These sections include backup withholding requirements for the tribe when the payee fails to supply its Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) prior to the payment, and requirements when notified by the Service that a payee is subject to backup withholding.

  2. Form W-9 may be utilized to secure the TIN.

  3. The backup withholding rate is 28 percent of the applicable payments.

  4. Treasury Regulation Section 31.3406 is helpful in determining when backup withholding applies. Applicable penalties under IRC section 6721, failure to file correct information returns, and IRC 6722, failure to furnish correct payee statements, are addressed under Treasury Regulations Sections 301.6721 and 301.6722.  (06-01-2006)
Reporting and Deposit Requirements

  1. IRM provides information on Form 945, including deposit requirements. Form 945 is to be used for reporting required payments for backup withholding. Form 945 deposit requirements and federal tax deposit penalty provisions parallel provisions for the Form 941.

  2. Publication 15, Circular E provides a good reference for the tribes on deposit requirements.

  3. Beginning January 1, 2006 certain qualifying employers with no tax liability/deposit requirement exceeding $1,000 a year may qualify for annual filing and payment rather than making quarterly deposits. See IRM 4.23.8 , Determining Employment Tax Liability. Form 944 Employer's ANNUAL Employment Tax Return.  (06-01-2006)
Abatement Procedures

  1. There are provisions under IRC section 3402(d) which allow for abatement of the income tax portion of:

    • employment tax assessments

    • back-up withholding assessments under IRC section 3406, and

    • withholding assessments under IRC section 3402(r).

  2. Procedures to use in the abatement process, including use of Form 4669 and Form 4670, are included in IRM and IRM This involves the attestation of the payee as to having filed the subject return and paid the resulting liability.

  3. When the Form 4669 and Form 4670 are secured prior to closing the examination, the applicable procedures are to be utilized at that time.  (06-01-2006)
Federal Tax Status Of Indian Tribal Governments

  1. The Service has responsibility for Federal taxation issues involving Indian tribal governments. As a result of gaming compacts negotiated between the tribes and states, other types of regulations may have been created that involve state oversight. However, the Service is charged with interpreting Federal tax laws as they relate to tribal entities and enterprises.

  2. Rev. Rul. 67-284 states that an Indian tribe is not subject to income taxes. An individual tribal member, however, if not otherwise exempt from income taxation, must include in gross income amounts distributed or constructively received by the tribal member.

  3. Indian tribes are not entities subject to Federal income tax because they are not included in IRC section 1 (individuals, trusts and estates) or IRC section 11 (corporations). A tribe must be recognized by the Department of the Interior in order to be treated as such for Federal income tax purposes. See Rev. Proc. 2001-15. However, it is not necessary for an Indian tribe to meet the requirements of IRC section 7871 in order to be treated as an Indian tribe for Federal income tax purposes.

  4. A tribe may operate businesses either on or off its reservation. The tribe, and any unincorporated business owned by the tribe, is not subject to federal income tax, regardless of where the business is located. However, a corporation formed by a tribe may be subject to Federal income tax, depending on the form of incorporation which the tribe chooses. See Rev. Rul. 94-16, 1994-1 C.B.19, as amplified in Rev. Rul. 94-65, 1994-2 C.B.14.

  5. A tribe may choose to form a corporation in different ways, including:

    1. Indian Reorganization Act of 1934: The tribe may incorporate under section 17 of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 (IRA) 25 U.S.C. section 477 (section 17 corporation). This type of corporation is not subject to income tax, regardless of where the business is located. An approval article or certificate signed by the Secretary of the Interior is evidence of incorporation under the Indian Reorganization Act.

    2. Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act: Tribes located in Oklahoma are not eligible to incorporate under section 17 of the IRA. Instead, Oklahoma tribes may incorporate under section 3 of the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act, 25 U.S.C. section 503 (section 3 corporation). This type of corporation is not subject to income tax, regardless of where the business is located. An approval article or certificate signed by the Secretary of the Interior is evidence of incorporation under the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act.

    3. State Chartered Corporation: The tribe may form a corporation under state law. This type of corporation is ordinarily subject to federal tax on income earned on or after October 1, 1994, regardless of where the business is located. A state chartered corporation formed by a tribe is taxed just like any other corporation because the state charter creates a separate entity which differentiates it from the tribe. A Certificate of Incorporation issued by the state is evidence of incorporation under state law.

  6. In addition, a tribe or a corporation formed by a tribe may be a partner in a partnership:

    1. Partner in a Partnership: A tribe that is a partner in a partnership is not subject to federal income tax. However, a tribally owned state chartered corporation that is a partner will be subject to federal income tax on its distributive share of partnership income.

    2. In addition, many tribes form corporations utilizing their own corporate code or resolution process. The tax status of corporations chartered under tribal law and owned 100% by the tribe is not clear. A revenue ruling is anticipated to address this issue. The revenue ruling will limit its consideration to those entities that are 100% owned by the tribe under whose law they are formed. In the meantime, it is recommended that tribal governments adopt one of the incorporation methods whose tax consequences are clear. See Rev. Rul. 94-65.  (06-01-2006)
Indian Gaming

  1. In 1988 Congress enacted the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA), 25 U.S.C. Sections 2701-2721.  (06-01-2006)

  1. The intent of Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) is to:

    1. Provide a statutory basis for the operation of gaming by Indian tribes to promote tribal economic development, self-sufficiency, and strong tribal governments

    2. Provide a statutory basis for the regulation of Indian gaming to ensure the tribes are the primary beneficiaries

    3. Establish an independent federal regulatory authority for Indian gaming, Federal standards for Indian gaming, and the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC), to meet congressional concerns regarding Indian gaming and protect such gaming as a means of generating tribal revenue

    4. Shield gaming from organized crime and other corrupting influences; and

    5. Ensure that both the operators and the players conduct gaming fairly and honestly.

  2. Since IGRA's passage in 1988, the tribes and states have successfully negotiated hundreds of tribal-state gaming compacts. Gaming provides significant revenues for many Indian tribes.

  3. The term "gaming" has been divided by IGRA into three classes:

    Class Description
    Class I Gaming is defined as consisting of social games that have prizes of minimal value, and traditional tribal games played in connection with tribal ceremonies or celebrations.
    Class II Gaming primarily includes: bingo (whether or not it is electronically enhanced), pull-tabs, lotto, punch boards, tip jars, instant bingo, any games similar to bingo, and any non-banking card games allowed by state law.
    Class III Gaming includes all gaming that is not Class I or Class II gaming, which primarily includes slot machines, casino games, banking card games, dog racing, horse racing, and lotteries.

  4. All Tribal Governments conducting or sponsoring gaming activities need to be aware of the Federal requirements for income tax, employment tax and excise tax. See Publication 3908, Gaming Tax Law for Indian Tribal Governments. This publication is designed to provide basic information to assist in meeting that need.

  5. As noted above in IRM , the structure and ownership of the tribal gaming operation have an important impact on the taxability of the income.  (06-01-2006)
Tribal Gaming Operational Responsibilities

  1. This subsection explains the recordkeeping responsibilities of a tribal gaming operation with regard to gaming income, payouts, and expenses.

  2. Tribal governments that are conducting gaming operations generate a substantial amount of income, primarily in the form of cash. The cash passes through many hands, which could result in numerous abuses. One of Congress's concerns was the potential for criminal abuse. As a result, IGRA provides the framework to handle the necessary recordkeeping when a tribe is involved in either Class II or Class III gaming.

  3. Whether the tribe has hired an operator to run its gaming operation, or it is handling the gaming operation itself, they must follow the regulations issued by the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) that cover the Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS) for Indian Gaming. These standards are applicable if they are more stringent than the standards included in a tribal-state compact. However, if the tribal-state compact is more stringent, then the compact standards apply.

  4. The NIGC Regulations cover the internal controls needed for all Class II and Class III gaming operations.

  5. Generally, gaming operations existing as of March 31, 1999 were allowed until February 4, 2000 to comply with the minimum standards, with the potential for a six-month extension. Gaming operations are required to be in compliance at the time operations commence. The tribal entity must also have an independent Certified Public Accountant verify that the Internal Control Systems that are in place are in compliance with the Minimum Internal Control Standards of the NIGC's regulation, or with the tribal-state compact (25 CFR 542.3). Failure to meet these standards may result in temporary closure and/or civil fines.

  6. The NIGC Regulations can be obtained from the NIGC, or can be accessed from the NIGC web site at .

  7. For the Memorandum of Understanding defining responsibilities between ITG and NIGC See See Exhibit 4.88.1-2.  (06-01-2006)

  1. Whether the tribe has hired an operator to run the gaming operation, or it is running the operation itself, it is required to ensure the maintenance of all books and records used to determine gross and net income, and to determine information reporting responsibilities such as Forms W-2G.


    There are special recordkeeping requirements for wagering excise taxes. See Code sections 4403 and 6001 and the related Treasury regulations, Section 44.4403-1 and Section 44.6001-1.

  2. The National Indian Gaming Commission Regulations require that the books and records of a tribal Class II or Class III operation be retained for at least 5 years. 25 C.F.R. section 571.7 requires that records be retained as long as the contents may be material in administration of any Internal Revenue law. This usually means as long as the period of limitation has not expired on the applicable tax year for income tax (generally three years from the later of the date filed or the due date of the return). In addition, Employment Tax Regulations specify that records must be preserved for at least four years after the due date of employment tax returns, or four years from the date the tax was paid, whichever is later. Refer to Treasury Regulation 31.6001-1.

  3. Tribal-state compacts may contain additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements for tribal gaming operation.  (06-01-2006)
Filing Requirements

  1. This subsection describes the common filing requirements that relate to gaming activities conducted by tribal entities. Tribal entities conducting gaming activities generally handle and prepare the following forms:
    Forms Generally Filed

    Form Description Due
    11-C Occupational Tax and Registration Return for Wagering To Register Annually, & Upon Certain Changes in Ownership or Control
    730 Monthly Tax Return for Wagers Monthly
    941 Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return Quarterly
    945 Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax Annual
    1042 Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons Annual
    1042-S Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding Annual
    1096 Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns Annual
    1099-MISC Miscellaneous Income Annual
    5754 Statements by Person(s) Receiving Gambling Winnings None
    8027 Employer's Annual Information Return of Tip Income and Allocated Tips Annual
    8109 Federal Tax Deposit Coupon Book Ongoing
    W-2 Wage and Tax Statement Annual
    W-2G Certain Gambling Winnings Annual
    W-3 Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statement Annual
    FinCen 102 Suspicious Activity Report by Casinos and Card Clubs As needed
    FinCEN 103 Currency Transaction Report by Casino 15th day after transaction

  2. The use of a promoter or contractor to operate gaming for a tribal government will not relieve the tribe of its responsibility to file the appropriate forms.  (06-01-2006)
Forms for Reporting Gaming Winnings

  1. Form W-2G- Certain Gambling Winnings:

    1. Certain wagering transactions require the filing of Form W-2G and Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns. The Form W-2G is filed when an individual(s) wins a prize with a minimum specific dollar amount at a gaming event. The winner must provide the game operator with proper identification including his/her name, permanent address and social security number. Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, may be used to record the information.

    2. The Form W-2G should be completed by tribal gaming operator upon payment of the prize to the winner. Copies B, C, and 2 of this form should be given to the prize winner at the time of completion. Copy A of Form W-2G and Form 1096 must be submitted to the Service by February 28 of the year following the year the gaming winnings were paid. (Electronic filers of Form W-2G have until March 31 to file.) Copy 1 of W-2G is submitted to the State, and the payer retains Copy D.

    3. The tribal gaming operation may be required to file the Forms W-2G, and Forms 1099 either by magnetic media or electronically. Generally, if you are required to prepare and file 250 or more information returns, you must file on magnetic media or electronically. The 250 or more requirement applies separately to each type of form. For example, if you must file 500 Forms W-2G and 100 Forms 1099-MISC, you must file Forms W-2G on magnetic media or electronically, but you are not required to file Forms 1099-MISC on magnetic media or electronically.

    4. To receive a waiver from the required filing of information returns on magnetic media or electronically, submit Form 8508, Request for Waiver From Filing Information Returns Electronically/Magnetically, at least 45 days before the due date of the returns.

  2. Form 945- Withholding and Backup Withholding:

    1. Withholding - tribal gaming operations making payment of certain gaming winnings must withhold from these payments a tax of 25% of the payment. The tribal gaming operation will report the amount of gambling withholding for federal purposes on Form 945, Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax.

    2. If there are any tribal-state compact requirements for state withholding, they should be reported on the applicable state forms.

    3. Backup Withholding -- Backup withholding refers to the withholding of tax that applies to reportable prizes when the recipient fails to provide a taxpayer identification number. One method of supplying a taxpayer identification number, to prevent backup withholding, is completion of the Form W-9. A taxpayer identification number is not supplied if the number is obviously incorrect (i.e., the number does not contain nine digits or contains alpha characters). The backup withholding rate is 28%.

    4. Reporting the Withholding -- The tribal gaming operation reports regular withholding from gaming winnings on Form 945, Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax, line 1. Backup withholding is reported on Form 945, line 2. Form 945 is filed annually by January 31st of the year following the year of the winnings.


      If deposits of full payment of the taxes for the year were on time, filing is by February 10

    5. The following table explains when withholding and backup withholding is required:

      GAME Regular Gambling Withholding Required on Prizes Backup Withholding Applies on Prizes Equal to or Exceeding
      Bingo N/A $1,200
      Slot Machines N/A $1,200
      Keno N/A $1,500
      Any wagering transaction ($5,000 or less) N/A $ 600
      Lotteries, Sweepstakes, and wagering pools Over $5,000 $ 600
      Horse Races, Dog Races, Instant Bingo Game Prizes/Pull-Tabs, and Jai Alai (when winnings are at least 300 times the amount wagered) Over $5,000 $ 600
      Other wagering transactions (when winnings are at least 300 times the amount wagered) Over $5,000 $ 600


      See Exhibit 4.88.1-3., Gaming Withholding and Reporting Thresholds, for further assistance.

  3. Forms 1042 and 1042-S - Payments and Withholding for Nonresident Aliens:

    1. Payments made to a nonresident alien are reported on Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject To Withholding. Payments for gambling winnings are reportable. Unlike the requirements for Form W-2G, there is no dollar threshold for withholding or reporting purposes. Therefore, if the payer pays any gambling winnings to a nonresident alien, the payer must comply with the rules of this section. The withholding rate on nonresident aliens is generally 30%, unless the foreign country has a treaty with the United States for a lower rate. Form W-8BEN, Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding, or a substitute form containing a substantially similar statement, provides information as to whether an individual is a nonresident alien individual, foreign entity, or exempt foreign person not subject to certain U.S. information return reporting or backup withholding rules.

    2. The withholding is reported to the IRS on Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons. The Form 1042 is filed with any paper Forms 1042-S with the Internal Revenue Submission Processing Campus in Philadelphia, PA by March 15 of the year following the year of payment.

    3. Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, is used to request ITINs for certain non-resident and resident aliens, their spouses and dependents who do not qualify for or cannot get a Social Security Number (SSN). Form W-7 requires documentation substantiating foreign/alien status and true identity for each individual. Documentation and Form W-7 may be submitted to the Philadelphia Submission Processing, presented at IRS walk-in-offices or processed through an Acceptance Agent authorized by the IRS. There is a limited basis provision for "same day authorization" in casinos to reduce the burden of this requirement.

    4. ITINs are required of resident or non-resident aliens who wish to file a tax return to claim tax treaty benefits and/or claim a refund on withholding.

    5. No tax is imposed on, and no reporting is required for, gambling income of a nonresident alien playing the following games in the United States:

      . Craps
        Big-6 Wheel

  4. Forms 1099 - Information Returns:

    1. Prizes and awards of $600.00 or more are reported on Form 1099-MISC. Include the fair market value of merchandise won. If a wager is made, report the winnings on Form W-2G.

    2. There are different types of information returns for reporting non-employee payments and for reporting other types of miscellaneous payments. Tribal gaming establishments are required to file the appropriate information returns, just as any other trade or business is required to do.  (06-01-2006)

  1. A tribal gaming operation will be responsible for paying regular gambling withholding or backup withholding, whether or not it collects the withholding from the prize recipient. The best time to collect withholding or backup withholding is before it is paid out as the prize.

    IF the tribal casino pays THEN
    a. the Federal tax required to be withheld without deducting the taxes from the prize, the prize is deemed to include the amount of the Federal tax paid by the tribal casino.
    b. all of the Federal tax required to be withheld, the tribal casino must pay as tax deducted and withheld, an amount equal to 38.88 percent of the amount actually paid to the winner (or the fair market value of the item won) less the wager.


  2. On Form W-2G, the amount of tax paid by the tribal casino is shown in the box for Federal income tax withheld, and is also added to the amount of the prize if the tax is not deducted from the prize. See Notice 93-7, 1993-1 C.B. 297, for additional information. See Exhibit 4.88.1-4for further assistance.  (06-01-2006)
Anti Money Laundering/Title 31

  1. The Indian Tribal Governments office assumes responsibility for the identification of entities subject to the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), Title 31 U.S.C. and Title 26 IRC section 6050I, that are owned by Indian tribal governments.

  2. The working relationship and activities of ITG and SB/SE regarding:

    • Notification and Anti Money Laundering (AML) outreach activities relating to Title 31 and IRC section 6050I

    • Jurisdiction over the planning and conduct of Bank Secrecy Act and section 6050I compliance examinations and reviews involving entities owned by Indian tribal governments are also described in See Exhibit 4.88.1-5., Memorandum of Understanding.

  3. For all other questions regarding issues and requirements under Public Law 91-508, commonly known as the Bank Secrecy Act, or Title 31, and a detailed discussion of casino operations and AML requirements under the BSA see IRM 4.26, Anti Money Laundering.  (06-01-2006)

  1. In 1970, Congress enacted the Bank Secrecy Act. This far-reaching act instituted rules and regulations for the reporting of currency transactions of greater than $10,000 and for certain identification and recordkeeping requirements. The Act was amended in 1985 to include casinos with gross annual gaming revenue (GAGR) in excess of $1,000,000. This coverage was extended to Indian casino operations in August 1996.

  2. Due to the cash intensive nature of gaming activity and the huge volume of wagering throughout the United States, casinos find themselves dealing with large numbers of individuals and massive amounts of currency. The information in this section is intended to provide a basic understanding of the BSA and how to comply with its provisions.

  3. Casinos and card rooms are designated as financial institutions subject to the requirements of the BSA if:

    1. The property is licensed as a casino by state, local, or tribal governments, and

    2. The property has gross annual gaming revenues in excess of $1,000,000.  (06-01-2006)

  1. FinCEN Form 103, Currency Transaction Report by Casinos (CTRC) is used to report transactions. This form must be filed with the Service's Detroit Computing Center by the fifteenth calendar day after the day of the transaction.

  2. A report is required for a single or multiple transactions over $10,000.

    1. Single transaction - a transaction of more than $10,000 in currency occurring at one location at one time.

    2. Multiple transaction - a series of transactions each less than $10,000, which, when aggregated, exceed $10,000 during the gaming day.

  3. The casino must have knowledge that a multiple transaction exceeded $10,000 in a gaming day and are by, or on behalf of, one individual. The casino is deemed to have knowledge if any employee, proprietor, officer, director or partner has knowledge the transactions occurred. It is not necessary to have personally observed the transactions; it can also be acquired from examining books, records, logs, computer files, etc.

  4. In order to properly file a CTRC, the casino is required to secure certain information from the customer (including foreign nationals) BEFORE concluding the transaction. The information includes:

    1. Name and current address

    2. Date of Birth

    3. Account number (with the casino, if applicable)

    4. Social Security number

  5. Customer identification required by the CTRC must be verified using appropriate forms of identification:

    1. Driver's license

    2. Documents acceptable within the banking community

    3. Passport or other form of non-resident alien identification


      This information must be documented on the CTRC.  (06-01-2006)

  1. There are extensive recordkeeping requirements for financial institutions, and additional ones for casinos. A complete list of requirements can be found in 31 CFR 103. See 31 CFR 103.36 for recordkeeping requirements specifically for casinos.

  2. One of the important requirements concerns deposit of funds, account opened, or credit extended. The casino must secure and maintain the name, permanent address, and Social Security number for each person having a financial interest in the account. The information must be verified by examining a driver's license or any other form of identification that is acceptable within the banking community for cashing checks of non-depositors. In the case of an alien or non-resident of the United States, verification must be made by using a passport, alien identification card, or other official document corroborating nationality or residency.

  3. Other key records include:

    1. Credit transactions greater than $2,500

    2. Records used to monitor customers gaming activity (i.e., player rating records)

    3. List of transactions involving monetary instruments of $3,000 and greater

    4. Records of wire transfers involving funds of $3,000 or more

    5. A copy of the casino's written compliance program

    6. Computerized transaction records of casinos with automated recordkeeping systems  (06-01-2006)
Compliance Programs

  1. Casinos are required to develop and implement a reasonably designed, written program to monitor compliance with the BSA. At a minimum, the plan must include:

    1. A system of internal controls to assure ongoing compliance

    2. Internal and/or external, independent testing of compliance

    3. Training of casino personnel in BSA requirements

    4. An individual or individuals to assure day-to-day compliance

    5. Procedures for using all available information to determine (when required) accurate customer identity, suspicious or unusual activity, and whether recordkeeping requirements are met.

  2. For casinos with automated systems, the casino must use the programs to aid in assuring compliance.  (06-01-2006)
Suspicious Transactions

  1. Casinos have a certain vulnerability to potential money laundering schemes caused by the cash intensive nature of the games. The Bank Secrecy Act was designed to create an audit trail to help minimize illicit financial transactions. Suspicious activities often involve structuring to avoid recordkeeping and reporting thresholds.

  2. Structuring occurs when a person, alone or with others, conducts or attempts to conduct one or more currency transactions in amounts of $10,000 or less in order to evade the reporting requirements of the BSA. Casinos should be aware that both customers and employees may be involved.

  3. Casinos are required to report all suspicious transactions that involve or aggregate to at least $5,000 in funds or other assets that it knows, suspects or has reason to suspect is relevant to a possible violation. Possible violations that involve less than $5,000 may be reported on a voluntary basis. FinCEN Form 102 is used to file a Suspicious Activity Report by Casinos (SARC). FinCEN Form 102a provides detailed instructions on when and how to file a report. FinCEN has issued guidance on Suspicious Activity Reporting and preparation, including SARC narrative examples.  (06-01-2006)
Other Requirements

  1. Currency transactions in other operational aspects of a casino complex may be subject to other reporting requirements:

    1. FinCEN Form 104, Currency Transaction Report - used by independent check cashiers, money remitters, wire transfer companies, etc. operating inside or outside of the casino

    2. IRS Form 8300 , Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or Business - used by the hotel, retail outlets and other non-gaming departments  (01-01-2003)
Distributions of Gaming Revenue

  1. Under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, net revenues from any Class II or Class III gaming activities conducted or licensed by an Indian tribe may be used to make per capita payments to members of the tribe only if four conditions are met.

  2. First, the tribe must prepare a plan to allocate revenues only to uses authorized under IGRA. These uses are to:

    1. Fund tribal government operations or programs;

    2. Provide for the general welfare of the tribe or its members;

    3. Promote tribal economic development;

    4. Donate to charitable organizations; or

    5. Help fund operations of local government.

  3. Second, the plan must be approved by the Secretary of the Interior as adequate, particularly with respect to the use of revenues to fund tribal government operations or programs and to promote tribal economic development.

  4. Third, the interests of minors and other legally incompetent persons entitled to receive any of the per capita payments must be protected and preserved and payments are to be disbursed to the parents or legal guardian of such persons as necessary for the health, education, or welfare of the minor or other legally incompetent person under a plan approved by the Secretary and the governing body of the Indian tribe.

  5. Fourth, the per capita payments are subject to Federal taxation and the tribe must notify members of such tax liability when payments are made.  (06-01-2006)
Guidelines on Review and Approval of Per Capita Distribution Plans

  1. In December 1992, the Department of Interior issued "Guidelines to Govern the Review and Approval of Per Capita Distribution Plans" (Guidelines). The guidelines were revised, effective March 17, 2000. These guidelines set forth the procedures regarding the submission, review, and approval of tribal revenue allocation plans or ordinances relating to the distribution of net revenues from a gaming activity. Title 25, Chapter 1, Part 290 contains the revised guidelines. Under the Guidelines,

    1. A tribal revenue allocation plan or ordinance (allocation plan) providing for the distribution of net gaming revenues shall be approved if the allocation plan provides sufficient detail to determine that it complies with the Guidelines and IGRA.

    2. The tribe must provide a percentage breakdown of the uses to which the tribe intends to allocate its net gaming revenues and the allocation plan shall provide that the tribe plans to dedicate a significant portion of its net gaming revenues to one or more of the purposes in 25 U.S.C. section 2710(b)(2)(B).

  2. The Guidelines define "per capita " payments as those payments made or distributed to all members of the tribe or to identified groups of members which are paid directly from the net revenues of any gaming activity.

  3. Per capita payments do not include benefits for special purposes or programs, such as social welfare, medical assistance, or education. Although a tribal member may receive benefits from net revenue for social welfare, medical assistance, or education, the tribe's designation of these payments is not determinative of their tax status.

  4. Under the general welfare doctrine, certain need-based benefits are not taxable. Although there is no express statutory exclusion for a welfare benefit, government disbursements promoting the general welfare of the tribe are not taxable. Thus, a tribal member may receive non-taxable general welfare payments from the tribe. Bannon v. Commissioner , 99 T.C. 59 (1992); Bailey v. Commissioner, 88 T.C. 1293 (1987). See also Rev. Rul. 2005-46, Rev. Rul. 2005-2 C.B.120 (Payments to individuals by governmental units under legislatively provided social benefit programs for the promotion of the general welfare are excluded from gross income under the general welfare extension.

  5. To qualify under the general welfare exclusion, payments must:

    1. Be made from a governmental fund

    2. Be for the promotion of the general welfare (i.e., generally based on individual or family needs), and

    3. Not represent compensation for services).

  6. Bailey summarizes previous revenue rulings by stating that grants received under social welfare programs that did not require recipients to establish individual need have not qualified for tax exempt status under the general welfare doctrine. Rev. Rul. 76-395, 1976-2 C.B. 16 and Rev. Rul. 76-75, 1976-1 C.B. 14 can be reviewed for further guidance. A key consideration is that the general welfare doctrine requires an individual to establish need.  (06-01-2006)
Reporting Requirements of Distributions

  1. The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act mandates that the gaming revenue distributions are to be taken into account in computing the income tax of the member. See 25 U.S.C. section 2710(b)(3)(D). For those who receive distributions outright, the year of income inclusion is the year of receipt. See Rev. Rul. 67-284.  (01-01-2003)
Distributions to Tribal Members

  1. Per capita payments and other distributions are generally made in cash, but also may be in kind, (e.g., services, property, or relief of debt). Identifying the initial source of funds used for the distributions is an important aspect of the reporting and withholding requirements.

  2. Unless specifically exempt from taxation, the amounts that make up the distributions are taxable and subject to the requirements of filing Forms 1099. A distribution could be derived from many sources. Examples include the following:

    1. Distributions of profits from Class II and III gaming activities

    2. Profits from a tribal business other than a Class II or III gaming operation

    3. Interest income on investments

    4. Rental payments from improvements on tribal lands

    5. Revenue sharing programs

  3. All of these payments would require the tribe to prepare a Form 1099 when a payment was made to the tribal member. (Exceptions for nontaxable distributions are discussed below.) Taxable distributions must be included on an individual's income tax return.

  4. If property, services, or relief of debt is received, the tribal member must include the fair market value of the item in gross income. It is only the amount distributed from the net revenues of Class II or III gaming activity, conducted or licensed by such tribe, that is subject to withholding under IRC section 3402(r) . Withholding provisions are discussed below.  (06-01-2006)
Nontaxable Distributions and Benefits

  1. The following items are excluded from the taxable income of individual tribal members:

    1. Income directly derived by the Indian allottee from restricted allotted land that is held in trust by the United States Government;

    2. Income derived from a fishing rights-related activity which is exempt under IRC section 7873;

    3. Income that is exempt under treaty or statute;

    4. Income received from land claim settlements and judgments pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 1401; or

    5. Benefits via certain tribal programs which provide needs-based governmental services.

  2. For a listing and synopsis of Revenue Rulings, Notices, and court cases that can be reviewed for guidance, See Exhibit 4.88.1-6.,General Welfare Exception -- Summary of Authority. When considering such programs it is recommended that tribes discuss this guidance with their assigned ITG specialist. The facts and circumstances of each tribal program are to be considered on a case-by-case basis. In instances where the law does not clearly address a particular program, IRM, PLRs and TAMs should be considered.  (06-01-2006)
Minor Trusts

  1. One of the requirements for the distribution of gaming revenues to tribal members under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act is that the interests of minors be protected. To meet this requirement, many tribes have established trusts for minors.

  2. Rev. Proc. 2003-14 provides information on trusts established for the receipt of gaming revenue under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) for the benefit of minors and legal incompetents.

  3. The Revenue Procedure clarifies in which instances the deposits into a trust are taxable at the time the deposits are made, and when beneficiaries must include in gross income amounts transferred to, or earned by, an IGRA trust.

  4. ITG Specialists may want to review the white paper discussion of Rev. Proc. 2003-14 listed on the Government Functions screen of the Technical section of the ITG internal web site.

  5. Tribes considering establishing trusts for minors should take into account the potential tax imposed on certain unearned income of minor children at the allocable parental tax rate. (See IRC section 1(g) and Temp. Reg. section 1.1(i)-IT.)  (06-01-2006)
Withholding from the Distribution of Net Gaming Revenue

  1. As discussed earlier, the provisions of IRC section 3402(r) require withholding from the distribution of net gaming revenue. These requirements are provided to the tribes each year. The tribes are sent a mailing, which includes tables covering the requirements. Also, these tables are included in Publication 15-A , Employer's Supplemental Tax Guide. During outreach visits, compliance reviews, and examinations these tables should be reviewed and discussed with the tribe.

  2. The tribe should be advised that when distributions subject to IRC section 3402(r) are issued at certain intervals and an additional separate payment is made (e.g., bonuses) this additional payment is aggregated with the regular payment for withholding computation purposes.

  3. For example:


    A regular monthly per capita payment of $5,000, subject to IRC section 3402(r), is issued to all tribal members. An additional per capita payment of $5,000, also subject to IRC section 3402(r), is made during December. In that instance, for the month of December, the computation for withholding on monthly per capita payments would be based on the aggregate payment amount of $10,000. If the computations were based on separate $5,000 payment amounts, underwithholding would have occurred and the tribe would be potentially liable under IRC section 3402(r).

  4. According to IRC section 3402(r), the tribe is potentially liable for the difference between the amount required to be withheld pursuant to the tables and the amount actually withheld.

  5. The Social Security number of all payees should be secured prior to making payments. Otherwise, the tribe is potentially liable for backup withholding provisions pursuant to IRC section 3406.  (06-01-2006)
Reporting, Deposit Requirements, and Abatement Procedures

  1. Withholding on distributions to tribal members is reported on Form 945. IRM provides information on Form 945, including deposit requirements. Publication 15, Circular E, is a good source on deposit requirements for the tribes.

  2. Form 1099 is filed by the tribe to report distributions to tribal members including cash and the fair market value of any property received.

  3. In addition, each tribal member may be required to submit Form 1040-ES and make quarterly estimated tax payments for taxable distributions received.

  4. See abatement procedures for IRC section 3402(r) assessments under IRC section 3402(d). These provisions are discussed above under Information Reporting. See IRM

  5. ITG Specialists should also reference the Specialists' Adjustment Desk Guide on the Office Practices and Procedures screen of the Technical section of the ITG internal web site. (  (06-01-2006)
Tip Agreements

  1. The Tip Rate Determination and Education Program was initiated by the Service to improve and ensure compliance by employees and employers in industries where tipping is customary. Compliance with tip income reporting requirements can be one of the most complicated and difficult issues for employers and employees. If noncompliance exists, both parties can be held liable for payment of significant taxes, penalties, and interest.

  2. This section deals with various administrative procedures that are to be followed when processing tip agreements as well as the responsibilities of the Tip Coordinator. See IRM Exhibit 4.87.1-1, sections C-9, C-9A, C-9B and C-9C for a flow chart outlining the process of the tip program as it is structured in ITG.

  3. Employers can voluntarily enter into one of four arrangements with the Service:

    • the Tip Rate Determination Agreement (TRDA)

    • the Gaming Tip Compliance Agreement (GITCA), or

    • the Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment (TRAC).

    • the (new) Attributed Tip Income Program (ATIP)

    The TRAC and ATIP agreements are not appropriate for Indian Gaming Establishments. (The TRAC agreement is suitable to the food service industry and ATIP agreements provide no advantage to Indian establishments.) Any restaurants that are part of an Indian Gaming Establishment will be covered under a TRDA or GITCA.

  4. IRM 4.23.7 provides procedures for employment tax on tip income, including TRDAs and TRACs.

  5. Gaming Tip Compliance Agreements (GITCA) are described in Rev. Proc. 2003-35.

  6. Section 3414 of the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 prohibits the threat of an audit to coerce taxpayers into signing a TRDA or TRAC agreement. This prohibition extends to GITCA agreements.

  7. Tip Agreements are voluntary, and while some employers may find the arrangement beneficial, some may choose not to participate in the program at all.

  8. Effective January 1, 1988, IRC section 3121(q) provides that the employers pay their share of FICA taxes on tips reported by their employees. Such remuneration is deemed to have been paid at a time a written statement including such tips is furnished to the employer. If no such statement is furnished (or to the extent the statement is incomplete or inaccurate) such remuneration shall be deemed paid on the date on which notice and demand for such taxes is made to the employer.

  9. Publication 531, Reporting Tip Income provides a good introduction to the responsibilities of employees regarding tip income.

  10. See Exhibit 4.88.1-7 for a concise comparison of TRDA and GITCA.  (06-01-2006)
Tip Rate Determination Agreement (TRDA) Benefits

  1. TRDAs provide several benefits to the employer:

    1. Insures that they are in compliance with the tax law

    2. Lessens the contingent liability of the employer's share of FICA tax

    3. The Service agrees that while under a TRDA, prior periods will not be examined for tip income, provided that both employer and employees are in compliance with the agreement. This will not apply to those tax periods where examinations are already in process prior to entering into the agreement

  2. TRDAs provide benefits to employees, for example:

    1. Insure that they are in compliance with the tax law

    2. The IRS will not examine a participating employee's tip income, if the employee reports tips to the employer at or above the tip rate established for the employee's occupational category.

    3. Increased income may improve financing approval when applying for mortgage, car, and other loans

    4. Increased worker's compensation benefits

    5. Increased unemployment compensation benefits

    6. Increased Social Security and Medicare benefits

    7. Increased employee pension, annuity, or 401(k) participation

  3. TRDAs provide benefits to the IRS, for example:

    1. Result in higher voluntary compliance

    2. Require less IRS enforcement resources

    3. Lead to better relationships between the IRS and taxpayers  (06-01-2006)
TRDA Requirements

  1. Following are the requirements for complying with the rules regarding a TRDA with respect to employee and employer participation.  (01-01-2003)
Required Employee Participation

  1. At least 75 percent of the employees in tipped occupational categories must provide to the employer a signed Tip Employee Participation Agreement (TEPA) indicating participation in the tip reporting program, and

  2. In accordance with the agreement, employees report tips to the employer at or above the tip rate established for the employee's occupational category. See Exhibit 4.88.1-8 for a model TRDA agreement.  (06-01-2006)
TRDA Required Employer Recordkeeping

  1. The employer agrees to maintain employee records. For each employee:

    1. The employee's name and social security number,

    2. Occupational category or categories,

    3. Reported tips, shift(s) and/or hours, and

    4. For food and beverage employees, the employer's charged tips and sales.

  2. The employer agrees to maintain gaming establishment records. If the employer is not otherwise required by state statute or regulation to maintain records of tips received by gaming establishment employees:

    1. For each instance of toke and chip cashing: the dollar amount of tokes and chips presented to the cage for cashing by the toke committee, and

    2. For each instance of toke and chip cashing: a list of the tip splits furnished to the employer by its employees or the toke committee.

  3. The employer agrees to maintain food and beverage records. If the occupational categories include food or beverage servers:

    1. Gross receipts subject to food or beverage tipping, and

    2. Charged receipts showing charged tips.

  4. The employer agrees to keep for each occupational category, all records of data used to determine the tip rates.

  5. All of the records required to be kept by an employer under a TRDA agreement must be retained for at least 4 years after the April 15th following the calendar year to which they relate. In addition, the employer will provide these records upon request to the ITG specialist.  (06-01-2006)
TRDA Employer Requirements for Furnishing Information

  1. The Employer will furnish to the ITG Tip Coordinator in CPM the Annual report of employees including for each employee who is a nonparticipating employee on the last day of the calendar year:

    • an annual report showing the employee's name and Social Security number

    • the employee's occupational category or categories

    • the employee's shift(s) and hours

    This report is due on March 31 following each calendar year. However, no report is required if the employee's reported tips at a rate equal to or greater than the rates established per the TRDA.

  2. If the occupational categories include food or beverages, a copy of the Form(s) 8027 are due on the last day of February following each calendar year to the Cincinnati Campus at the following address:
    Cincinnati OH 45999  (06-01-2006)
TRDA Employer Requirements for Filing Returns, Paying and Depositing Taxes

  1. The employer will comply with the requirements for filing all required Federal tax returns and paying and depositing all Federal taxes.  (01-01-2003)
Tip Rates

  1. Depending on the occupational categories and the employer's business practices, tips can be measured in different ways:

    1. Actual Tips. Under this method the actual tips received by the employee are reported to the employer. This method would include the practice of pooling tips. Tip pooling generally occurs amongst a group of employees working in the same occupational category, and during the same shift. Total tips received by each employee are pooled at the end of the shift and then split among the participants.

    2. Tip Rates. This method utilizes a rate approach in determining tips. Rates can be a dollar amount per hour or shift, a percentage of sales, a dollar amount per beverage served, a dollar amount per dealing hour, or other accurate basis of measurement. The employer can determine tip rates by occupational categories based on internally developed data (rate studies), and/or historical data provided by the ITG specialist. Different rates can be developed by shift per occupational categories.

  2. The employer will review annually, on a calendar year basis, the tip rates assigned to its occupational categories. In addition, the employer may review its occupational categories to ensure that new categories are added and that eliminated categories are deleted.

  3. If the employer believes that a revision of one or more tip rates or occupational categories is appropriate, the employer will submit the revisions to ITG by September 30. If the employer does not submit a request to revise tip rates, then the existing tip rates will be considered the submitted rates by the employer. The Specialist can initiate a rate review to determine whether the existing rates need revision.

  4. ITG will review the proposed rates and notify the employer in writing of its approval or disapproval by November 30. If the proposed rate(s) are not approved, the existing rate(s) will continue until no later than the last day of the following February. If the employer and ITG are unable to agree upon the rate(s) by the last day of the following February, then the agreement will terminate.

  5. New agreed upon rates become effective January 1 of the calendar year, or the first day of the month following the date the employer and ITG agree upon the revised rates.  (06-01-2006)
Authority to sign TRDA

  1. See IRM  (06-01-2006)
Termination of TRDA Agreement

  1. The employer can terminate the agreement at anytime.

  2. The Service can terminate the agreement if:

    1. Employee participation falls below 75 percent of the employees in tipped occupational categories

    2. The employer fails to maintain required records

    3. The employer fails to submit the required annual employee report

    4. The employer fails to make available records requested by the ITG specialist.

    5. The employer fails to file required Federal tax returns and/or fails to make related required tax deposits.

  3. The termination must be in writing and is effective on the first day of the calendar quarter following the date of notice.

  4. The ITG Director has sole authority to terminate a TRDA on behalf of the Service.  (06-01-2006)
Gaming Industry Tip Compliance Agreement Program (GITCA)

  1. The Gaming Industry Tip Compliance Agreement (GITCA) is designed specifically to address concerns of the gaming industry relating to tip income and to reduce disputes under IRC section 3121(q). See Exhibit 4.88.1-9or IRC 2003-35 Exhibit A for a model GITCA. The following requirements apply to rules regarding employee and employer participation in a GITCA.  (06-01-2006)
Required Employee Participation

  1. At least 75 percent of the eligible employees in tipped occupational categories must sign a Model Gaming Employee Tip Reporting Agreement indicating participation in the GITCA.

  2. If participation falls below 75%, the Service and employer will meet to discuss the decline in the participation rate and measures the employer may take to increase the participation rate.

  3. The agreement will not be terminated if the employer undertakes good faith consultations with the Service and is not in breach of its obligations under Section V.A. of the GITCA.

  4. An "eligible employee" is an individual who performs a job in an occupational category described in Appendix A of the GITCA and who regularly and routinely receives tips, directly or indirectly of at least $20 per month during his/her course of employment.

  5. A "participating employee" is required to have filed federal tax returns for the three taxable years that precede the effective date of the GITCA. The employee must also continue to report tips at or above the tip rates established in the agreement and file and report those tips on timely filed tax returns.  (06-01-2006)
Requirements of the Employer

  1. The employer agrees to encourage all of its eligible employees to participate in the program and to sign the Model Gaming Employee Tip Reporting Agreement. See Exhibit 4.88.1-9.

  2. The agreements will be kept on file and made available to the Service upon request for at least the period of limitation on assessment of employment tax while the Agreement is in effect.

  3. The employer shall make tax withholding based upon tips reported, as required by law.

  4. All reported tips must be included on IRS Forms W-2.

  5. The employer acknowledges that the Service has the authority to secure the information necessary for the Service to develop the tip rates of nonparticipating employees.  (06-01-2006)
GITCA Required Employer Recordkeeping

  1. The employer shall maintain the following records for each eligible employee:

    1. The employee's name and social security number

    2. The date on which the employee was hired

    3. The employee's occupational category or categories per the GITCA

    4. The employee's reported tips, shift(s) and/or hours

    5. The employee's wages

  2. The employer shall maintain the following gaming establishment records:

    1. For each instance of toke and chip-cashing, where such information is in the possession or control of the employer, the employer will maintain a record of the dollar amount of tokes and chips presented to the employer for cashing by the toke committee.

    2. A list of the tip splits furnished to the employer by its eligible employees or toke committee, and

    3. Other separate records of the amounts presented to the employer for cashing by toke committee.

  3. If the occupational categories set forth in the GITCA include food or beverage servers, the employer shall maintain gross receipts subject to food or beverage tipping, and aggregate receipts showing charged tips.

  4. The employer will maintain any other records relevant to determining tip rates, as may be required by other governmental agencies.

  5. The employer must maintain these records for at least 4 years after the April 15 following the calendar year to which the records relate.  (06-01-2006)
GITCA Employer Requirements for Furnishing Information

  1. The employer will furnish to the ITG Tip Program Coordinator an annual report showing:

    1. Each eligible employee's occupational category or categories

    2. The employee's shift(s), and hours

    3. The employee's wages and reported tips, and

    4. Whether the employee is a participating employee

  2. The report is due on or before March 31 for the preceding calendar year or any portion thereof during which the GITCA was in effect.

  3. If the occupational categories listed in Appendix A include employees of large food and beverage establishments as defined in IRC section 6053(c)(4), then the employer shall provide annually to the Service the following information:

    1. The gross receipts subject to food and beverage tipping

    2. The aggregate amount of charge receipts attributable to such gross receipts

    3. The aggregate amount of charged tips shown on such charge receipts

    4. The sum of (i) the aggregate amount of tips reported by nonparticipating employees to the employer and (ii) the amount the employer is required to report under section 6051 of the Code with respect to service charges of less than 10 percent, and

    5. The amount allocated to each nonparticipating employee under IRC section 6053(c)(3).

  4. In addition, the employer shall include on the Forms W-2 issued to nonparticipating employees tips allocated pursuant to section 6053 of the Code. No such tip allocation shall be required on Forms W-2 issued to participating employees.

  5. Accordingly, no preparation and filing of Form 8027 by the employer shall be required with respect to participating employees. The information is due on or before the Form 8027 filing date. If the information in section 3 (a-e) above is provided, and Forms W-2 are filed, the employer shall have been deemed to satisfy the requirement for filing Form 8027.  (06-01-2006)
Tip Examinations of Employees

  1. The Service may not examine a participating employee's tip income for any taxable year that begins after the effective date of the agreement provided that each of the following conditions are met:

    1. The employee is a participating employee for the entire year

    2. The participating employee reports his/her tips earned at or above the rates set for in the agreement

    3. The participating employee timely files a federal income tax return that reports earned tips and wages on Form W-2.

  2. Refer to Section VI(B) & (C) of Rev. Proc. 2003-35 for additional considerations when:

    • an employee is a new employee, or

    • a nonparticipating employee is subject to the full range of enforcement procedures of the Service, at any time, including the term of the agreement.  (06-01-2006)
Tip Examinations of Employer

  1. During any taxable year during which the GITCA is in effect:

    1. the Service may not assert liability against the employer pursuant to IRC section 3121(q) with respect to the tip income of participating employees (except in the limited case provided below).

    2. the Service may assert liability against the employer pursuant to section 3121(q) of the Code based on tips received by a nonparticipating employee if the liability is based upon the final results of an audit or agreement of the nonparticipating employee or the reporting of additional tip income by an employee.

  2. At the Service's discretion, it may continue any ongoing examination of the employer begun before the effective date of the agreement.  (06-01-2006)
Establishing Tip Rates

  1. The parties should establish the applicable tip rates as follows below.

  2. Employees Who Pool Tips:

    1. In satisfaction of their tip reporting obligations under IRC section 6053(a) with respect to employees who pool tips, these employees or their employee group representatives (e.g., the toke committee) shall present to the employer a listing of the actual share of pooled tips received by or given to each employee.

    2. This listing must reconcile to the tips presented to the employer's cage for cashing.

    3. The tip rate in the case of these employees is the amount of tips so reported to the employer with respect to each such employee.

  3. Other Tipped Employees--Specified Occupational Categories.

    1. By agreement between the employer and the Service, tip rates have been established for the occupational categories or subcategories of eligible employees ("Occupational Category" ) and, where applicable, shifts listed on Appendix A of the GITCA.

    2. These rates specify tips received, by hour, by shift, by drink, by percentage of sales, or other mutually agreed and verifiable basis of measurement depending on the nature of the work performed.

  4. In general, the applicable tip rates and occupational categories established by the GITCA shall remain in effect for the term of the agreement, unless otherwise modified following (a) or (b) below:

    1. Mutual agreement process--The Service or the employer may propose revisions to tip rates or occupational categories during the term of the agreement. The non-proposing party will notify the proposing party in writing of approval or disapproval within 60 calendar days of receipt of the proposed revision. The non-proposing party will not unreasonably withhold approval. If accepted, the revisions will become effective upon the date agreed to by the parties.

    2. Specific events-- Upon the occurrence of several events listed in Rev. Proc. 2003-35.

  5. The employer may request that the Service agree to a modification in the relevant Tip Rate of an affected Participating Employee within an Occupational Category (e.g., an outlet or shift) that is appropriate in amount and duration, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.  (06-01-2006)
Term of the GITCA

  1. The GITCA is effective on the date agreed upon in the body of the agreement and will be in effect for up to three years. (If necessary, such as with a new business, the term may be less than three years if agreed upon by both parties.)

  2. Beginning not later than six months prior to the termination date of the agreement, ITG and the employer shall begin discussions regarding any appropriate revisions to the GITCA, including any appropriate revisions to the tip rates described in Section VIII.

  3. In the event that the Service and the employer have not reached final agreement on the terms and conditions of a renewal Agreement, the parties may, by mutual agreement, extend the current agreement for an appropriate time to finalize and execute a renewal Agreement.

  4. Neither the employer's nor the Service's decisions regarding renewal of agreements are subject to review.  (06-01-2006)
Termination of GITCA Agreement

  1. If employee participation falls below 75 percent of eligible employees, the Service and employer shall meet to discuss the cause of the decline and measures to increase it. At the meetings, the employer shall provide information for:

    1. Assessing the tip rate

    2. Assessing the procedures employed to encourage all of the eligible employees to participate

  2. If the employer undertakes good faith consultations with the Service and the employer is not in breach of its obligations under Section V.A. of Rev. Proc. 2003-35, the Service may not terminate the agreement.

  3. If the employer fails to undertake good faith consultations with the Service or the employer is in breach of its obligations under Section V.A. of Rev. Proc. 2003-35, the Service may terminate the agreement.

  4. The Service may also terminate the agreement if participation falls below 50 percent of the eligible employees. Termination shall be effective with the first calendar quarter that commences after the 60-day period for notice to the employer.

  5. The agreement may be terminated upon the joint agreement of the employer and the Service, without the consent of any participating employee. The effective date of termination shall be as agreed to by the employer and the Service.

  6. If either party fails to comply with any material provision of the agreement, the non-defaulting party, at its option, may terminate this agreement by giving written notice of termination to the other party. Termination of the agreement shall be effective upon receipt of the notice by the other party.

  7. If the agreement is terminated pursuant to the GITCA's terms, the mutual obligations of the parties shall remain in effect through the effective date of termination. The agreements set forth in Sections VI and VII of Rev. Proc. 2003-35 shall survive termination with respect to taxable periods (or portion thereof) occurring prior to the effective date of termination.  (06-01-2006)
Authority to Sign

  1. The agreement must be signed by the tribal representative who has been delegated this authority by the tribal government.

  2. Indian Tribal Government (ITG) Managers have the authority to sign on behalf of the Service per Delegation Order 4-34, Gaming Tip Compliance Agreements. See IRM

  3. Two original agreements must be signed. The tribal government retains one copy and the other original is kept in the tip case file.

  4. The tip case file (containing the original signed agreement) is forwarded to CPM for review and maintenance of the historical file. No historic information will be maintained at the group level.  (06-01-2006)
Tip Rate Reviews for TRDA and GITCA

  1. Initial tip rates, and requests to revise existing tip rates, require a validation review by the ITG specialist. Of concern to the Specialist is:

    1. How the rates were determined, and

    2. The related internal and accounting controls.

  2. The tribal gaming establishment can use different methodologies to determine tip rates. Tip rates should be determined using statistically valid sampling methods that can be based on:

    • a dollar amount per hour or shift

    • a dollar amount per beverage served

    • a dollar amount per dealing hour

    • a percentage of sales

    • or some other accurate basis of measurement

  3. The Tip Rate Determination Agreement (TRDA) and GITCA require the employer to retain for each occupational category all records of data used to determine the tip rates. These records should be requested and reviewed by the Specialist.

  4. Tip rate reviews initiated by the Specialist should be done using statistically valid sampling techniques. In some cases the use of a statistically qualified Computer Audit Specialist (CAS) may be necessary.

  5. The internal and accounting controls insure that the tip income under any tip rate methodology is accurately and correctly reported. A copy of the written internal and accounting controls should be obtained and reviewed. In some cases it may be appropriate to test, on a sample basis, the existing controls.

  6. Tip rates that are based on an actual or a pooling method require a number of internal controls to ensure that what the employee reports to the employer is correct and accurate. The use of a locked toke box for each employee is better than having the employee place tips in their pocket. An example of some of the controls associated with locked toke boxes would be:

    1. Requirement that all tips received by the employee are placed in the locked toke box.

    2. Toke boxes will remain locked for the employee's shift.

    3. The keys for the toke boxes are located in the Cashier's Cage. The employee should not have the key to any toke box.

    4. At the end of the employee's shift, the toke box is taken to the Cashier's Cage to be audited and recorded. The tips should be counted under the surveillance camera and witnessed by the cashier.

    5. The auditing cashier will record the tip amount in the tip log. Both the cashier and the employee will sign the tip log to verify the tip amount.

  7. Some factors that should be considered when reviewing tip rates are:

    1. Type of gaming establishment

    2. Location of gaming establishment

    3. Customer base

    4. Regional economic conditions

    5. Seasonal factors

    6. Occupational categories

    7. Amount and type of employee contact with customers

    8. Shift differences

    9. Employee breaks

    10. Tip outs

    11. Number, timing, and randomness of observations

  8. Rate reviews will be documented in the specialist's work papers. The specialist's findings and the associated work papers will be submitted to the group manager for review and approval or disapproval.  (06-01-2006)
The Tip Case File and CPM Review

  1. After the Specialist and tribe agree on the rates and occupational categories included in the tip agreement, the draft agreement and supporting documentation should be sent to CPM for pre-review (E-mailing the information is acceptable). CPM Review will concur or work with the Specialist to make the suggested changes.

  2. When the final agreement is presented to the tribe for signature, an appropriate amount of time should be allowed and communicated to the tribe. If the signed agreement has not been received within that time frame, consideration should be given to issuing a declination letter.

  3. Once the agreement is secured the completed tip case file (with the original signed agreement) will be closed to CPM.  (06-01-2006)
Role of ITG Tip Program Coordinator

  1. The Indian Tribal Governments (ITG) office created the position of ITG Tip Program Coordinator (Tip Coordinator) to work directly with the tribes on issues that arise after both parties have entered into a tip agreement. The responsibility for this program is placed with the Compliance and Program Management (CPM) staff.

  2. The goal of the Tip Coordinator is to ensure that all parties (the tribes, their employees and the Service) adhere to the agreements. This generally involves monitoring annual reports required by the tip agreements, as well as overseeing activities related to employee audits.

  3. The role of the Tip Coordinator in no way interferes with the duties and responsibilities of the ITG Specialists. Any requests for assistance from the tribes that cannot be adequately handled by the coordinator will be referred to the appropriate field group for assignment to a Specialist.  (06-01-2006)
Introduction of the Tip Coordinator to the Tribes

  1. Upon receiving a new agreement, the Tip Coordinator will send a letter to the tribe to:

    • introduce them to the Tip Coordinator,

    • remind them of the yearly submissions required by their agreement, and

    • advise them that the yearly submissions should be sent to the ITG Tip Coordinator.

  2. The Tip Coordinator will record for the files information including (but not limited to) the following:

    1. Contact information

    2. Whether or not the tribe mandates participation of all tipped employees

    3. Whether or not the tribe has large food & beverage establishments

    4. Expiration date of the agreement (GITCA)

  3. The above information should be evident to the Tip Coordinator in the tip case file. By maintaining this information, the Tip Coordinator will know whether or not to expect/request certain information.

  4. Two examples follow:

    IF the tribe THEN
    (1) has a TRDA and mandates participation of all tipped employees, the annual report of employees is not required. (Their file will be so noted and therefore, the Tip Coordinator will not expect that report.)
    (2) has no large food and beverage establishments, the Tip Coordinator will know that a copy of Form 8027 or the information outlined in a GITCA is not required.

  5. The ITG Specialist in the field has more direct contact and knowledge of the changes that may occur with the tribes business operations. The Specialist should notify the Tip Coordinator if any situation changes that would affect the tribes tip agreement including their annual reporting requirements.

  6. Such examples include the following:

    • the tribe no longer mandates participation

    • the casino has added a full service restaurant that only had a deli/snack bar initially.

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