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4.41.1  Oil and Gas Handbook (Cont. 3) 
Types of Organizations 
Corporations  (10-01-2005)
Intangible Drilling & Development Costs Excluded from Tax Preference

  1. In computing alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI), taxpayers must add back the amount by which"excess intangible drilling costs " exceed 65 percent of net income from oil and gas properties. However, IRC section 57(a)(2)(E) provides that for taxpayers other than integrated oil companies (so called "independent producers" ) the excess intangible drilling cost preference for oil and gas has been repealed for tax years beginning after December 31, 1992.  (02-19-2008)
Foreign Tax Credits

  1. IRC section 907 provides a limitation on the amount of foreign taxes available as a credit under IRC section 901 that were paid or accrued on foreign oil and gas extraction income (FOGEI) and foreign oil related income (FORI). These limitations must be computed separately from the limitations for taxes on other foreign income.

  2. This provision of the law can be quite complex and consideration should be given to consulting with an international examiner when FOGEI or FORI generates foreign tax credits. Refer to IRM for referral criteria and procedures.  (02-19-2008)
Subchapter S Corporations—Elections

  1. IRC sections 1362(a) provides that a small business corporation as defined in IRC 1361(b), may elect not to be taxed and thus pass on a pro rata portion of the corporation's income, for which the shareholder is liable for any tax. An S-corporation has no earnings and profits, except for any attributable to a taxable year prior to 1983 or to a taxable year in which it was a C-corporation  (07-31-2002)
Dividends—Excess Depletion

  1. An S corporation that was a C-corporation at one time may have accumulated earnings and profits. In general, the earnings and profits of an electing Subchapter S-corporation are computed in the same manner as any other corporation. In the computation of earnings and profits of an S-corporation, the earnings are reduced by the taxable income, because the shareholders are required to include in their gross income. The results of this computation and other adjustments required by IRC section 1368 may cause distributions in excess of the undistributed taxable income to be treated as ordinary dividends in the hands of the shareholder.

  2. If corporate distributions made in the current year are in excess of current undistributed taxable income, the earnings and profits for the current and prior years should be verified to ensure that the excess depletion is being properly accounted for. The adjustments section on Schedule M–2 of Form 1120–S should be inspected for such excess depletion adjustments.  (10-01-2005)
Passive Income—Termination

  1. Section 1375 imposes a corporate level tax on excess net passive income if an S-corporation has C-corporation accumulated Earnings & Profit. Excess net passive income is passive income in excess of 25% of the S-corporation's gross receipts, reduced by allowable deductions. For these purposes, passive income is similar to portfolio income as defined under the passive activity rules, which includes the royalties from oil and gas production payments, royalties, and overriding royalties. This would not include those production payments which do not retain economic interest status and are characterized as loans. Also does not include mineral, oil and gas royalties if the income from those royalties would not be treated as personal holding company income under IRC sections 543(a)(3) & (4) if the taxpayer was a C-corporation. Some oil and gas lease bonuses are also considered "passive investment income." If an S-corporation has more than three consecutive years of passive investment income in excess of 25% of its gross income, the S election is terminated as of first day of the fourth year. See Treas. Reg. 1.1362-2(c)(5)(ii)(A)

  2. The examiner should be alert to the types of oil and gas income of electing Subchapter S corporations. The passive investment income relating to the oil and gas business when added to other types of passive investment income could result in an entity level tax or in a termination of the S-corporation election.  (10-01-2005)
Associations Taxable as Corporations

  1. The exploration, development, and operations of oil and gas properties are carried on in various business structures and forms, such as, co-ownership, joint ventures, and partnerships. It is usually desirable to avoid the corporate form since the intangible drilling and development deductions would benefit only the corporation, and the percentage depletion in excess of cost depletion is added to taxable income in computing earnings and profits. It is normally more desirable to choose that organizational form which will enable the individual taxpayer to benefit the most from the tax deductions in their higher tax brackets. Normally, a partnership or disregarded entity will achieve this result.

  2. Prior to promulgation of the "Check-the-Box Regulations, " the tax classification of business entities followed a complex system of entity classification under what was known as the "Kintner Regulations." These regulations required organizational forms that were not corporations in the legal sense to be classified as corporations for tax purposes if they possessed the following corporate characteristics:

    1. Associates

    2. An objective to carry on business and divide the gains therefrom

    3. Continuity of life

    4. Centralization of management

    5. Liability for corporate debts limited to corporate property

    6. Free transferability of interest

  3. Effective January 1, 1997, the Check-the-Box regulations replaced the Kintner Regulations by simply allowing the taxpayer to check the appropriate box on IRS Form 8832 (hence the term "check-the-box" ). Treas. Regs. 301.7701–2(b)(1) and (3) thru (8) list entities that are "per se" corporation that cannot change their classifications. Under Treas. Reg. 301.7701–3 entities not listed , such as limited liability companies (LLCs), are "eligible entities" that are treated as partnerships if they have two or more members. If the eligible entity has one member it will be disregarded for federal income tax purposes. An eligible entity can also elect to change its classification.  (10-01-2005)
Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)

  1. The limited liability company (LLC) is a hybrid business structure that combines the benefits of a sole proprietorship or partnership with those of a corporation. Like a corporation, an LLC offers its owners a limited liability shield that protects the business owners' personal assets from the debts or liabilities of the business. Like a partnership (or sole proprietorship), the LLC may allow all business income and loss to flow through to its owners. For these reasons, the LLC is becoming an increasingly popular format for doing business in most industries, including the oil and gas industry.  (07-31-2002)
Petroleum Refining

  1. This section provides instructions for dealing with the many facets of the refining process.

  2. Miscellaneous subjects and situations common to the oil and gas industry will be considered in this section. These topics were selected because they involve transactions or situations that are not common in other industries.

  3. Exhibits and useful examination aids have been included at the end of this section. This material was included to provide inexperienced agents with tools that can be used in the examination of oil and gas operations. The suggested examination procedures are not mandatory and should be applied only after considering their need. There is no substitute, however, for individual initiative and innovative thinking during the course of the examination.

  4. Additionally more pertinent research material is shown in Exhibit 4.41.1 - 16 for the reader who may desire to further his/her study in the manufacturing phase of oil and gas operations.  (02-19-2008)
Petroleum Refining Overview

  1. Refining (as well as petrochemical) operations are basically manufacturing operations and, as such, involve additional aspects beyond the production technology discussed elsewhere in this handbook.

  2. Refining operations may involve a relatively simple separation of components as in a topping plant or, as found in a modern large refinery, a separation of components plus the breaking down, restructuring, and recombining of hydrocarbon molecules.

  3. In past years, domestic topping plants or skimming plants were sometimes used (i.e., Farmer's Cooperatives) to distill off light components with the sale of possibly only gasoline or diesel fuel. The residue was then subsequently processed at a major refinery to produce a full range of products. Domestic simple topping plants are a rarity today. In some foreign operations, topping plants are used to segregate rough cuts of the local crude. These cuts and virgin crude oil are then blended to produce a blend of crude suitable for sale/transportation to a particular refinery/market area depending upon the design of the refinery and/or the desired mix of finished products.

  4. Modern large scale refineries not only produce the normal refinery products (kerosene, jet fuels, gasolines, heavy oils, etc.), but also are a source of feed stocks for the petrochemical industry.

  5. Refiners make substantial investments to meet EPA requirements pertaining to emissions from their operations and fuel quality standards. Beginning in 1989, EPA required gasoline to meet volatility standards (in two phases) to decrease evaporative emissions of gasoline in the summer months. Upon passage of the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments, EPA began monitoring the winter oxygenated fuels program implemented by the states to help control emissions of carbon monoxide. It also established the reformulated gasoline (RFG) program which is designed to reduce emissions of smog-forming and toxic pollutants. EPA also set requirements for gasoline to be treated with detergents and deposit control additives. More recently, EPA has set standards for low sulfur gasoline and low sulfur diesel which will help ensure the effectiveness of low emission-control technologies in vehicles and reduce harmful air pollution. (See The American Jobs Creation Action created Code Section 179B (House Bill Section 338) and Code Section 45H (House Bill Section 339) which provided tax incentives for small business refiners in complying with EPA sulfur regulations (See Exhibit 4.41.1-28).

  6. Exhibit 4.41.1 -11provides an analysis of hydrocarbon series found in crude petroleum or in intermediate/finished product streams after refinery processing.  (10-01-2005)
Refinery Processes

  1. Originally petroleum refining was a rather simple process of separating crude oil into its component parts by distillation. The fractional distillation of an average crude oil yields a relatively small gasoline fraction, with larger amounts of kerosene and gas oil. Exhibit 4.41.1 - 12 provides an illustration of the distillation fractions of a typical crude oil. While the temperature range for indicated fractions remains relatively constant, the percentage distilled will vary based on the specific type crude involved.

  2. Conversion of the higher-boiling materials into more valuable products (gasoline or petrochemical feedstocks) became essential. Conversion is partially accomplished in the cracking process by which the large paraffins are broken down to yield a mixture of smaller paraffins, olefins, etc. Such conversion enables the refiner to convert as much as 80 percent of some crude oils into gasoline (if desired) whereas, only about 20 percent could be attained by fractional distillation. In addition, the cracking and other processes not only increase the quantity of gasoline, but also increase the quality.

  3. While the cracking process conversion of the heavier hydrocarbons to gasoline range hydrocarbons increases the quantity of gasoline products, the process also reflects an overall volumetric gain or increased yield. The total products produced, as a percent of feed to the unit, will reflect a 15–25 percent gain in volume (115–125 percent yield) due to the changes in gravities after cracking or hydrocracking. If refinery measurements were by weight, the yield would be approximately 100 percent.

  4. The cracking process produces both saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Other processes are used for recombining the resulting hydrocarbons to produce finished refinery products or for separating individual products as specialty feedstocks for the petrochemical industry. Separation of component streams is accomplished by additional fractionation, absorption, or solvent extraction. Precise separation/extraction of a particular product by fractionation is not always possible due to the small difference in boiling points. While some refineries may have a "super fractionation" area producing finely defined cuts, particular product extraction is often accomplished by absorption or solvent extraction.

  5. In addition to the cracking and recombining of the hydrocarbons, other processes are available for the rearrangement of straight-chain hydrocarbons into ring or cyclic structures, the conversion of straight-chain hydrocarbons to branched-chain hydrocarbons, the removal of hydrogen to produce highly reactive hydrocarbons with double or triple bonds and/or aromatics, and the production of complex branched molecules of the paraffinic series. Some of these processes involve shrinkage (due to changes in gravities) with volumetric yields of 75–90 percent. See Exhibit 4.41.1-11 for illustrations of the various hydrocarbon arrangements. The relationship or arrangement of the hydrogen and carbon can be altered in many ways, and the resulting products have distinct characteristics.

  6. Exhibit 4.41.1-13 provides a simplified flow diagram for a modern refinery. A specific refinery may or may not have all of the indicated processing units, or it may have additional units (isomerization, coking, asphalt, etc.). However, the flow diagram is illustrative of possible product flows between some processing units.

  7. The engineering design of a refinery is based on the type(s) of crude to be processed and optimum production of products. Actual production of the amounts of specific products will fluctuate, within limited parameters, based on seasonal demands or economic market conditions (i.e., a refinery designed to produce up to 60 percent gasoline may at times produce a lesser amount of gasoline with increased fuel oil production to satisfy seasonal demands, etc.).

  8. Refinery operational flexibility is controlled by changes in individual processing unit operating conditions or by diversion of streams between units.

    1. Changes in operating conditions could involve an adjustment to the severity on the reformers to increase/decrease yields versus decreased/increased quality (octane number) or an increase in the temperature in the catalytic cracker to generate more olefins and ultimately more alkylate.

    2. Diversion of streams could involve sending the catalytic cracked light gas oils to be blended to furnace oil (for seasonal demands) rather than hydrocracking the total available stream, blending butylenes directly into gasoline instead of alkylating, or diverting the higher boiling components of straight-run naphtha (reformer feed) making more kerosene/turbine fuel.

    3. Operational flexibility may also involve the coordination of shutting down of a single unit for repairs (turnaround), based on seasonal production demands. While a hydrocracker improves the quantity and quality of both gasoline and distillate blending stocks, its most important advantage is its ability to swing refinery production from high gasoline yields to high distillate yields. With seasonal peak production of distillates, the hydrocracker may be shut down for repairs.

    4. The simplified flow diagram (Exhibit 4.41.1 - 13) shows the entire hydrocrackate stream going to the catalytic reformer. In actual operations, fractionation of the hydrocrackate can produce a heavy hydrocrackate, a light hydrocrackate, and a kerosene range stream. These streams are suitable for distillate blending stocks or for upgrading to gasoline blending stocks.

  9. In addition to the above design and operational flexibility in producing normal refinery products, the feasibility of producing petrochemical feedstocks creates other variables. The light gases from a catalytic cracker contain hydrogen, ethylene, propylene, and butylene. Separation of these components provides a design/operational stream for either alkylation or petrochemical feedstock. Catalytic reforming is a source of aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, and xylene). Solvent extraction of aromatics from the reformate can provide a valuable petrochemical feedstock.

  10. Refiners have historically used Asset Class 13.3, Petroleum Refining, for depreciation purposes. Some refiners are seeking to change their method of depreciation for certain assets used in petroleum refineries to Asset Class 28.0, Manufacture of chemicals and Allied Products. On April 2, 2002, the Industry Director for Natural Resources and Construction issued a Field Directive on this issue. The primary recommendation was that all processing assets involved in the activity of petroleum refining are to be included in MACRS Asset Class 13.3. This would include any incidental manufacturing or waste removal processes, which are integral parts of petroleum refining. See  (07-31-2002)
Petrochemical Industry

  1. The importance/interaction of the petrochemical industry cannot be ignored when considering refining operations. The inter-relationship in research, licensing/royalty fees, disposition of intermediate products, etc., must be analyzed through contractual arrangements, joint ownerships, trade-offs, etc.

  2. The potential utilization of petroleum based (hydrocarbon) building blocks is tremendous. Available byproducts of cracking (ethylene and propylene) provide the principal building blocks of the petrochemical industry. Methane can be converted to ammonia and ammonia to nitric acid. Anhydrous ammonia can be commercially sold in the liquid form as a fertilizer, or the ammonia and nitric acid can be combined to provide a solid fertilizer of high nitrogen content. Another example involves the production of synthetic rubbers. Successive dehydrogenation of n-butane produces 1,3–butadiene (plus hydrogen to be used in other processes). Polymerization or copolymerization of this product provides our Buna rubbers for automobile tires, etc.  (07-31-2002)
Refining and Petrochemical Operations

  1. The integrated oil and gas operator may have its own petrochemical plants and/or may be involved in petrochemicals through arrangements with third-parties.

  2. Fully integrated oil and gas operators with in-house divisions/companies for production, shipping, refining, petrochemicals, marketing, research and development, etc., provide a challenge in determining proper accounting for cross division/company operations. Research and development operations provide benefits and services to the other divisions/companies as well as development of patents, etc., available for lease or sale to third-parties. Intermediate streams or product streams from one plant provide feedstock for another plant.

  3. Refining/petrochemical arrangements with third-parties may involve actual partnerships or be joint ventures with individual variable percentage ownership in the feed preparation plant(s) and the petrochemical plant(s) involved. In such integrated joint ventures, frequently an operating committee is responsible for daily operations, but has no ownership, etc.

  4. Particular problems encountered in such joint operations are further discussed in IRM, Joint Operations.  (07-31-2002)

  1. In refining/petrochemical plant processes, catalysts are frequently Catalysts employed. By definition, a catalyst is a substance which hastens or retards a chemical reaction without undergoing a chemical change itself during the process. Such processes involve many substances as catalysts: acids, minerals, metals, mixed metals, metallic oxides or halides, etc. Metallic catalysts may be utilized in the free state (i.e., gauze or sponge form, etc.) or bonded to a base material to facilitate handling or usage.

  2. While the catalyst does not undergo any chemical change in the process, it may become inactive or ineffective after a time, due to physical abuse or buildup of impurities. Some processes include ongoing provisions for regeneration (i.e., burning off of carbon buildup) of physically stable catalysts. Where precious metals are involved (platinum, gold, silver, rhenium, etc.), reclamation of any physically deteriorated catalyst is standard operating procedure. Such reclamation usually involves returning the material to the manufacturer for reprocessing with credit for the precious metal (normally, practically no operational or reclamation loss of the precious metal is experienced).

  3. The cost of catalysts is handled in different ways according to the types of catalyst involved and the taxpayer's accounting method(s). Some taxpayers may charge the catalyst to expense when it is placed in use. Others may capitalize the initial cost and claim depreciation. In some cases the catalyst may be rented or leased under a standard supply contract. The correct tax accounting method for handling catalysts depends on the contractual arrangements, the type of catalyst involved, and operational factors (operational life, recoverability, reclamation, etc.). See IRM for further discussion of catalysts.  (07-31-2002)
Accounting Practices

  1. There is no standard system of accounting employed by oil refineries, nor are there any prescribed examination guidelines within the industry.

  2. In some situations, the refinery may operate as a self-contained entity preparing its own tax return or, in the case of a multinational conglomerate, feed its operational results back to corporate headquarters for consolidation.

  3. Since refinery managers need various types of data to evaluate and control their operations, numerous types of reports and analysis are prepared using complex cost accounting techniques.

  4. The examining agent should obtain a complete working knowledge of the accounting system prior to beginning his examination and should be cautious not to devote time to internal allocations having no tax significance.

  5. An example of an information document request which could be used in a review of the accounting system is shown in Exhibit 4.41.1-14. Exhibit 4.41.1-15 provides a list of some terms which might be of use when reviewing the cost accounting system.

  6. A prime area of examination concern should be the proper treatment of various types of overhead/indirect expenses.

  7. Consideration should also be given to the form of business entity under which the refinery operates. Joint operations are discussed in IRM  (10-01-2005)
Referral and Coordination

  1. During the course of an examination, the revenue agent may discover items that are highly complex and unique which require the experience and expertise of a specialist examiner and/or of a specialist within the Industry itself. A Technical Advisor (TA) with the Office of Pre-Filing & Technical Guidance (PFTG) — Petroleum is a good resource in such situations  (07-31-2002)
Foreign Crude Pricing

  1. A major element in the cost of production at a refinery, and a significant source of examination potential, is the use of foreign crude oil.

  2. This area is a controlled issue under the responsibility of the Office of Pre-Filing & Technical Guidance (PFTG) - Petroleum. IRM and IRM 4.40.4 discuss this area.  (07-31-2002)
International Examiners (IE)

  1. In addition to the examination potential to be found in crude oil pricing, International assistance from an international examiner may be required if issues are present.  (07-31-2002)
Computer Audit Specialists (CAS)

  1. The use of a CAS is discussed in IRM It is essential that the CAS be requested as early in the examination as his need can be established. Consultations should also be held during the course of the examination concerning updating existing record retention agreements in view of current experiences.

  2. Examples of possible applications which may be helpful are to be found in Exhibit 4.41.1-17. A more detailed explanation can be found in the Computer Audit Specialist Handbook.  (07-31-2002)

  1. In addition to the skills of a petroleum engineer, the assistance of a general/industrial engineer may be required in the event the refinery has been involved in a major expansion or repair program. IRM , IRM and IRM discuss potential examination areas.  (07-31-2002)
Industry Specialization Program

  1. Potential issues present in oil refineries are often common to both the chemical and petroleum industry since many refineries are part of an integrated petrochemical processing chain.

  2. The Industry Specialization Program Handbook discusses the purpose and scope of the program. IRM , discusses PIP and its responsibilities.  (02-19-2008)
Excise Taxes

  1. An excise tax examination may be conducted as a separate examination, as part of the "package audit" requirements for an Industry case. It is mandatory for the Coordinated Industry Case (CIC) Program.

  2. A review of the taxpayer's retained copies of Forms 720 (Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return) in conjunction with a "transcript" of taxpayer's account (and in light of the examination of the taxpayer's income and deductions per books and the income tax returns under examination) may indicate that an excise tax examination is warranted. This decision should be made as early as possible in each case so the examination work can be coordinated to the maximum extent desirable.

  3. Review of the quarterly federal excise tax returns, Form 720 with attachments, is an important part of the examination of a taxpayer that owns or operates a refinery. The operator of the refinery may be liable for certain excise taxes.

  4. IRC section 4081(a)(1) imposes a tax on certain removals, entries and sales of gasoline, diesel fuel), and kerosene. These three fuels are collectively referred to as "taxable fuel." Section 4041(a) imposes a tax on liquids other than gasoline (usually diesel fuel and kerosene used or sold for use in a diesel-powered highway vehicle or diesel powered train. Section 4041(a)(1)(B) provides an exemption if these fuels were previously taxed as taxable fuels. section 4041(a)(2) imposes a tax on alternative fuels (excluding gas oil, fuel oil, and taxable fuel) used or sold for use in a motor vehicle or motorboat. Alternative fuels include those fuels referred to a "special fuels" prior to 10/01/2006. Common alternative fuels are liquified petroleum gas (such as propane, butane, pentane, or mixture of these fuels). boat. IRC section 4042 imposes a tax on any liquid used by any person as a fuel in commercial waterway transportation (Inland Waterway tax).

  5. The oil spill liability tax is an environmental tax. This $.05 per barrel tax generally applies to crude oil received at a U. S. refinery and to petroleum products entered into the U. S. for consumption, use, or warehousing. The tax also applies to certain uses and the exportation of domestic crude oil.

  6. The tax imposed on ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs) is also an environmental tax. This tax is imposed on an ODC when it is first used or sold by its manufacturer or importer. The manufacturer or importer is liable for the tax. The instructions for Form 6627 (Environmental Taxes) lists the taxable ODCs and tax rates.

  7. Verification of the environmental taxes reported on the Form 6627 attached to the Form 720 (Excise Tax Return) may include the following items for Ozone-Depleting Chemicals or Imported Products (IRC sections 4661 & 4671):

    1. Identification of the source documents, chart of accounts, flowcharts, operations manual, and responsible parties involved.

    2. Records of all Ozone-Depleting Chemicals produced, and records of all Ozone-Depleting Products imported,

    3. Records of the sale, export, or use of Ozone-Depleting Chemicals or Products,

    4. Records to substantiate that the appropriate tax has been paid previously, including floor stocks, if applicable.

  8. The environmental taxes deduction ledger account(s) should be analyzed and traced to source documents for a representative period. The examiner should determine that the taxable chemicals were properly classified for the appropriate tax rate, and that none of the taxable chemicals and none of the petroleum liquids were omitted from the amounts reported on Form 6627.  (07-31-2002)
Capital Expenditures

  1. A major area of interest in the examination of refineries and Capital petrochemical plants is the cost basis of property. The cost basis of tangible expenditures and intangible assets is involved in the determination of amortization, depreciation, and gain or loss on the disposition of all or part of such property.  (07-31-2002)
Allocation of Acquisition Costs

  1. In any transaction where different properties or assets are acquired, there is the problem of allocation of the basis to the various properties or assets. In some contracts, the amounts involved for each separate property or asset is stated. When stated at realistic values, the allocation problem may be eliminated. The acquisition of a refinery, refinery facilities, patents, processes, and know-how involve complex allocations of the purchase price.

  2. The costs incurred incidental to the acquisition of a capital asset should be capitalized to the cost of the asset. Expenditures to be capitalized include items such as commissions, consulting fees, feasibility studies, environmental impact studies, legal fees, salaries, travel, and "new image " costs incidental to the acquisition of assets or expansion of the business. These incidental costs may include expenditures involved in forming a coownership for joint operations such as a joint venture or a partnership. See IRM , Joint Operations.

  3. Any costs incidental to the acquisition of a capital asset and having a benefit to the taxpayer beyond the current year should be capitalized, as part of the cost of the asset acquired or constructed. It is noted that the cost of such environmental studies should be distinguished from expenditures deductible under the provisions of IRC section 174. Rev. Rul. 80–245, 1980-2 C.B. 72, and the potential problems involving environmental impact studies are discussed in IRM  (07-31-2002)
Examining Acquisition Costs

  1. When examining acquisition costs, verify the total purchase price (including the adjusted cost basis of any property given in exchange), the incidental costs of the acquisition, etc.

  2. Verify the allocation of the total acquisition cost to the respective assets acquired in ratio to their relative fair market values at the date of acquisition. Acquisition costs should be allocated to items such as:

    1. "Going concern," " new image," environmental impact studies, etc.

    2. Patents, licenses, processes, and know-how assets

    3. Equipment and plant facilities

    4. Pipeline and storage facilities.

    5. Land, right-of-way, and land improvements.

    6. Inventories (including pipeline " fill" ), intermediate stream and finished products, warehouse equipment, parts, etc.

  3. Some of the documents that should be examined for verification of acquisition costs include:

    1. Authorization for expenditure (AFE) records

    2. Letters of intent, offer, and counteroffer documents

    3. Minutes of executive committee meetings and directors' meetings

    4. Settlement sheets, transaction closing documents, etc., transferring the consideration and conveying title

    5. Purchase price/fair market value analysis and allocation workpapers used as the basis for recording the cost basis of the individual assets on the books

    6. Analysis of the history and the projected performance of the tangible and the intangible assets including evaluation reports, Insurance coverage, and an itemized list of assets before and after the acquisition

    7. Details for the vouchers of the original entries in the journals and ledger of accounts

    8. Chart of accounts before and after the acquisition

    9. Organizational chart before and after the acquisition

    10. General information available; such as employee newsletters, reports to stockholders, reports to SEC, news releases, etc.  (07-31-2002)
Construction Costs

  1. Construction costs, in general, fall into three categories; initial refinery construction, expansion of refining capacity, and other improvements. In each category construction costs may include outside contractors self construction, or a combination of both.

  2. Contracts with outside contractors should be reviewed to ensure that all costs called for in the contract have been properly considered as capital expense. The agent should also verify that the items included in the construction contract are properly classified or allocated for depreciation, etc. Engineering assistance may be required where a lump sum construction contract calls for items to be constructed which will fall into more than one category for depreciation, etc.

  3. The agent should verify that appropriate self-construction costs have been properly capitalized. A good examination technique, when reviewing outside contractor costs, is to inquire if the taxpayer was furnishing personnel or equipment to supervise or assist in the construction process.

  4. When self-construction costs are encountered, the agent should ensure that the capitalized costs include the direct costs, as well as the indirect costs such as insurance, benefits, and overhead.  (10-01-2005)
Environmental Impact Studies

  1. In the oil and gas business, as well as in other industries construction/activities such as building pipelines, roads, canals, refineries, and industrial plants can have an adverse effect on the natural environment. Sometimes the company will spend a great deal of money making studies of the effect the proposed business expansion will have on the environment. Should these costs be deductible as ordinary operating expenses or should they be capital expenses? Any cost incidental to the acquisition of a capital asset and having a benefit to the taxpayer beyond the current year should be capitalized as part of the cost of the asset acquired or constructed. However, if the study results in the abandonment of the project, the cost would be deductible under IRC section 165 in the taxable year the taxpayer decides to abandon the undertaking.

  2. In the examination of taxpayers that have had large expansions, or have constructed plants that might have an environmental effect, the agent should be alert for such costs that might not have been capitalized.

  3. Expenditures to conduct environmental impact studies to support its application to expand its facilities are not research and experimental expenditures, within the meaning of IRC section 174. Whether such expenses are capital expenditures will depend upon the facts of the particular case. The expenses, if not chargeable to a capital account, are ordinary and necessary business expenses deductible under IRC section 162(a). Rev. Rul. 80–245, 1980–2 C.B. 72, holds that the costs of environmental impact studies paid by a public utility company in connection with its application to expand its generating facilities are not research and experimental expenditures within the meaning of IRC section 174.  (07-31-2002)
Patents, Processes, and Know-How

  1. The operation of refineries and petrochemical plants often involves the utilization of numerous patents, exclusive processes, and trade secrets. During the examination of these operations, the agent should be alert for acquisitions of these types of assets. These items are capital assets and may be amortized over their useful life.

  2. The purchase of these types of assets frequently will occur when other items of plant, property, or equipment are being purchased. When other items are purchased, the agent should inquire if the purchase includes any patents, exclusive processes or know-how.

  3. Know-how may be defined as an aggregation of data or information that is employed in a business endeavor and has the effect of providing the user with a competitive advantage over others who do not have access to, or use of, such data or information.

    1. Royalty payments for the purchase or license of know-how that are contingent upon the use of (and reasonable in terms of the benefits actually derived from) licensed know-how during the year for which the payment is made can be deducted as necessary and ordinary business expenses.

    2. All other expenditures for know-how, with a few rare exceptions, must be capitalized and are not subject to the allowance for depreciation or amortization.  (07-31-2002)
Crude Oil Inventory

  1. The inventory of refiners may include both domestic and foreign crude. See IRM and IRM The domestic and foreign crude inventory may include both produced and purchased crude oil.

  2. In his/her examination of refinery and petrochemical operations, the agent should obtain the assistance of engineers if problems are encountered in the determination of the correct value of produced crude oil that is included in the inventory of a refiner.

  3. The acquisition of crude oil for manufacture into finished products by refiners will be either through long-term contracts of supply by domestic and foreign producers or by spot purchases of crude oil on an as needed basis. The agent should be alert to per unit (barrel) variances in purchase price of purchased crude, especially if acquired from related entities.  (07-31-2002)
Blending Stocks

  1. Finished or saleable refinery products are a blend of various refinery streams and sometimes include purchased blending stocks. The prime example is gasoline.

    1. With reference to the Simplified Flow Diagram at Exhibit 4.41.1 - 13 , finished gasoline would be variable blends of the straight-run gasoline, reformate, catalytic cracked gasoline, thermal cracked gasoline, alkylate, and n-butane. These individual product streams (stocks) are normally segregated in storage tanks prior to actual blending operations.

    2. For a refiner without the modern processing units to produce high quality gasoline components, or one faced with the temporary shutdown of such a unit, blending stocks are frequently purchased on the open market. Blending operations and blending stocks are further discussed in IRM

  2. The refiner's unfinished products inventory will normally include all produced or purchased basic stocks available for further processing or blending into finished products. The unfinished products inventory may be subcategorized to include:

    • Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Stocks

    • Gasoline Stocks

    • Kerosene and Gas Oil Stocks

    • Residual Stocks

    • Lube and Wax Distillate (Unfinished)

    • Industrial Chemicals

    • Additives

    • Catalysts  (10-01-2005)

  1. The refiner's finished products inventory will include all saleable products resulting from further processing and blending of unfinished stocks. While individual refineries produce different products, and taxpayer's categorization and sub-categorization will vary. Exhibit 4.41.1-18 provides an indication of the types of goods found in product inventories.  (02-19-2008)
Spare Parts and Equipment

  1. To avoid unplanned shutdowns and to assist in performing routine maintenance, refineries normally maintain an inventory of spare parts and equipment.

  2. The agent should examine those spare parts and equipment items that should be or are being inventoried. Items not held for resale are not inventory, and LIFO cannot be used to account for such items (Treas. Reg. 1.472–1). For non-inventory treatment of expendable, rotatable, or standby emergency spare parts, see Rev. Rul. 81–185, 1981–2 C.B. 59.

  3. With respect to equipment, the agent should determine that proper consideration is given to investment credit and recapture of investment credit for items being placed in service or removed from service.  (10-01-2005)

  1. Due to rapidly increasing prices for oil and oil products, many companies have elected the LIFO method of valuation of inventory. For assistance, please contact PIP and/or the Inventory Technical Advisor.  (02-19-2008)
Consumable Supplies

  1. A large variety of consumable supplies are used in refinery operations. Consumable Supplies are items that do not become a part of the finished product but are used in the manufacturing process, such as boiler fuel, expendable catalysts, and filtering clays.

  2. Property and materials that are not held for resale or which are not considered direct material, do not meet the definition of inventory under Treas. Reg. 1.471–1. Section 1.263A-1(e)(2)(i)(A) defines direct materials as those materials that become an integral part of specific property produced and those materials that are consumed in the ordinary course of production and that can be identified or associated with particular units or groups of units of property produced.

  3. If consumable supplies are significant, they must be taken into account as used in order to clearly reflect income. Section 1.263A-1(e)(3)(ii)(E) requires that indirect materials costs, including the cost of supplies, are includible in inventory costs under 263A. The method of valuation may vary, depending on the factual circumstances. Common methods of valuation are average cost and replacement costs.  (02-19-2008)
Change in Product Mix

  1. Consideration should be given to the effect of LIFO pools in the event the refinery changes its product mix, as a result of acquisitions, dispositions, or other changes in its mode of operation.

  2. Treas. Reg. 1.472–8 discuss LIFO pools when under the " Dollar Value" LIFO method.

    1. Separate pools are required when a business enterprise is composed of more than one natural business unit (Section 1.472–8(b)(1).

    2. Where a manufacturer or a processor is also engaged in the wholesaling or retailing of goods purchased from others, such goods should not be considered as part of any manufacturing or processing pool (Sections 1.472–8(b) and (c)).

    3. Such changes in product mix may occur when new market sources are utilized or when an affiliate is acquired. Examiners should, therefore, be alert for proper pooling in the event the refinery begins to purchase and resell products similar to, or in place of, items it refines.  (07-31-2002)
Year-end Purchases

  1. In order to avoid the adverse tax effects of depleting LIFO inventory layers, the taxpayer may make year-end purchases of crude oil or crude oil products. The agent should be alert for purchases, which are in reality sham or paper transactions, booked at year-end, then reversed out after year-end.  (07-31-2002)
Sales and Transfers

  1. Transactions involving disposition of raw materials, or the products of the refinery, may be reported as exchanges, transfers, or sales. Crude oil exchanges must be reported in crude oil costs using the basis of the item given up plus or minus any "boot" and related expenses of the particular exchange. Accordingly, it is necessary to distinguish an exchange agreement, a buy/sell agreement, and a true sale agreement.

  2. Exchange agreements may exist when:

    1. Both sides of the agreement are stated in a single document

    2. The two agreements are negotiated simultaneously

    3. The two agreements refer to each other

    4. One side of the transaction involves a financial disadvantage sufficient that a prudent businessman would not enter into that part without the financial benefit of the other part of the agreement or agreements

  3. Transfers of products intracompany may be recorded at cost basis and reported in the cost of sales of the respective divisions or recorded at "arm's-length" value and reported as a sale of products transaction. When refinery products are transferred to an intracompany division or to a related domestic company at cost, or at a stated value, the impact on the taxable income should be considered.

  4. Transfer of products to or from a foreign related company should be examined. The product pricing should be evaluated against the " arm's-length" value so as to ensure that taxable income is not distorted and to ensure that the foreign tax credit is correctly determined. See the International Examiner Audit Guidelines Handbook (IRM 4.61) and International Procedures Handbooks (IRM 4.60) for further information regarding international issues.

  5. Buy/sell agreements are accounted for as "normal" purchase/sale transactions. They may involve transporting, handling, or warehousing petrochemical products. These agreements should be examined to verify that what is agreed upon is done. Special consideration should be given to transactions near the end of the year when such agreements may be made to cover a LIFO inventory layer without physical delivery of the product. The examiner should be alert for identical "contra" agreements after the end of the year to offset the prior agreement. LIFO inventory issues are discussed in IRM

  6. True sale agreements and buy/sell agreements involve dispositions which are not exchanges or transfers reported in the cost of sales such as crude oil or other product transactions. The area of interest for the examination of the sales accounts, in addition to the gross receipts reconciliation, includes the special agreements with related parties (both domestic and foreign entities) and the arrangement with coowners or joint venturers, etc. Potential issues may involve the "arm's-length" pricing, the timing, and/or the character of the sales reported. Joint operations are discussed in IRM  (07-31-2002)

  1. The refining/petrochemical products are ready for marketing at various points of the manufacturing process: distilling, cracking, treating, etc. The various "split off" points in the manufacturing process are noted, in general terms, in the discussion in IRM , Refinery Processes.

  2. Finished refinery products, fuel, lubricating oil, etc., are the principal products sold. The accounting for amounts reported in gross sales of these products should be reconciled to the sales journal/ledger. Potential issues include transfers, exchanges, or sales at less than "arm's-length " value. The main line of petroleum finished products are illustrated in Exhibit 4.41.1 - 18.

  3. Unfinished products in the manufacturing process are sometimes saleable for various uses, such as raw material for further refinery processing, blending, or as feedstock for many different manufacturing processes. The best known market for these "intermediate stream products" is their use in the manufacture of fertilizers, synthetic rubber, plastics, etc.

  4. The petrochemical manufacturing plant may be nearby or contiguous to the refinery to take advantage of the convenient source of raw material. The plant may be an intracompany or related company owned facility. The list of divisions and/or related companies and their business operations should be ascertained from the annual report to stockholders and/or SEC reports. The areas of interest for examination will include the "arm's-length " pricing and the "timing" of the transactions reported in the return.

  5. As technology progresses, substantially all of the byproducts from the refining process are in demand; therefore, most products are considered major products. The sale of byproducts should be identified in the sales reported per return. Some such items may be reported in the cost of sales rather than in the gross receipts.  (07-31-2002)
Miscellaneous Revenue

  1. The operator of the refinery may realize revenue from miscellaneous sources such as:

    1. Sale of steam to contiguous or nearby facilities

    2. Sale of electricity in circumstances similar to (a) above

    3. Sale of scrap materials, equipment, etc.

    4. Sale of containers, deposit recoveries, etc.

    5. Royalties, fees, and rents from patents, know-how, catalysts, and/or facilities. This revenue should be reported in gross receipts, but some items may be included in the cost of sales or netted to an expense account.  (10-01-2005)
Know-How, Patents, and Royalties

  1. Research and development has created technology that is a vital commodity for the refining and petrochemical industries. The demand for proven processes and the utilization of patent rights is an important source of revenue. Investments in these intangible assets and a listing of the in-house developed know-how, patents, and processes should be analyzed:

    1. To verify the royalties and fees received from books to the return

    2. To account for additions and removals

    3. To verify the income reported from the disposition of all or an undivided interest in these intangible assets

    4. To verify that the sale/transfer to a controlled foreign corporation or other related party was correctly reported

  2. The income from rents, royalties, etc., received for the use of these intangible assets should include the value of any items or services received in exchange. Consideration should be given to the impact of the transactions involving these intangible assets on the taxable income.

  3. It is the position of some taxpayers that long term gain under the provisions of IRC section 1231 is recognized upon the sale or exchange of these intangible assets. Alternatively, some have proposed that no ordinary income may be attributed to the sale or exchange when no "tax benefit" was realized for the "section 174 expenditures" made and deducted for the creation of the subject intangible asset (IRC section 111). See also Rev. Rul 85–186.

  4. It should be noted that IRC section 1235 provides that patents disposed of by the "holder," as defined in the provisions of IRC section 1235(b), qualify as the sale or exchange of a capital asset held for more than one year. This special provision excludes the employer of the creator of the patent.  (07-31-2002)
Direct Costs and Purchases — Domestic Crude

  1. A significant cost incurred by a refiner will be the purchase of feedstock (crude oil) for the manufacturing processes of the refining operations. Acquisitions of domestic crude are from two primary sources, produced and purchased. In both instances, the acquisitions are treated as purchases, inasmuch the production of crude and purchases by the refiner are from different entities or from another division of an integrated oil company. See IRM, if problems arise in the verification of the cost figures that are used by the refinery operating entity.  (07-31-2002)
Foreign Crude

  1. Foreign crude oil is a major source of supply for the operation of the refining complex. The agent should be alert to the fact that foreign crude oil, as a part of the raw material for the refining operations, can be from related producers and from unrelated suppliers. The acquisition of foreign crude can pose a problem for the agent in his/her examination. Foreign crude oil imports are subject to price adjustment by PIP, as discussed in IRM Should the agent discover purchases from foreign sources in the course of his/her examination, he/she should obtain the assistance of an international examiner for coordination with PIP.  (10-01-2005)
Finished Products

  1. Also included in the cost of goods sold, more specifically as purchases, are finished products that are acquired for use in the manufacturing operations of the refining and petrochemical industry. In the course of his/her examination of the direct costs incurred, the agents attention is called to the inventory sections. See Exhibit 4.41.1-18 for examples of finished products.  (07-31-2002)
Blending Stocks and Additives

  1. While blending stocks and additives are used for most finished products, the best known application involves gasoline. The two most important variables in gasoline blending are vapor pressure and octane number. Approximate characteristics of some blending components are found in Exhibit 4.41.1 - 19.

  2. Effective engine performance involves the vaporization of the gasoline. For handling cold starting, there must be enough volatile hydrocarbon in the gasoline to get a vapor-air mixture that will ignite. Measurement of volatility is vapor pressure. Common measurement is Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP), named after the man who designed the test apparatus.

    1. The RVP of gasoline must meet the extreme conditions of cold starts, normal running when warmed up, and restarting when hot. There is a direct correlation between a gasoline's ability to meet these conditions and the VP.

    2. The most suitable RVP for gasolines varies with the seasons. Cold starting in northern Minnesota's cold winters requires a gasoline with a 3-pound per square inch (psi) RVP. During the hot days of August in South Texas, cars won't restart if the RVP is higher than 8.5 psi.

    3. To avoid vapor lock, gasoline RVP may be localized to accommodate local prevailing environmental conditions as the combination of high altitudes and high temperatures can cause problems.

    4. A review of the above approximate RVP characteristics of available blending components shows that all but one have RVP's below the usual limits of finished gasoline. Therefore, n-butane is used as the pressuring agent. Refinery production of butane, plus butane recovered from natural gas in gas recovery plants, provides an ample supply of relatively inexpensive butane or gasoline blending. The amount of butane that can be added is limited due o its high RVP.

  3. The compression of the gasoline/air vapor in the engine heats the mixture, and it will get hot enough to self-ignite without the aid of a spark plug. Premature self-ignition produces knocking. The measurement of whether a gasoline will knock in an engine is in octane numbers. The most commonly known additive to improve the octane number of gasoline has been lead. The addition of tetraethyl lead (TEL) or tetramethyl lead (TML) does not affect any other properties, including vapor pressure. With the mandated phase-down in the lead content of gasoline and the introduction of unleaded gasoline, other additives are now available for octane improvements.

    1. The listed approximate octane numbers of available blending components (see Exhibit 4.41.1-19. ) are for the raw stock from the processing units. With the addition of lead or other additives, some components are more susceptible to octane enhancement than others.

    2. Blending to meet octane specifications includes not only the selection of amounts of the various components, but also the octane enhancement available for each component with variable amounts of additives.

    3. It can be seen that the octane number of straight-run gasoline is quite low for finished gasoline. The addition of butane will increase the octane number, but the amount that can be added is limited by the resulting high vapor pressure. The other blending stocks are required to meet both criteria.

    4. Optimal blending of gasoline is not simple in overall refinery operations. Operational costs and seasonal availability of produced components, as well as costs of purchased components and additives, must be considered. Balancing the selection of components for both the desired RVP and octane rating requires the consideration of many alternatives.

    5. Refineries utilize computers to blend finished gasoline. On-line blending may involve computer selections of streams or blending components from individual processing units and/or intermediate storage tanks, as well as the input of additives.

  4. Additives for other than octane enhancement are commonly found in refinery operations. In some instances, chemical inhibitors or antioxidants which delay the formation of gum in gasoline are used. Coloring dyes may be used in gasolines or fuel oils. The production of lubricating oils and grease involves the use of other additives.  (07-31-2002)

  1. The nonrecognition rules of IRC section 1031 apply to like kind exchanges. However, that section provides that property held for productive use in trade or business or for investment does not include stock in trade or other property held primarily for sale. Therefore, exchanges of inventoriable goods constitute a taxable transaction (See PLR 8043017).

  2. Exchange contracts of inventoriable goods are normally one of the following three types:

    1. Spot. A one time exchange or an exchange that is for a short period of time.

    2. Continuous Spot. A recurring short-term contract, often seasonal.

    3. Continuous. An ongoing, evergreen contract that may run for several years with no fixed expiration date.

  3. Exchanges are brought about by a need for a specific product at a specific location in a desired quantity that is not available within the system of the exchanging partner. Differentials attributable to location, handling, and grade are paid in cash and/or product.  (07-31-2002)
Accounting For Exchanges

  1. There are generally three methods used within the industry to account for exchanges as follows:

    1. Exchange Inventory Method. Net balances due to or from exchange partners are merely added or subtracted from inventory balances with no gain or loss being realized until the ultimate sale.

    2. Gross Purchases and Sales Method. Each exchange receipt is treated as a purchase and each exchange delivery as a sale.

    3. Net Purchases and Sales Method. Using quantity accounting for exchange balances, end of period adjustments are made whereby favorable balances are recorded as accounts receivable and sales while unfavorable balances are recorded as purchases and accounts payable. Although this method does not recognize the limitation in IRC section 1031 concerning nonapplicability to inventoriable goods, it is prevalent in the industry.  (02-19-2008)
Examining Exchange Transactions

  1. The following may be helpful in determining proper treatment of like kind exchanges under IRC section 1031:

    1. Ask the taxpayer to identify all material exchanges of property.

    2. Review the depreciation schedules for reductions in different classes of assets.

    3. On corporation returns, Schedule M should be considered for income not reported for tax purposes.

    4. Annual reports may comment concerning exchanges of property.

    5. Scan the property ledger.

    6. Ascertain the treatment of boot received by the taxpayer since boot may have been treated as a reduction in the basis of the asset received.

  2. When examining inventoriable goods not subject to nonrecognition under IRC section 1031, consider the following:

    1. Ascertain the accounting treatment used by the taxpayer in accounting for exchanges and treatment of any boot received.

    2. Ascertain if the taxpayer has consistently followed the method currently being used.

    3. Review year-end exchanges to identify possible exchange contracts entered into to protect LIFO inventory layers. An exchange contract entered into at year-end to protect a LIFO layer would normally involve a reversal after year-end. The potential for abuse is greater in those instances where one exchange partner uses the exchange inventory method and the other exchange partner uses the gross purchases and sales method. In this instance, both taxpayers can, under their method of accounting for exchanges, include the same goods in physical inventory.

    4. For those taxpayers using the exchange inventory method, see Treas. Reg. 1.481–1 prior to proposing a change in method of accounting.

    5. Make sure that favorable exchange balances (inventory items owed by the taxpayer) are treated the same as unfavorable balances (inventory items owed to others).

    6. Taxpayers using the exchange inventory method can experience instances when quantities deliverable under exchange contracts exceed actual inventory amounts. This can have a material impact depending upon the LIFO pools used by the taxpayer since the LIFO inventory must be adjusted for the "negative" inventory.

    7. Ascertain if periodic adjustments have been made to adjust exchange balance accounts through sales or purchases. Periodic adjustments is a suggested accounting treatment in COPAS Bulletin No. 17, section 10 entitled, Crude Oil Trading. However, this treatment is improper for tax purposes (see PLR 8043017).  (07-31-2002)

  1. Most large refineries distribute utility costs in their internal cost accounting systems. Their controls may involve a distribution to the various processing units as well as between utilities (fuel for steam generation). Many of the smaller refineries do not distribute or allocate utility expenses, and they control their utility operations through operational reviews and budgetary analysis.

    1. With the ever-increasing costs for utilities, economic operations dictate the effective/efficient use of utilities. In many locations where utility costs are allocated, the initial distribution of utility costs is based on metered volumes. In some instances, a refiner may use meters, estimates, engineering standards, or a combination of the three methods.

    2. Electricity is normally purchased from a public utility company with some standby electrical generating capacity for emergency purposes.

    3. Natural gas may be purchased for intermediate use.

    4. Refinery operations require considerable amounts of steam, and steam generating units are to be anticipated. Frequently, where refinery/petrochemical operations are contiguous, the steam generating unit in one plant will supply steam to all plants involved. With single ownership of all plants, there are no apparent tax consequences. With separate/variable ownership of the plants, a sale of steam may be involved. The contractual agreements and the allocated costs for steam should be reviewed under appropriate circumstances.  (07-31-2002)
Filter Materials

  1. Filtering materials are used in the production of petroleum products to remove impurities. The agent should verify that unconsumed filtering materials are inventoried at yearend. Refer to IRM , Consumable Supplies, concerning the treatment of this item in inventory.  (07-31-2002)
Labor and Employee Benefits

  1. Among the other direct costs to be attributed to the finished product, as throughput of the refinery, are the labor and applicable benefits of the employees directly related to the manufacturing operations of the refining industry. The entity being examined will normally maintain cost accounting records that accumulate all factors of costs that are component cost factors of the finished product. The agent should obtain these workpapers for utilization in his examination and verification of inclusion of all direct cost factors of the finished product.  (07-31-2002)
Indirect Expenses — Depreciation and/or Amortization

  1. Since depreciation is a major area of expense, the examiner should be alert to review the appropriateness of the deduction in conjunction with the engineer.  (02-19-2008)
Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) Problem Areas

  1. Taxpayers may not use the applicable percentage stated in IRC section 168(b) for recovery property used predominantly outside the United States. The determination that a property is used predominantly outside the United States shall be made by following the rules under former IRC section 48(a)(2). The rules are provided in Treas. Reg. 1.48-1(g).

  2. Are the classes of property correctly designated, including recovery property used predominantly outside the United States?

  3. Is the applicable percentage for the recovery deduction consistent with the alternative depreciation system?  (07-31-2002)

  1. The petroleum refining and petrochemical processes involve the use of, and the development of, high technology involving patents and patent rights. The taxpayer may obtain rights to a patent by paying a royalty fee, by purchase, or by obtaining a patent for processes developed in-house.

  2. Royalty payments usually extend over the remaining life of the patent rights obtained. Payments over a period substantially shorter than the life of the patent rights obtained may indicate that a lease purchase agreement is involved. A patent and/or a patent right is an intangible asset. Accelerated methods of depreciation generally may not be utilized for patents. See Treas. Reg. 1.167(a)-14(c)(4).

  3. Generally, the purchase price and the related costs of acquiring the patent are depreciable over the remaining life of the patent (Treas. Reg. 1.167(a)–6), or a shorter period, if it can be estimated with reasonable accuracy, Treas. Reg. 1.167(a)–3. The straight line method of depreciation is normally used. Other methods not expressed in term of years may be utilized when appropriate. See Treas. Reg. 1.167(a)-14(c)(4).

  4. The in-house development of patent rights may include research and experimental expenditures deductible under the provisions of IRC section 174. The cost basis of a patent subject to depreciation includes not only the purchase price but the costs of government fees, drawings and models, materials and labor allocated to perfecting it, attorney fees and the cost of clearing the legal title, Treas. Reg. 1.167(a)–(6)(a).

  5. If the patent becomes valueless in any year before its expiration, the unrecovered cost may be deducted in that year, Treas. Reg. 1.167(a)–6(a).

  6. Areas of interest in the examination of patents and patent rights include:

    1. The review of the taxpayer's beginning of the year and end of the year record of patents and patent rights.

    2. Has taxpayer properly capitalized the costs of the patents?

    3. Does taxpayer claim excessive depreciation?

    4. Does taxpayer pay excessive royalties/fees to a controlled foreign corporation or related party that may require the application of the provisions of IRC section 482?

    5. Does taxpayer sell patents in the ordinary course of business? (The sale or exchange of patents is discussed in IRM

    6. Has taxpayer transferred a patent to a controlled foreign corporation or other related party which may be reported as long term gain in error?  (07-31-2002)

  1. The various types of catalysts used in the petroleum refining and petrochemical processes include some with a nominal cost and some that are extremely valuable. An overview of the accounting treatment, the identity of, the status of, and the use of catalysts in the refinery processes is included in IRM, Catalysts and IRM, Types of Catalysts. Also see Rev. Rul. 90–65, 1990–2 C.B. 41.

  2. In most instances, the metal in the catalyst is not consumed, does not lose its identity, and very little, if any, is lost in the refining process. It is not subject to wear and tear, to decay, to exhaustion, or obsolescence. As such, it is not of a character subject to the allowance for depreciation:

    1. Under the general rules of depreciation, Treas. Reg. 1.167(a)–2

    2. Under the ADR system, Treas. Reg. 1.167(a)–11(b)(2)

    3. Under the MACRS provisions of IRC section 168(c)(1)

  3. The depreciation allowance applies only to that part of the property subject to wear, tear, exhaustion, etc.; therefore, the "other capitalized costs" constitute the "depreciable basis" of the catalyst. These costs include such items as the frame, screen, bedding, freight-in, commissions/fees related to the acquisition, and related costs to bring the catalyst to that point in time when it is ready to be placed in service.

  4. Following are some of the factors for examination:

    1. The Schedule M (Reconciliation of Income Per Books with Income Per Return) amounts should be examined for any unusual deductions claimed on the return, but not deducted in the books, that may involve catalyst depreciation.

    2. The catalyst expense included in the return (identified in the tax workpapers, working trial balance, etc.) should be compared to the monthly dollar amounts per books for catalyst depreciation, royalties, rents, etc., to identify unusual expenses for examination.

    3. Taxpayer's internal controls for catalyst and the asset accounts for the inventory of catalysts should be reviewed together with the title records and agreements for royalties and rent expenses.

    4. Tax workpapers for the analysis of the inventory of catalyst (date acquired, whether owned or leased, etc.) and the depreciation computation detail should be available.

  5. The problem areas for examination of depreciation deducted for catalysts include the following:

    1. The costs may be deducted in error.

    2. The acquisition costs and expenditures to bring the catalyst to that point in time when it is ready to be placed in service may be deducted in error.

    3. The cost of precious metal (and in some cases, the cost of nonprecious metal) may be included in depreciable basis.  (02-19-2008)
Certified Pollution Control Facility

  1. IRC section 169 provides the taxpayer with an election to amortize over 60 months, the amortizable basis of any certified pollution control facility specified in IRC section 169(f). See IRC section 169(d)(5), for exception of 84-month amortization period applicable to certain air pollution control facilities placed in service after April 11, 2005. It should be noted that the Federal certifying authority shall not certify any property when it appears that its costs will be recovered over its actual useful life from profits derived through the waste recovery or otherwise in the operations of such property. The amortization deductions are subject to recapture to the extent of any gain on the sale of the facility, IRC section 1245(a)(3)(C).  (10-01-2005)

  1. Overhead items are those costs necessary for production which cannot be conveniently traced to a specific unit of finished product.

  2. The cost accounting system groups all such individual items together or applies them to products through the use of some allocation method and base.

  3. An improper choice of the method or base may distort income through an erroneous inventory valuation.

  4. Examiners should carefully review overhead allocations to insure that the taxpayer is complying with the uniform capitalization rules of section 263A. Treas. Regs. 1.263A–1 through 1.263A-3 set forth the guidelines and should be reviewed.

  5. Consideration also should be given to the impact of Treas. Reg. 1.861–8 on overhead allocations.

  6. Exhibit 4.41.1 - 15 provides commonly accepted accounting terminology which may be of use in analyzing overhead.

  7. A good source of examination leads might be cost of production reports. An example of the contents of a cost of production report is shown in Exhibit 4.41.1 - 20.  (10-01-2005)

  1. Refinery repairs are normally very substantial due to the nature of refining processes. The agent should consider giving major emphasis in his/her examination of this area to items which are substantial in amount.

  2. Refinery repair accounts normally have a large volume of activity. Due to this large volume, it is often an area well suited for the use of statistical sampling methods to detect items misclassified.  (07-31-2002)

  1. The term "turnaround" in the context of refining refers to a period of time that the refinery is shutdown to perform preventive maintenance. The agent should expect to see a large portion of the yearly repair expense incurred during this brief interval of time.

  2. During turnarounds, the taxpayer may be also making some capital improvements, i.e., changing out old equipment for new equipment, adding new units, etc. Even though the purpose of the turnaround is primarily to do preventative maintenance, capital expenditures may be incurred simultaneously.

  3. When the agent encounters capital expenditures, he/she should determine that all related costs have been properly included in the amount capitalized. This may include removal costs of old equipment or other modifications to the plant which are necessary in order to enable the new equipment to be installed and used. The agent should ascertain that labor and indirect costs associated with the capital item have been capitalized.  (07-31-2002)
Royalty and Licensing Fees

  1. The task of successfully operating refineries and petrochemical plants necessitates the use of various royalty/licensing arrangements. During the examination, the agent should be alert to the payment of these fees. Such payments may be to related entities and if so, the contracts requiring their payment should be analyzed for arm's-length pricing. The contracted arrangements for the payment of these fees are usually related to units of throughput or units of production.

  2. The payment of royalty/licensing fees become obvious and are more likely to occur when acquisition, construction, and/or expansion of plant facilities are undertaken. The agent should be alert to any advance payments of these fees that would be payable on future production as through put in the manufacturing processes of the refining and petrochemical plants.  (07-31-2002)
Joint Operations

  1. The petroleum industry has a long history of using joint operations as a vehicle for its activities. The basic premise involved in the examination of joint operations is the classification of the organization as a partnership, an association taxable as a corporation, or merely a tenants-in-common coownership.

  2. A tenants-in-common arrangement usually involves the mere coownership of property that is maintained, kept in repair and rented, or leased with no operations involved. Such an arrangement is not considered a partnership, Treas. Reg. 301.7701–1(a)(2).

  3. The participants in joint operations are pooling their resources, know-how, and services for the purpose of sharing the risk and the potential economic rewards. The operator of the refinery may be involved in several different joint operations.

  4. The construction of plants for further manufacturing of refinery products frequently involves joint operations. The refinery products that constitute resource material for fertilizers, chemicals, plastics, etc., may be the subject of the joint construction of a plant and/or the joint operations of such a plant or facility. The instruments governing the joint operations provide authority for the construction and/or the management of the facility, the conduct of the operations, and the division of the profits and losses, or the delivery of the plant products.

  5. Occasionally, the participants organizing the joint operations as tenants-in-common for sharing expenses, etc., find that, in fact, they meet the standards requiring the organization to be recognized as a partnership. Under certain circumstances the participants may qualify to be excluded from the provisions of Subchapter K of the Code regarding the requirement to file partnership returns.The most common organization formed in a joint operating arrangement is the partnership entity, IRC section 7701(a)(2).

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