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4.24.2  Form 637 Excise Tax Registrations  (08-13-2008)

  1. Listed below are the standards and procedures relating to approving, denying, revoking and monitoring registrations for which application is made on Form 637 Application for Registration (for Certain Excise Tax Activities).

  2. The Treasury Regulations prescribe that each person who engages in certain specified activities relating to excise tax must be registered by the IRS before engaging in the activities. In other cases, a person is required to be registered by the IRS in order to receive an excise tax benefit.

  3. Form 637 lists activities for which registration is required or allowed. Each activity is identified by a designated capital letter or letters. Thus, for example, the activity of being the first retail seller of certain heavy vehicles is activity letter " Q" and the person that has been registered for this activity is often referred to as a "Q registrant."

  4. Field registration reviews must be conducted with a complete analysis of the applicant's/registrant’s business operations. At a minimum, the review will consist of the following:

    1. A plan on what to inspect and how the inspection will be conducted;

    2. The actual inspection, complete with a applicant/registrant interview, business review, and review of necessary books and records; and,

    3. A determination and issuance of a letter to the applicant/registrant.

  5. An approved registration is a public statement by the IRS that it considered relevant aspects of the registrant’s business operation and financial condition and that the registrant has met all the required registration tests.

  6. Everyone who conducts business with the applicant/registrant can be assured that the Internal Revenue Service has determined that the federal excise tax will be collected and paid.

  7. The IRS issues a registration letter as notice to the applicant/registrant that the application/compliance review is approved and the registration sought is granted/retained. By issuing the registration letter, IRS acknowledges that the registrant has met all required registration tests specified by the registration suffix granted:

    1. The registrant currently is in the stated business activity and is likely to remain in the business; and/or,

    2. The registrant does not create a significant risk of nonpayment or late payment of the tax; and/or,

    3. The registrant has both adequate financial resources and a satisfactory tax history, or has given an adequate bond.

  8. The grade of the 637 review should be the same as the grade of the income tax return.

  9. The United States or a state or local government will not be registered for any activities under IRC 4222 (suffixes A, B, C, D, E, F, I, Q). If a governmental unit applies for a registration that is not required, the unit will be informed that it is not required to be registered. A state or local government may be registered as appropriate for any activity under IRC 4101 (suffixes K, M, S, UP, UV, W, X, Y, AL).

  10. Applicants with a principal business location in Puerto Rico do not qualify for registration under IRC 4101 and 4222 .  (08-13-2008)

  1. IRC 6103(k)(7) DISCLOSURE OF EXCISE TAX REGISTRATION INFORMATION, provides that to the extent the Secretary determines that disclosure is necessary to permit the effective administration of subtitle D, the Secretary may disclose:

    1. The name, address, and registration number of each person who is registered under any provision of subtitle D (and, in the case of a registered terminal operator, the address of each terminal operated by such operator), and

    2. The registration status of any person.

  2. The disclosures authorized by IRC 6103(k)(7) are delegated to the National 637 Program Manager.

  3. Any request for disclosure not listed in IRM will be forwarded to the National 637 Program Manager. The request will include a concise statement of the administrative necessity for disclosure.

  4. All contacts and disclosures will be noted in the applicant/registrant’s Form 637 file and in a written or computer database disclosure log.  (08-13-2008)
Purpose and Objective of Workload Stratification

  1. The selection of Form 637 follow-up reviews will be based on such factors as risk assessment and revenue protection. Each activity letter will be analyzed using various factors. This will be done on an annual basis to identify registrants that post a medium to high risk of non-compliance to the government. The National 637 Program Manager will be responsible for the analysis and selection of these reviews.

  2. See IRM Yearly Assignment of Form 637 Compliance Reviews to Fuel Territory for specific selection criteria.  (08-13-2008)
Annual Registration Work Plan

  1. The National 637 Program Manager will prepare an Annual Registration Work Plan.

  2. The National 637 Program Manager will identify and allocate the registrants to be reviewed to the Fuel Territory exam groups and the General Excise exam groups.

  3. Using a statistically valid selection process, the National 637 Program Manager will randomly select the registrants for which sample 637 on-site reviews will be performed.

  4. This work plan will be distributed to each Territory Manager prior to the beginning of each fiscal year. The 637 Reviews will be started on a pro rata basis to ensure the completion of the reviews by each fiscal year-end. Any exceptions to the Territory work plan must be presented by the Territory Manager in writing to the National 637 Program Manager.

  5. The sample selection at (3) above will exclude C, D, E, F, I, AL, BC, CC, UA, UB, UP, and UV registrants.

  6. The National 637 Program Manager is responsible for monthly work plan monitoring and reporting to the Chief, Excise Tax program.  (08-13-2008)
Overview of Correspondence Reviews

  1. All 637 correspondence reviews identified as suffixes C, D, E, F, I, AL, BC, CC, UA, UB, UP, and UV registrants will be centralized and worked by the 637 Compliance Team

  2. The National 637 Program Manager will select the registrants for which correspondence 637 reviews will be performed, based on the resources of 637 Compliance Team.

  3. An annual 637 Work Plan will be distributed to the 637 Compliance Team prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. The 637 Reviews will be started on a pro rata basis to ensure the completion of the reviews by each fiscal year-end.

  4. All 637 correspondence reviews, as stated in (1) above that are part of the Coordinated Industry Case (CIC) Program will be referred to the field.  (08-13-2008)
Overview of Field Group Reviews

  1. Field Group Reviews will consist of all new applications that meet field criteria, and sample reviews selected by the National 637 Program Manager. In addition, correspondence reviews that cannot be resolved by 637 Compliance Team criteria will be sent to the appropriate field group for completion. The Territory Manager or Excise Group Manager may also select discretionary reviews (non-sample reviews) from the following, as they deem necessary:

    1. All 637 reviews that are part of the Coordinated Industry Case (CIC) Program;

    2. Any other registrant not selected by the National 637 Program Manager.

  2. If a registrant is examined (other than as a result of a compliance review), a compliance review will be performed in conjunction with the examination. The Excise Tax Examiner should consider the date of the last 637 visitation and discuss with their Manager before proceeding. The Excise Tax Examiner will forward a written narrative of their audit results, including any information uncovered that may affect the registrant's registration to the 637 Territory Coordinator. The Excise Tax Examiner will also include a copy of the RAR if applicable.

  3. All Field Excise Tax Examiners will utilize management specified report generating software system and utilize the appropriate 637 lead sheet templates, and 637 Job Aids for all 637 reviews including initial application reviews and other compliance reviews. See for 637 lead sheet templates.

  4. All initial and sample selected reviews will be subject to Embedded Quality (EQ) review. See IRM 4.24.7.

  5. All initial 637 applications will be completed within 60 days of receipt at the Cincinnati Internal Revenue Service Center (CIRSC).

  6. Each sample review may require an on-site visitation including reviewing the registrants historical case file. The Excise Tax Examiner will review transcripts, other IDRS research, CBRS research, and any other internal documents. The Excise Tax Examiner must follow the procedures as listed in IRM

  7. All Form 637 case files must be documented thoroughly and meet the standardized case file criteria including but not limited to internal controls, business diagrams, financial analysis, 637 Job Aids, etc. See Exhibit 4.24.2-5. for the requirement of using a standard Form 637 compliance review case file assembly.

    1. Each compliance review will be maintained in an appropriate filing system with an activity record.

    2. The activity record will include all registrant contacts and will be documented sufficiently to show what was done during the review.

    3. The Excise Tax Examiner performing the review will document the follow-up actions and their determination.

  8. The registrant will be given a written letter (Deficiency/No Deficiency) summarizing the compliance review. A copy of the notice will be kept in the case file.

  9. A 637 review is considered complete when the written letter is issued to the registrant.  (08-13-2008)
Responsibility of Cincinnati Centralized Excise Operations (CEO)

  1. 637 Applications are received by the Cincinnati Compliance Service Center and forwarded to Cincinnati Excise Operations (CEO).

  2. All Form 637 applications received by CEO will be date stamped upon receipt. CEO personnel will review the incoming application for name, address, EIN, activity letter, form, and signature. CEO will contact an applicant to obtain or perfect missing or incomplete information.

  3. If the application does not contain a valid EIN, CEO will not consider the application and inform the applicant that they must obtain an EIN and resubmit the application.

  4. Once perfected, the application will be entered by CEO into the Excise Tax Registration Authentication System (ExTRAS) for control purposes.

  5. CEO will mail the original application attached to a Form 3210 to the 637 Compliance Group in Houston via overnight mail.

  6. If a registrant contacts CEO regarding a change in business location, CEO will e-mail the information to both the old and new Territory 637 Coordinator for follow up action.  (08-13-2008)
Responsibility of 637 Compliance Team

  1. For an explanation of the 637 Compliance Team procedures and actions See Exhibit 4.24.2-2.  (08-13-2008)
Responsibility of Excise Tax Field Offices

  1. The Excise Tax Group Manager is responsible for managing the registration program within his or her geographic area of responsibility.

  2. The Excise Tax Manager will ensure all sample 637 compliance reviews are completed pro-rata by fiscal years end.

  3. An appropriate file will be maintained at the Territory level for a minimum of three years after the application has been denied or registration has been revoked.

  4. Any application incorrectly mailed directly to the Excise Tax Field Group will be immediately faxed to 637 Compliance Team for processing and input onto ExTRAS. The original application will be mailed to the 637 Compliance Team.

  5. It is mandated that the Excise Tax Examiner conducting a 637 compliance review inspect the original 637 case file.  (08-13-2008)
Relationship Between Compliance Reviews and Examinations

  1. If a applicant/registrant’s books and records are inspected for a filed, delinquent, or potentially delinquent return, an examination has been initiated and appropriate examination procedures will be followed.

  2. Inspection of books and records for periods for which a return is not filed (excluding delinquent returns) is not an examination.

  3. Inspection of exemption certificates, contracts, financial statements, and other records not used in determining a tax liability is not an examination.

  4. Inspection of a filed return that does not involve an inspection of supporting books and records is not an examination.  (08-13-2008)
Registration Review Process

  1. All technical analyses and determinations of Form 637 registrations will be performed by an excise tax-trained individual.

  2. All initial applications must be contacted within twenty (20) days from the date CEO enters onto ExTRAS.

  3. Applications will be reviewed for completeness to ensure all information required by the Form 637 instructions has been provided.

  4. The case file will be documented with the registration tests for the appropriate activity letter(s).

  5. Internal controls must be analyzed and documented to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the business operations, and the strengths, weakness, and reliability of the applicant’s financial reporting. The Excise Tax Examiner must verify that the applicant has adequate resources and proper internal controls to ensure the collection of and payment of tax.

  6. Financial analysis is a picture of the business in dollars and cents. It shows levels of risks, measures business performance, and enables the Excise Tax Examiner to make informed decisions on the health of the business. Excise Tax Examiners have available a variety of financial ratios for this analysis and must document the methods used. A decision on the financial analysis of the applicant/registrant cannot be made independently from the analysis of internal controls. The Excise Tax Examiner must consider at a minimum the applicant/registrant’s past payment history for tax liabilities.


    Special attention should be given to the applicant/registrant’s (and related person’s) past treatment of employment tax liabilities. In no situation should an applicant/registrant with outstanding non-addressed Federal Tax liabilities of any kind be granted a new registration or continuation of an existing registration

  7. The Excise Tax Examiner will explain to the applicant/registrant:

    1. The purpose of the registration and how to use it.

    2. That a registration is required to conduct certain business transactions free of Federal Excise Tax, at a reduced rate, or to file certain claims or refunds.

    3. The use of exemption certificates and provide a copy of the applicable exemption certificate required by/for the applicant/registrant to conduct transactions for which they are registered. Any form of exemption certificate is acceptable if it includes all the information required to be contained in such a certificate by the pertinent sections of the regulations. Examples of exemption certificates are contained in the Treasury Regulations.

    4. That the exemption certificate must be accepted in good faith and must be secured prior to entry into the exempt transaction. If not, the taxation of those items, or disallowance of the claims related to those transactions may occur.

    5. The filing, payment, and deposit requirements for Form 720, the filing requirements for Form 8849 and 4136, and the reporting requirements for Form 720TO and 720CS.

    6. That if the filing, payment, and deposit conditions are not met, their registration is subject to revocation.

    7. The terms and conditions of registration. Stress that if the terms and conditions of registration are not met, the registration is subject to revocation.

    8. That a follow-up compliance review could be conducted in the future. Explain that the purpose of the follow-up review is to inspect certificates, inspect returns filed, analyze internal controls, perform a current financial analysis, and obtain and/or review other pertinent information related to the business and business operations.

  8. Provide the registrant the IRS web site for obtaining a copy of Publication 510 Excise Taxes, and discuss the applicable section(s) including any excise tax law updates applicable to the registrant. Be prepared to fully answer any relevant question posed by the applicant/registrant.

  9. All Form 637 case files will be standardized nationwide.

  10. All Form 637 case files assigned to field groups will be established on ERCS using the appropriate tracking codes. See IRM  (08-13-2008)
Applications for Activities K, M, S, W and Y

  1. The information listed below covers the activities for K, M, S, W, and Y.

  2. Effective September 30, 2005 aviation-grade kerosene was eliminated as a separate category of fuel and is now taxed at the general diesel fuel/kerosene rate. (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Pub. L. 109-59).  (08-13-2008)
Description of Activities Covered

  1. The description of the activities for K, M, S, W, and Y is listed below:

    1. K: Buyer of kerosene for a feedstock purpose. The kerosene tax on kerosene does not apply if, among other conditions, the buyer of the kerosene for feedstock purposes is registered. See Treas. Reg. §48.4082-7(b).

    2. M: Blender of gasoline, diesel fuel (including a diesel-water fuel emulsion), or kerosene, producing a taxable fuel outside the bulk transfer/terminal system, including blenders of alcohol fuel mixtures, biodiesel mixtures, and renewable diesel mixtures. Registration as a blender does not allow a person to buy any fuel tax-free. See Treas. Reg. §48.4081-1(b). The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 (PL. 108-357) eliminated activity letter T. This person is required to be registered. See Treas. Reg. §48.4081-1(b).

    3. S: Enterer, position holder, refiner, terminal operator, or throughputter of gasoline, diesel fuel (including a diesel-water fuel emulsion), or kerosene, or industrial user of gasoline. Each enterer, refiner, position holder, terminal operator, and throughputter (that is a position holder) is required to be registered. See Treas. Reg. §48.4081-1(b).

    4. W: Operator (other than state or local government) of a diesel-powered train. The tax on diesel fuel used in trains has been eliminated, except for the 0.1 cent per gallon LUST tax. See IRC 4041(d)(3).

  2. Registration for these activities is governed by IRC 4101 and Treas. Reg. §48.4101-1.  (08-13-2008)
Visiting Applicants

  1. It is required that a compliance visit be made to the principal business location of the applicant.  (08-13-2008)
Registration Tests

  1. An applicant will be registered for activities K, M, S, and W only if it is determined that the applicant meets the activity test, the acceptable risk test, and the adequate security test. These tests are in Treas. Reg. §48.4101-1(f). The application file will be assigned to an Excise Tax Examiner to determine if the applicant meets all three of these tests.

  2. Activity Test

    1. An applicant meets the activity test only if it is determined that the applicant: (i) is, in the course of its trade or business, regularly engaged as an operator of a bus or train or in the characteristic activity of a blender, enterer, feedstock user, industrial user, refiner, terminal operator, position holder, or throughputter; or (ii) is likely to be (because of such factors as the applicant’s business experience, financial standing, or trade connections), in the course of its trade or business, regularly engaged as an operator of a train or in the characteristic activity of a blender, enterer, feedstock user, industrial user, refiner, terminal operator, position holder, or throughputter within a reasonable time after becoming registered.

    2. A review of the applicant’s business operations will be made to verify that the applicant is regularly engaged, or will be regularly engaged, within a reasonable time, in the activity for which the registration is being requested. Examples of items that may be inspected include contracts or agreements, copies of Form 720, state licenses, etc. If necessary, customers and suppliers of the applicant may be contacted.

    3. See Treas. Reg. §48.4081-1 for definitions of the terms blender, enterer, industrial user, operator of a diesel-powered train, refiner, terminal operator, throughputter, and position holder.

    4. See Treas. Reg. §48.4081-6(b)(3) for definition of the term "gasohol blender" .

    5. See Treas. Reg. §48.4082-7(b) for definition of the term " feedstock user" .

  3. Acceptable Risk Test

    1. An applicant meets the acceptable risk test only if it is determined that: (i) neither the applicant nor a related person has been penalized for a wrongful act; or (ii) even though the applicant or a related person has been penalized for a wrongful act, the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate determines, after review of evidence offered by the applicant, that the registration of the applicant does not create a significant risk of nonpayment or late payment of the tax imposed by IRC 4041(a)(1) and 4081.

    2. In making the determination whether an applicant does not create a significant risk of nonpayment or late payment of tax, consider factors such as (i) the time elapsed since the applicant or related person was penalized for a wrongful act; (ii) the present relationship between the applicant and any related person that was penalized for any wrongful act; (iii) the degree of rehabilitation of the person penalized for any wrongful act; and (iv) the amount of bond given by the applicant. In his regard, the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate may accept a bond in any amount.

    3. Wrongful Act. A person has been penalized for a wrongful act if the person has: (i) been assessed any penalty under Chapter 68 of the Internal Revenue Code (or similar provision of the law of any State) for fraudulently failing to file any return or pay any tax, and the penalty has not been wholly abated, refunded, or credited; (ii) been assessed any penalty under Chapter 68 of the Internal Revenue Code and such penalty has not been wholly abated, refunded or credited, and the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate determines that the conduct resulting in the penalty is part of a consistent pattern of failing to deposit, pay, or pay over a substantial amount of tax; (iii) been convicted of a crime under Chapter 75 of the Internal Revenue Code (or similar provision of the law of any State), or of conspiracy to commit such a crime, and the conviction has not been wholly reversed by a court of competent jurisdiction; (iv) been convicted, under the laws of the United States or any State, of a felony for which an element of the offense is theft, fraud, or the making of false statements, and the conviction has not been wholly reversed by a court of competent jurisdiction; (v) been assessed any tax under IRC 4103 and the tax has not been wholly abated, refunded, or credited; or (vi) had its registration under IRC 4101 or 4222 revoked.

    4. A related person is a person that: (i) directly or indirectly exercises control over an activity of the applicant; (ii) owns, directly or indirectly, five percent or more of the applicant; (iii) is under a duty to assure the payment of a tax for which the applicant is responsible; (iv) is a member, with the applicant, of a group of organizations (as defined in Treas. Reg. Section 1.52-1(b) that would be treated as a group of trades or businesses under common control for purposes of Section 1.52-1; or (v) distributed or transferred assets to the applicant in a transaction in which the applicant’s basis in the assets is determined by reference to the basis of the assets in the hands of the distributor or transferor.

    5. Sources of information that may help identify wrongful acts include: (i) transcripts of the applicant and related persons: (ii) Criminal Investigation Division; (iii) television or newspaper articles; (iv) state or local law enforcement agencies; and (v) Form 637 registration files.

    6. Sources of information concerning risk of late or nonpayment of tax include: (i) transcripts of the applicant’s tax payment history, (ii) state tax information, (iii) bankruptcy records, and (iv) the applicant’s financial records.

  4. Adequate Security Test

    1. An applicant meets the adequate security test only if it is determined that the applicant has both adequate financial resources and a satisfactory tax history, or the applicant gives an adequate bond.

    2. An applicant has adequate financial resources only if it is determined that the applicant is financially capable of paying: (i) its expected tax liability under IRC 4041(a)(1) and 4081 for a representative 6 month period (as determined by the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate); (ii) in the case of a terminal operator, the expected tax liability under Section 4081 of persons other than the terminal operator with respect to taxable fuel removed at the racks of its terminals during a representative 1 month period (as determined by the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate) and; (iii) in the case of a gasohol blender, the gasohol bonding amount. This amount is the product of the rate of tax applicable to later separation, as described in Treas. Reg. Section 48.4081-6(f)(1)(iii), and the total number of gallons of gasoline expected to be bought at the gasohol production tax rate by the gasohol blender during a representative 6 month period (as determined by the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate).

    3. The determination of whether an applicant has adequate financial resources must be based on financial information such as the applicant’s income statement, balance sheet or bond ratings, or other information related to the applicants financial status.

    4. An applicant has a satisfactory tax history only if they have no outstanding non-addressed federal tax liability of any kind and the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate is satisfied with the filing, deposit, and payment history for all federal taxes of the applicants' and any related person. Complete transcripts or other equivalent research will be used for this purpose.  (08-13-2008)

  1. When a bond is required. As a result of the required financial analysis, the Excise Tax Examiner may recommend that the applicant give a bond as a condition of registration. Upon such recommendation, the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate may require an applicant to give the IRS a bond in order to meet the acceptable risk test or the adequate security test. The purpose of the bond is to ensure the collection of taxes owed. Bonds may be required of applicants in order:

    1. To meet the acceptable risk test - if the applicant or a related person has been penalized for a wrongful act and it is determined that a bond is necessary to show that the applicant does not represent a significant risk of nonpayment or late payment of tax; or

    2. To meet the adequate security test - if it is determined that the applicant does not have adequate financial resources and a satisfactory tax history.

  2. Amount of bond. A bond must be in an amount that is determined to ensure timely collection of the taxes imposed by IRC 4041(a)(1) and 4081, taking into account the applicant’s financial capabilities, tax history, and expected liability under IRC 4041(a)(1) and 4081. The amount of the required bond may be increased or decreased to take into account changes in the applicant’s financial capabilities, tax history, and expected liability under IRC 4041(a)(1) and 4081.

  3. However, for a bond given to meet the adequate security test, the amount of the bond must be no greater than the amount that is determined to be equal to:

    1. The applicant’s expected tax liability under IRC 4041(a)(1) and 4081 for a representative 6-month period;

    2. In the case of a Terminal Operator, the expected tax liability of persons other than the Terminal Operator under IRC 4081 with respect to taxable fuel removed at the racks of its terminals (determined as if all removals of taxable fuel were taxable) during a representative 1 month period; and

    3. In the case of a gasohol blender, the gasohol bonding amount. See Treas. Reg. Section 48.4101-1(b)(3) which states that the gasohol bonding amount is the product of: The rate of tax applicable to later separation, as described in Treas. Reg. Section 48.4081-6(f)(1)(iii), and the total number of gallons of gasoline expected to be bought at the gasohol production tax rate by the gasohol blender during a representative 6 month period (as determined by the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate).

  4. If a applicant/registrant is unable to satisfy the acceptable risk test, a bond in any amount, may be required.

  5. Types of Bonds. The following types of bonds may be accepted:

    1. A public debt obligation of the United States Government.

    2. An obligation the principal and interest of which are unconditionally guaranteed by the United State Government.

    3. A bond executed by a surety company listed in Department of the Treasury Circular 570, as an acceptable surety or reinsurer of federal bonds (Circular 570, which may be found at , is usually printed each year in the July 1 edition of the Federal Register).

    4. Any other bond with security (including liens under IRC 4101(b)(1)(B) considered acceptable by the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate.

  6. Procedures for Surety Bonds. The Excise Tax Group Manager must obtain a letter from the surety company certifying that the applicant is bonded with their company. The letter shall verify that the bond is payable to the United States Treasury and is not revocable by the registrant without prior notification by the surety company to the Excise Tax Group Manager. The original surety bond remains in the Form 637 case file.  (08-13-2008)
Applications for Activities AB, AF, AL, AM, BC, CC, NB, UA, UB, UP, UV, and X

  1. The information listed below covers the activities for AB, AF, AL, AM, BC, CC, NB, UA, UB, UP, UV, and X.

  2. The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation: Legacy for Users (Pub. L. 109-59) also known as SAFETEA-LU provides for excise tax credits for six alternative fuels and alternative fuel mixtures. All alternative fuelers claiming the credit must be registered under IRC 4101 as an alternative fueler (in the case of claims made before July 1, 2007, is registered under IRC 4101 for any purpose). Activity letters AL and/or AM are used by alternative fuelers.

  3. The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 (Pub. L.108-357)(the Act) eliminated the reduced rate of excise tax for most alcohol-blended fuels. In place of a reduced rate, the Act allows certain credits or payments related to alcohol and biodiesel fuels under IRC 40, 40A, 6426, and 6427(e) to registered producers and importers of alcohol (other than alcohol with a proof of less than 190) or biodiesel. Activity letters AB, AF, and/or NB are used by these persons.  (08-13-2008)
Description of Activities Covered

  1. The description of the activities for AB, AF, AL, AM, BC, CC, NB, UA, UB, UP, UV, and X are listed below:

    1. AB: Producers and Importers of agri-biodesel.

    2. AF: Producers and Importers of alcohol. See Treas. Reg. §48.4081-6(b)(1).

    3. AL: Alternative Fueler that sells for use or uses alternative fuel as a fuel in a motor vehicle or motorboat.

    4. AM: Alternative Fueler that produces an alternative fuel mixture that is sold for use or used in the alternative fueler’s trade or business.

    5. BC: Qualified blood collector organization buying taxable fuel, taxable tires, and certain heavy vehicles; claiming exemption from the communications tax and heavy highway vehicle use tax: or to claim a credit or payment of certain excise taxes; for its exclusive use in the collection, storage, or transportation of blood.

    6. CC: Credit Card Issuer that issues credit cards for sales of taxable fuel to a state or local government for its exclusive use or for sales of gasoline to a nonprofit educational organization for its exclusive use.

    7. NB: Producers and Importers of biodiesel (other than agri-biodiesel) and renewable diesel.

    8. UA: Ultimate Vendor that sells aviation-grade kerosene for use in aviation.

    9. UB: Ultimate Vendor that sells undyed diesel fuel or undyed kerosene for use in certain intercity and local buses.

    10. UP: Ultimate vendor that sells kerosene from a blocked pump, as defined in Treas. Reg. §48.6427-10(b).

    11. UV: Ultimate Vendor that sells (a) undyed diesel fuel or undyed kerosene to a state or local government for its exclusive use, or (b) gasoline (including aviation gasoline) to a state or local government for its exclusive use or to a nonprofit educational organization for its exclusive use, as defined in Treas. Reg. §48.6427-9(b)(1).

    12. X: Pipeline Operator, as defined in Treas. Reg. §48.4101-1(b)(7) or Vessel Operator, as defined in Treas. Reg. §48.4101-1(b)(8). Registration does not allow this person to buy any taxable fuel tax-free. Registration of pipeline and vessel operators allows the IRS to identify persons that transport taxable fuel within the bulk transfer/terminal system.

  2. Registration for these activities is governed by IRC 4101 and Treas. Reg. §48.4101-1.  (08-13-2008)
Visiting Applicants

  1. A field visit may be warranted to the principal business location for activities AB, AF, AL, AM, NB, and X.  (08-13-2008)
Registration Tests

  1. An applicant will be registered for activities as an AB, AF, AL, AM, BC, CC, NB, UA, UB, UP, UV, and X only if it is determined that the applicant meets the activity test and has satisfactory filing, deposit, payment, and claim history for all federal taxes of the applicant and any related person (as defined in Treas. Reg 48.4101-1(b)(5)). See IRC 4101(a)(1), Treas. Reg. 48.4101-1(f)(1)(ii), Notice 2005-4, IRB. 2005-2 (December 15, 2004); and Notice 2006-92, IRB. 2006-43 (September 29, 2006).

    1. Activity test- An applicant meets the activity test for a AB, AF, AL, AM, BC, CC, NB, UA, UB, UP, UV, and X only if it is determined that the applicant is, in the course of its trade or business, regularly engaged in the characteristic activity of a person described in IRM; or is likely to be (because of such factors as the applicant's business experience, financial standing, or trade connections), in the course of its trade or business, regularly engaged in the characteristic activity of a person described in IRM within a reasonable time after becoming registered under IRC 4101. See Treas. Reg. §48.4101-1(f)(2) and IRM

    2. An applicant has a satisfactory tax history only if they have no outstanding, non-addressed federal tax liability of any kind and the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate is satisfied with the filing, deposit, and payment history for all federal taxes of the applicant and any related person. Complete transcripts or other equivalent research will be used for this purpose. See Treas. Reg. §48.4101-1(f)(4)(iii).

  2. ) In addition to the registration tests discussed in (1) above, an AB and/or NB applicant must meet the requirements of IRC 40A (d)(1) which defines biodiesel as the monoalkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from plant or animal matter which meet the following:

    1. The registration requirements for fuels and fuel additives established by the Environmental Protection Agency under Section 211 of the Clean Air Act (42 USC. 7545); and

    2. The requirements of the American Society of Testing and Materials D6751.of to ensure that biodiesel producer applicants and registrants are adhering to the ASTM requirement for biodiesel.

  3. Approval of registration for AB and NB applicants will be granted contingent upon positive results from lab testing of the biodiesel samples submitted by the applicant.

  4. Fuel Compliance Officers (FCO’s) must be used in to obtain biodiesel samples from the biodiesel producer/importer applicant during the initial registration process. Request for FCO services will be initiated by the Excise Group Manager through the Fuel Compliance Officer Group Manager. The results of biodiesel samples obtained by FCO will support efforts in determining if the applicant meets the requirements of IRC 40A (d)(1).  (08-13-2008)

  1. AB, AF, AL, AM, BC, CC, NB, UA, UB, UP, UV, and X registrants are not subject to bonding.  (08-13-2008)
Applications for Activity Y

  1. The information listed below covers the activity letter Y.

  2. ) Effective September 30, 2005 aviation-grade kerosene was eliminated as a separate category of fuel and is now taxed at the general diesel fuel/kerosene rate. (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Pub. L. 109-59).  (08-13-2008)
Description of Activities Covered

  1. Activity "Y" is defined as a buyer of kerosene for use in commercial aviation (other than in foreign trade).

  2. Registration for these activities is governed by IRC 4101and IRB 2005-2.  (08-13-2008)
Visiting Applicants

  1. A field visit may be warranted to the principal business location for applicants registering for activity Y.  (08-13-2008)
Registration Tests

  1. An applicant will be registered for activity Y only if it is determined that the applicant meets the activity test and has a satisfactory filing, deposit, payment, and claim history for all federal taxes of the applicant and any related person (as defined in §48.4101-1(b)(5)). See IRC 4101(a)(1), Treas. Reg. §48.4101-1(f)(1)(ii) and IRB 2005-2.

    1. Activity Test- An applicant meets the activity test for a Y only if it is determined that the applicant is in the course of its trade or business, engaged as an importer or producer of aviation fuel or a buyer of aviation fuel for use in commercial aviation or is likely to be (because of such factors as the applicant’s business experience, financial standing, or trade connections), in the course of its trade or business, engaged as an importer or producer of aviation fuel or a buyer of aviation fuel for use in commercial aviation within a reasonable time after becoming registered.

    2. An applicant has a satisfactory tax history only if they have no outstanding non-addressed federal tax liability of any kind and the Chief, Excise Tax Program or his delegate is satisfied with the filing, deposit, and payment history for all federal taxes of the applicant and any related person. Complete transcripts or other equivalent research will be used for this purpose. If the applicant’s tax history is not satisfactory, or if no such history exists (for example in the case of a newly created business), a bond will be required. See IRM  (08-13-2008)

  1. If the applicant’s tax history is not satisfactory, or if no such history exists, a bond may be required as a condition of registration.

  2. If a bond is required as a condition of registration for activity letter Y, the amount of the bond will be the lesser of:

    1. $500,000 or

    2. the amount of tax that would be imposed by IRC 4091 on the expected volume of aviation fuel that will be used or sold by the applicant during a representative one month period as if all of the applicant’s sales of aviation fuel were taxable.

  3. If a bond is required, the surety on the bond must be a surety company listed in Department of the Treasury Circular 570.  (08-13-2008)
Foreign Trade

  1. A buyer of aviation-grade kerosene fuel for use in foreign trade does not need to be registered to buy aviation fuel tax-free for that purpose. See Section 4(e) of IRB 2005-2.  (08-13-2008)
Applications for Activities A, B, C, D, E, F, I, Q, and V

  1. The information listed below covers the activities A, B, C, D, E, F, I, Q and V.  (08-13-2008)
Description of Activities Covered

  1. The description of the activities A, B, C, D, E, F, I, Q and V are listed below:

    1. A: Manufacturer of gas-guzzler automobiles, sport fishing equipment (including fishing rods and fishing poles), fishing tackle boxes, bows, quivers, broadheads, points, arrow shafts, taxable tires, or vaccines.

    2. B: Buyer of sport fishing equipment, gas-guzzler automobiles, bows, arrow components, or vaccines for further manufacture or for resale to a buyer for further manufacture.

    3. C: Buyer of tires for use on or in connection with the sale of another article the buyer manufacturers and sells (1) for export, (2) to state and local governments, (3) to nonprofit educational organizations, or (4) as supplies for vessels or aircraft.

    4. D: Buyer with a place of business in the United State buying vaccines, gas guzzler automobiles, tires, sport fishing equipment, bows, arrow components, or luxury passenger vehicles for export or for resale to a second purchaser for export.

    5. E: Buyer (other than state or local government) of gas guzzler automobiles for ambulance, law enforcement, or fire fighting.

    6. F: Nonprofit educational organization, other than a public school, buying tires, certain heavy vehicles, sport fishing equipment, bows, or arrow components for its exclusive use, intercity, local or school bus.

    7. I: Buyer (other than nonprofit educational organization or state or local government) of tires for use on certain intercity, local or school buses.

    8. Q: First retail seller of certain heavy vehicles making tax-free sales.

    9. V: Manufacturer, importer, or buyer of ozone-depleting chemicals (ODC’s) for export.

  2. Registration for activities A, B, C, D, E, F, I, and Q is governed by IRC 4222 and Treas. Reg. Sections 48.4222(a)-1, 48.2222(b)-1 and 48.4222(c)-1. Registration for activity V is governed by Treas. Reg. Section 52.4682-5.  (08-13-2008)
Visiting Applicants

  1. A field visit may be warranted to the principal business location of applicants for activities A, B, Q, and V.  (08-13-2008)
Registration Tests

  1. An applicant will be registered for activities A, B, C, D, E, F, I, Q, and V, only if it is determined that: the applicant meets the activity test and has satisfactory filing, deposit, payment, and claim history for all federal taxes of the applicant and any related person (as defined in §48.4101-1(b)(5)).

    1. Activity Test- An applicant meets the activity test for an A, B, C, D, E, F, I, Q, and V only if it is determined that the applicant is, in the course of its trade or business, regularly engaged in the characteristic activity of a person described in IRM ; or is likely to be (because of such factors as the applicant’s business experience, financial standing, or trade connections), in the course of its trade or business regularly engaged in the characteristic activity of a person described in IRM within a reasonable time after becoming registered.

    2. An applicant has a satisfactory tax history only if they have no outstanding non-addressed Federal tax liability of any kind and the Chief, Excise Tax Program is satisfied with the filing, deposit, and payment history for all federal taxes of the applicant and any related person. Complete transcripts or other equivalent IDRS research will be used for this purpose. See (5)(b) of IRM  (08-13-2008)

  1. A, B, C, D, E, F, I, Q, and V registrants are not subject to bonding.  (08-13-2008)
Applications for Qualified Retailers in Alaska

  1. Form 637 does not have an activity letter for a Qualified Retailer in Alaska and none of the registrations are on ExTRAS.

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