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4.23.4  Workpapers — Employment Tax Examinations  (05-14-2008)

  1. This section explains the workpapers used in employment tax examinations and their functions. Examiners should also refer to IRM 4.10.9, Workpapers, for further guidance. LMSB examiners and SB/SE examiners working Coordinated Industry Cases (CIC) and Industry Cases (IC) should also refer to the section entitled LMSB Workpapers. See IRM

  2. The examination workpapers and reports provide the basis for the decision reached by the employment tax examiner. Only on the basis of the material in the workpapers can a reviewer determine if the examination was complete and correct. The workpapers should show explanations, analyses and conclusions developed and should be sufficiently complete so, generally, no additional comments will be needed in the transmittal letter for any items covered. Workpapers should clearly and concisely state the issue, facts, audit steps, law, taxpayer's position and conclusion for each issue examined. Workpapers should document that the examiner determined if the proper items were included in wages (i.e. fringe benefits, bonuses, etc.). Workpapers should also document acceptance of the Forms W-2 and 1099 as correctly filed and comment on the consideration of potential employer/employee relationships. All notes made before, during and after the examination should be included in the workpapers.  (05-14-2008)
Purpose of Workpapers

  1. The workpapers are prepared by the employment tax examiners so the information will be available for the following purposes:

    1. Documentation of action taken

    2. Preparation of necessary reports

    3. Managerial or technical review

    4. Use by other reviewers if technical advice is requested or results are appealed

    5. Authorized review by other governmental agencies

    6. Information for subsequent examination to determine the audit trail and scope of prior examination

    7. Support of the IRS position in an unagreed case

  2. The use of workpapers in every case serve to effectively explain the areas covered during an examination. Workpapers should include all the evidence gathered by the examiner to show the work performed, methods and procedures followed and conclusions reached.

  3. Workpapers prepared by an examiner may be utilized in the preparation of the report and its review as reference in cases where the determination is to be litigated, and as a source of more detailed information which may be requested later in writing.

  4. Workpapers are the best evidence to reflect the scope and depth of the examination. The workpapers further constitute the background for the determination of the tax liability. Documentation of transactions or other significant events should be complete and accurate. Workpapers should facilitate tracing the transaction or event and related information from beginning to end.  (05-14-2008)
Workpaper Preparation

  1. Properly prepared workpapers must provide adequate documentation to support conclusions. Without sufficient documentation, it is not possible for managers or review function personnel to review the examiner’s work and be assured that the scope of the examination or the basis for the examiner’s professional judgement is adequate.

  2. Workpapers should be neat, legible, clear and concise. The legibility of examination workpapers and reports is an important aspect of the overall quality of the examination. This is true from a reviewer’s as well as a taxpayer’s point of view. The easier it is to read workpapers and reports, the easier it is to understand them.

  3. Each of the workpapers should be headed clearly, showing the name of the taxpayer, taxpayer's identification number (TIN), tax period examined, date workpapers were prepared, name or initials of the examiner and the issues or items being examined. The pages should be indexed, numbered, and securely fastened together. The workpaper footer should indicate the computer file name, if applicable.

  4. You should always cite legal authority such as Internal Revenue Code, applicable regulations, court cases, revenue ruling and/or revenue procedures to support your conclusions.

  5. The first step in a quality tax examination is the development of a pre-examination analysis and a work plan of action. The time and effort spent during this phase of the audit process will result in an efficient and quality examination.

  6. Risk based decision making is critical to the effective allocation of limited examination resources. The Risk Analysis Workpaper has been changed from an issue by issue approach to one of a global or case focus. The Risk Analysis Workpaper is no longer required for each new issue added or for each issue declassified. It is now only required for each taxpayer/entity and is designated as W/P #150. This design supports the Value-Added Decision Making (80/20) concept and the Mid Audit Decision Point (50% Rule) concept of the reengineering process.  (05-14-2008)
Form 4318–ET

  1. Form 4318–ET, Employment Tax Examination Workpapers - Index, is the examination workpapers cover sheet used by employment tax examiners. It is used for pre-employment tax examination planning and as the first page and index to the audit workpapers. When needed, Continuation Sheet for Form 4318-ET will be used. TE/GE examiners may use Form 5773, EP/EO Workpaper Summary Continuation Sheet, in place of Form 4318–ET.

  2. Form 4318-ET is part of the employment tax workpaper templates available on the Specialty Programs Reengineering Employment Tax SharePoint webpage. These templates are part of the Specialty Program Reengineering Process, which is required in all employment tax examinations. All mandatory lead sheets that are a part of the workpaper templates should be utilized.

  3. The sections of Form 4318-ET are arranged by specific purpose;

    1. Section 100 - 190, Administrative and Planning

    2. Section 200 - 205, Evaluation of Records and Fraud

    3. Section 300 - 305, Penalty Consideration

    4. Section 400 - 405, identified/Classified Issues

    5. Section 500 - 514, Additional Issues

    6. Section 600 - 650, Miscellaneous

  4. Each mandatory section, 1XX through 3XX, has references and links to additional mandatory lead sheets.

  5. Refer to the Specialty Programs Reengineering Employment Tax SharePoint webpage for the most current version of Form 4318-ET and all workpapers.

  6. Enter all wage adjustments by year and amount for each rate used in the "Adjustments to Wages" columns in sections 4XX and 5XX. This provides source data for report preparation and highlights adjustments for reviewers and other uses of the case file.

  7. Index workpapers as you prepare them. When additional workpapers for explanations, analyses, schedules, computations, etc. are required, prepare and index them under the index number and subheading assigned to the specific issue. These are referred to as "subsidiary" workpapers. All subsidiary workpapers related to an issue should be numbered in the appropriate sequence. For example, if an issue in the "Description" column is placed on the line 400, the lead sheet workpaper for the issue would be labeled 400-1.1. Any subsidiary workpapers for the issue would be labeled 400-2.1, 400-2.2, 400-3.1, 400-3.2, etc.

  8. The case file should include a well-documented contemporaneous case history sheet. Form 9984, Examining Officer's Activity record, is used for this purpose and should include a summary of each contact made, action taken and work performed on the case. The form should be numbered as Workpaper 100.

  9. The examiner should ensure that the taxpayer has been provided the most recent revision of Publication 1, Your Rights as a Taxpayer, prior to contacting a worker. This publication includes the advance general notice of potential third-party contact that is required by IRC 7602. Document the case history/activity record with the date and fact of mailing or personal delivery of the Publication 1 to the taxpayer. See IRM, Initial Contact with Taxpayers, and IRM, Scheduling the Appointment, for additional requirements.

  10. When an examination results in a no change, Form 4318-ET is required. Form 4666, Summary of Employment Tax Examination, is provided to the taxpayer by the examiner to indicate that no changes are being proposed. For additional procedures regarding examinations resulting in no-changes, see IRM, Employment Tax No-Change Report.  (05-14-2008)
Format and Volume of Workpapers

  1. For most employment tax issues, the employment tax workpaper templates include an issue specific lead sheet with the audit steps and references to the IRC, regulations and IRM procedures.

  2. The volume of subsidiary workpapers prepared during examinations will vary depending on the size of the entity and the number and type of items or activities reviewed. There is no minimum volume standard for subsidiary workpapers. Subsidiary workpapers must be prepared when detail is needed that is not included in the issue lead sheet workpaper. For example, subsidiary workpapers would be used to schedule out wage adjustments by employee.

  3. There are no fixed requirements to include specific schedules or analyses in the subsidiary workpapers. However, the issue lead sheet workpapers should include a summary of those items which were analyzed and/or specifically verified and all other pertinent notes of the work performed during the examination.

  4. The workpapers should not include superfluous documentation or copies of irrelevant data. For example, copies of CPA workpapers or reports should not be included in the workpapers where they do not contribute to a conclusion. To be meaningful, the workpapers should reflect what was actually accomplished during the examination.

  5. Where necessary, the workpapers should cite legal authority such as the Code, regulations, revenue ruling or procedures, or court decisions to support the conclusions reached in the examination. This requirement is usually met with the use of the issue lead sheets, each of which has a section for listing the legal authority. The notes and specific citation assure the reviewer that the examiner has seen the issues, studied them, applied the appropriate provisions of the law in resolving them, and reached what the examiner considered a proper conclusion.  (05-14-2008)
LMSB Workpapers

  1. Due to the large volume of workpapers in LMSB cases, it is critical that they be well organized and properly prepared. The discussions that follow are intended to be suggestions and to provide guidance to employment tax examiners.

  2. The LMSB web page contains links to many of the job aids that are used in these cases. They can be found at: .

  3. The LMSB employment Tax website contains a link to many of the workpapers that are used in these cases. These links can be found under ET Audit Resources at:

  4. The LMSB Issue Management System (IMS) is required to be used in all LMSB employment tax cases worked by LMSB examiners. It is designed to:

    • support remotely located revenue agents,

    • enhance issue identification,

    • improve issue tracking and reporting,

    • share information through a centralized data repository, and

    • capture data in support of LMSB performance measures.

    LMSB examiners will create:

    • Form 4564, Information Document Requests (IDR),

    • Form 5701, Notice of Proposed Adjustment,

    • Form 886-A, Explanation of Items, and

    • workpapers

    for each issue in IMS. Refer to the IMS website at: .

  5. LMSB Examiners will use:

    • Form 13327, LMSB Quality Measurement System-Administrative Procedures,

    • Form 13744, Examiner's Risk Analysis Worksheet, and

    • a work plan of action consisting of:

    • Form 4764-A, LMSB Examination Plan, Part III - Summary of Assignments, and

    • Form 4764-B , LMSB Examination Plan, Part III - Examination Procedures Section.

    Pre-examination analysis should include Forms 13327, 13744 and Form 9984, Examining Officer's Activity Record.

  6. LMSB examiners will establish their cases in the Issue Management System (IMS) to:

    • perform preliminary risk analysis,

    • perform in-process risk analysis for issues,

    • set-up and monitor case assignments,

    • input and monitor their issue progress and status of IDR's and Forms 5701,

    • input case documents and time information per issues,

    • generate various time reports and activity records, and

    • create a next case cycle automatically populating selected information from a previous case cycle.

    Refer to the IMS website at

  7. LMSB no longer uses Form 4318-A. Instead, Form 4764-A and Form 4764-B are the examination workpaper cover sheets. They are used for pre-employment tax examination planning and as the first page and index to the audit workpapers. These forms also summarize the audit results. The use of Forms 4764-A and Forms 4764-B are required on LMSB employment tax cases.

  8. For further guidance, examiners should refer to IRM 4.10.9, Workpapers and IRM 4.46, LMSB Guide for Quality Examinations.  (05-14-2008)
Pre-Examination Analysis and Audit Plan

  1. The audit plan projects which issues will be examined and assigns planned time to each issue based on the Standard Audit Index Number (SAIN) numbering system. Audit plans are required on all Coordinated Industry Cases (CIC) and may be required on Industry Cases (IC). Examiners are required to prepare an audit plan when they have applied 25 percent of the total time they expect to spend working the case.

  2. Audit plans are prepared on Form 4764-A and Form 4764-B. Both the employment tax team manager and the CIC/IC team manager approve and sign the plans.  (05-14-2008)
Time Tracking

  1. Time is reported by audit area or issue using the SAIN numbering system. A time tracking report is prepared according to the team coordinator's instructions or by using locally developed forms. Mandatory time keeping is done within the Issue Management System (IMS).

  2. The employment tax examiner completes a time tracking report monthly and copies are provided to the employment tax team manager, the team coordinator and the CIC/IC team manager. The reports are used for program monitoring purposes and indicate the time applied to each area on the audit plan. Time keeping reports in IMS can be generated monthly.  (05-14-2008)
Risk Analysis

  1. Form 13744, Examiner's Risk Analysis Worksheet, should be completed as part of the pre-audit analysis. This can be done within IMS.

  2. Risk analysis is an on-going process that should be documented during the examination of all Coordinated Industry Cases (CIC) cases and may be required on Industry Cases (IC) cases. A mid-cycle risk analysis will be done, at a minimum, when 50 percent of the projected time or time span is reached on the audit plan. Depending on materiality, the risk analysis can be done on an issue-by-issue or on a case basis.

  3. The risk analysis should discuss carryover items from the prior cycle and new issues in process. It will include planned time, time applied and indicates if additional time is needed. It also covers the number of Forms 5701, Notice of Proposed Adjustment, issued plus the number of Information Document Requests (IDR's) issued and outstanding. The examiner should also state the potential tax liability by issue and by year and provide a brief assessment of the audit.  (05-14-2008)
Requests for Additional Time

  1. After the agent completes the mid-cycle risk analysis, it may be apparent that additional time will be needed to complete the examination. If the examiner needs more time than was originally planned, an explanation of why additional time is warranted and how much additional time is needed to complete the examination should be provided.

  2. The employment tax team manager and the CIC/IC team manager must approve a request for additional time.  (05-14-2008)
Information Document Requests (IDR's)

  1. All requests for information should be specific, clear, and concise and must be in writing using Form 4564, Information Document Request (IDR). On LMSB cases, this can be done within the Issue Management System (IMS).

  2. Prior to issuing an IDR, the examiner should discuss with the taxpayer and the team coordinator what specific information is needed. The taxpayer may be able to explain what type of information is available and may suggest a preferred way to request it on the IDR. Conferring with the team coordinator also ensures that the specialist does not ask for information that is already available.

  3. The team coordinator may determine the numbering system that is used for all IDR's issued. An IDR log is maintained to provide a source for assigning numbers and to monitor response times.

  4. Four copies of each IDR request are printed. Two are given to the taxpayer, one is given to the team coordinator and one is maintained in the examiner's case file.

  5. IDR's should generally include only one issue or subject. This results in a faster turnaround time since information covering multiple topics may need to come from several sources.

  6. Team coordinators provide guidance on IDR response times and follow-up based on their arrangement with the taxpayer. The Information Document Request Management Process must be used for all CIC and IC cases. The process begins at the opening conference and centers on collaboration between the taxpayer and members of the audit team on IDR response times. The importance of timely responses is emphasized as it will improve cycle time and currency of cases and promote earlier issue resolution.

  7. A memorandum of understanding stating the agreed upon IDR response time is signed by the taxpayer and team coordinator or agent in charge. A series of conferences and follow-ups will be conducted on the 15th, 30th, and 45th day of delinquency. If a request is still delinquent after 90 days, a joint IDR status meeting will be held, which includes the territory manager, IRS counsel, team manager, IDR requester and senior corporate officers of the taxpayer.

  8. The process does not preclude the examination team from using judgment on a case by case basis. Continuous collaboration is needed to reach realistic due dates and dates can be revised based upon the facts and circumstances. A detailed description of the IDR Management Process can be found at IRM, Information Document Request Management Process.  (05-14-2008)
Form 5701 – Notice of Proposed Adjustment

  1. On LMSB cases, all adjustments are proposed as they are developed on a Form 5701, Notice of Proposed Adjustment. This form serves as a cover sheet to Form 886–A , Explanation of Adjustments, which is attached to fully explain the basis for proposing each adjustment. This can be done within IMS.

  2. The employment tax team manager signs the Form 5701 to accept the examiner's position. Potential adjustments should be discussed with the team coordinator and the taxpayer prior to issuing the notice.  (05-14-2008)
Issue Lead Sheets

  1. Form 4764-B, LMSB Examination Plan, Part III - Examination Procedures Section, is the lead sheet to describe the audit procedures applied and the conclusions reached for each issue. They should be properly headed, include a discussion of the applicable law, document the audit trail and lead to a clear and logical conclusion.

  2. Lead sheets also serve as an index for any workpapers that relate to a specific issue. All workpapers should be numbered, indexed and referenced to the issue lead sheet.  (05-14-2008)
Workpaper Organization

  1. LMSB examiners may organize workpapers by using Form 4764-B, LMSB Examination Plan, Part III - Examination Procedures Section as lead sheets for the audit issues as part of the indexing system. An alphabetical index system can serve as a table of contents to the workpapers. Each issue examined is designated a separate letter. Other workpapers such as the case history, Forms 13327 and 5701, IDR's, correspondence, statute extensions, etc., should have a separate section and an assigned letter as well.

  2. Another method for organizing workpapers is by SAIN number. Use Form 5606, Workpapers Cover Sheet, for each SAIN numbered issue examined. Regardless of which system is used, each issue should be organized uniformly to provide readability for the team coordinator, team managers and others who may review the case file.

  3. For each issue under examination, enter all wage adjustments by year and amount for each employment tax rate used. This provides source data for report preparation and highlights adjustments for reviewers and other users of the case file .Give a brief explanation of the issue developed and the extent of the verification. Simply stating that an item is " OK" is not an acceptable explanation.

  4. Index the workpapers by SAIN code for each issue. For consistency, enter index items by the capital letter assigned to the item. When more than 26 items are discussed, use double letters.

  5. Index workpapers as you prepare them. When additional workpapers for explanations, analyses, schedules, etc. are required, prepare and index them under the index letter and subheading assigned to the specific item of discussion. All workpapers related to an issue should be numbered in the appropriate sequence.

  6. SAIN codes can be found in Exhibit 4.46.6-1 in IRM 4.46.6. The SAIN code for the employment tax examiner is 802-02. If the SAIN codes used in the Audit Workpaper System or Workpaper Index Files conflict with SAIN codes in IMS, the IMS SAIN codes should be used. The following SAIN codes are those most frequently used in employment tax examinations:

    The following SAIN numbers are those most frequently used by employment tax examiners:

    000 Administrative Procedures, including:
        Claims, Penalty Consideration, Financial Interest Disclosure (CIC), Employment tax Referral, Information Document Requests, Statutes and Consents
    001 Pre-Contact Analysis
    004 Preparing Audit Plan
    006 Travel
    007 Report Preparation:
        Audit reports, 30-Day Letters, etc.
    009 Meetings
    010 Protest / Rebuttal
    011 Penalties
    512 Executive Compensation
        IRC 162(m), Fringe Benefits, Aircraft Usage, IRC 280G Golden Parachute Payments, Loans as Compensation, Non-qualified Deferred Compensation, Offshore Employee Leasing, Stock Options, Split-dollar Life Insurance, Back-dated Stock Options, etc.
    513 Salaries and Wages
        Back Pay, Bonuses, Certain Fringe Benefits, Commissions, Discharge of Indebtedness, Employee vs. IC, Group Term Life Insurance, Lawsuit Settlement Payments, Legal & Financial Planning, Loans vs. Compensation, Meals, Payment for Personal Expenses, Per Diem Allowances, Prized & Awards, Gifts, Vacations, Reimbursed Moving Expenses, Severance Payments, Spousal Travel, Tax Prep Fees, Working Condition Fringes, etc.
    526 Back-up Withholding
    802-02 Employment Tax General Audit Procedures:
        Includes timely filing and depositing and reconciliations  (05-14-2008)
LMSB Package Audit Requirements

  1. LMSB package audit requirements regarding inspection of officer and key executives' returns can be found at IRM , Corporate Officers' Returns, which discusses the requirements to verify fact of filing and to inspect certain executives' tax returns. Additional guidance on inspection of officers' returns has been published in Q & A format at: .  (05-14-2008)
Workpaper Disposition

  1. For CIC cases, the employment tax audit workpapers will remain at the audit site. At the conclusion of the examination, they will be archived by the team manager along with the workpapers of the other team members. The workpapers provide important historical information and are valuable for any subsequent cycles that may be opened.

  2. For IC cases, workpapers are included in the closed employment tax case file.

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