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4.23.3  Classification, Selection, and Assignment of Employment Tax Cases  (04-21-1999)

  1. This section provides the guidelines for the classification, selection and assignment of employment tax returns for examination.

  2. Employment tax returns do not contain information that would provide a basis for classifying returns for examination potential. Independent selection of returns should be based on known or probable areas of non-compliance. Therefore, alternative classification techniques and criteria are used to identify those issues or returns that have the greatest potential

  3. The Employment Tax Examination Program is a lead driven program. Leads can originate from a variety of sources, some of which are listed in this section.  (03-01-2003)
Identifying Employment Tax Examinations

  1. Examiners should be continuously aware of new developments, rulings and decisions affecting industries within their jurisdictions. Commercial tax services provide up to date activities concerning employment taxes. Internal research materials for employment taxes cover all Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures and Treasury Decisions. In addition the published private letter rulings provide insight into complex areas of employment tax laws and the conclusions reached by the Headquarters Office. (However, under IRC section 6110(k)(3), such letter rulings may not be cited as precedent.)

  2. There are various sources that help us to detect those taxpayers who are not complying with the employment tax laws. These sources include:

    1. Internal Revenue Service employees who are in constant contact with taxpayers and are aware of possible non-compliance. (Examiners should solicit referrals from Collection, Taxpayer Service, Criminal Investigation, Examination, ACS call sites, and Campuses.);

    2. Other federal and state government agencies. (Social Security Administration, Department of Labor, State Departments of Unemployment, etc.);

    3. Locally developed lead sources, market segment studies and compliance initiatives;

    4. Matching programs from Campuses, i.e., Form 1099 matching, and CAWR referrals;

    5. Unidentified Information Returns (UIR) files;

    6. Joint Compliance Program;

    7. Taxpayer Provided Information;

    8. Compliance Checks and Collection Referrals; and

    9. SS–8 Determinations.

  3. Strong emphasis is placed on the required filing check program. Thus, during an examination of an income tax, excise tax, or exempt organization return, the examiner will inspect retained copies of employment tax returns (and verify filing through IDRS where appropriate) and based on available information will decide if an examination of employment tax returns is warranted. If warranted, the employment tax examination will be made concurrently.

  4. All income tax cases selected for examination under the LMSB Program should include consideration of employment tax potential. Referrals are mandatory on all coordinated industry cases (CIC) and on all industry cases (IC) at activity code 223 and above. Where employment tax issues or returns are identified as warranting examination, an employment tax specialist will prepare the employment tax portion of the examination plan.

  5. The assistance of employment tax specialists may be sought by the Employee Plans/Exempt Organizations Division, whether or not the team audit concept is being employed in the particular case.

  6. The employment tax program may receive leads from Criminal Investigation Branches in the Campuses. These leads should be worked with continual awareness of fraud potential. If indications of fraud are developed in the course of lead development, or during the examination, the case should be submitted to the Criminal Investigation Division for consideration.  (03-01-2003)
Planning and Selection Criteria for SB/SE

  1. Classifying and selecting employment tax returns for examination is the responsibility of Employment Tax Specialists, Campus Employment Tax Classification Units, Headquarters Employment Tax Program Analysts and Employment Tax Group Managers.

  2. The following types of information are helpful when evaluating taxpayer examination potential:

    1. Taxpayers accused by competitors, customers or employees of tax irregularities. These leads may be evaluated by comparing several years of the returns of these taxpayers to determine if the tax for any period varied significantly from other periods.

    2. Taxpayers repeatedly filing delinquent returns with or without adequate payment of tax due.

    3. Taxpayers who file Form 1099 but may have misclassified those workers or failed to take out back up withholding tax when appropriate.

    4. Taxpayers who advertise and/or sell products or services that would indicate that they should file employment tax or information returns.

    5. Tip, SS–8 or CSP Required Filing Check monitoring results.

    6. Returns reflecting unusual or abnormal credits (i.e. Advanced EITC).  (03-01-2003)
Classification of Internally Developed Automated Leads

  1. Many internal programs can be used to provide employment tax leads. Penalty assertion, information return errors and other noncompliant actions captured by these programs when viewed together may provide leads indicating patterns of employment tax noncompliance.

  2. Currently, these leads are secured by Headquarters Employment Tax staff and distributed to the Area PSPs for review and distribution to the employment tax groups.  (03-01-2003)
Combined Annual Wage Report (CAWR)

  1. The purpose of the IRS CAWR program is to ensure that employers paid the proper amount of taxes, withholding and advanced earned income credit. This is done by comparing the Forms W–3/W–2/W–3c/W–2c totals and the Form 1099–R and W–2G withholding amounts to the amounts reported on the employment tax returns.

  2. Case Types 1 and 9 (non-filers) are extracted and reviewed for audit potential.

  3. ) Employers filing Form W–2 but no Form 941 may be non-filers. Employers consistently out of balance between Form W–2 and Form 941 coupled with other employment tax audit potential indicators, may have increased audit potential.

  4. See IRM 4.19.4 for additional information on CAWR notices.  (03-01-2003)
CP-2100 Backup Withholding (BWH) "B" Notice Report

  1. The BWH program provides "B" notices to payers who file information returns with incorrect Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs). The "B" notice (CP2100) advises payers that backup withholding could become necessary if payees fail to certify their TIN. The CP2100 Notice also lists accounts with missing TINs, on which the payer should have been backup withholding under IRC section 3406(a)(1)(A). Payers with missing TIN accounts should not wait to receive a CP2100 to begin backup withholding. The BWH program includes Forms 1099-B, 1099–DIV, 1099–INT, 1099–MISC, 1099–OID, 1099–PATR information returns.

  2. Payers with payees receiving Form 1099–MISC with missing or false TINs have the highest audit potential. Backup withholding should have been taken upon filing of the Form 1099.

  3. See IRM 5.19.3 and IRM for additional information on CP2100 notices.  (03-01-2003)
Notice 972 CG

  1. Notice 972CG, Notice of Proposed Civil Penalty, will be mailed to give filers an opportunity to establish reasonable cause for waiver of penalties prior to assessment. The notice will include proposed penalties for late filing, failure to file on magnetic media and missing and incorrect TINs.

  2. This is the penalty portion of the BWH program. Payers repeatedly penalized for filing missing TINs may establish a pattern of noncompliance that may indicate other noncompliant actions.

  3. See IRM for additional information on Notice 972 CG.  (03-01-2003)
Questionable Form W–4

  1. The mission of the Questionable Form W–4 (QW–4) Program is to promote compliance with the income tax and withholding system by taxpayers (employees) who reduce or eliminate tax withheld from their wages by filing incorrect Forms W–4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate. To accomplish this mission, we secure questionable Forms W–4 from employers, examine them, and where appropriate, require increases in employee's tax withholding and assess civil penalties. See IRM 5.19.7 for additional information.

  2. The Area Office's primary responsibility in the QW–4 Program is to ensure that employers are complying with the Federal Income Tax Regulations Section 31.3402(f)(2)-1(g). The section provides that employers must submit to the Internal Revenue Service copies of withholding certificates, Forms W–4, filed by employees if the employee claims:

    1. more than ten withholding allowances; or

    2. exemption from income tax withholding, and the employee's wages are expected to be more than $ 200 a week at the time the Form W–4 is filed.

  3. Employers who have a pattern of reporting questionable Forms W–4 or have a pattern of not sending in Forms W–4, may have a tendency for other noncompliant actions.  (03-01-2003)
Employer Tax Employee Project (ETEP)

  1. This project is an extract of employers issuing Forms 1099–MISC to workers. The selection criteria are:

    1. 5 or more Forms1099 issued

    2. Over $20,000 each

    3. Worker receives no other Forms 1099 or Forms W–2

  2. A worker receiving only one Form 1099–MISC with no other income may be an employee and not an independent contractor. If the report indicates that the employer has other workers that are employees, this may indicate inconsistent treatment of workers performing the same job and indicate a worker classification issue.  (03-01-2003)
Employment Tax Leads

  1. Group managers responsible for the employment tax program will receive all lead referrals for their area of coverage. The group manager will ensure that the lead referrals are given appropriate consideration, consistent with available staffing and resources. Compliance efforts and follow-up actions will be determined in accordance with resource availability.

  2. Controlling a lead on ERCS is optional and purely for inventory control purposes. Leads can be added to ERCS through the Control Non-AIMS DET item selection when ERCS control is desired, for DET activity codes for which there is no AIMS record or tax return (i.e., Form 1099, Information Returns, etc.).

  3. The group manager will establish a consistent process for evaluating leads for examination potential and priority. To ensure there is consistency in lead evaluation, available internal information will be considered. Several Corporate Files On Line (CFOL) command codes should be utilized to determine lead potential and priority. These include the following:

    1. AMDIS — Lists current examination status. If an examination is in process in another group, forward the information to the group controlling the examination.

    2. BRTVU/RTVUE — Provides transcripts of original and amended BMF and IMF tax returns and schedules. These can frequently be used in place of an original return. However, original returns may be requested for inspection, when needed.

    3. PMFOL — Provides summary of Forms 1099/1096 data.

    4. BMFOL/IMFOL — Provides on-line research of nationwide entity and tax data information. When used with Definer Code "Z" , it shows prior audit history information. When used with Definer Code U, consolidated annual Forms 941 and W-2, information is displayed.

  4. In determining the priority of a lead, the manager should consider several factors including, but not limited to, the CFOL information described above. This information includes the size of the entity, number of employees on payroll, potential number of reclassified employees, taxpayer’s current compliance level, industry involved, materiality of potential adjustments and complexity of the issues.

  5. When it becomes necessary to make third party contacts to properly evaluate a lead, i.e., to seek clarification from an informant, the group manager will assign the case to an examiner. Exhibit 4.23.3–1 contains further guidance for evaluation of leads.

    1. After third party contacts are made, the examiner will return the lead to the group manager who then will prioritize it based on the additional information derived from the third party contacts.

    2. Managers and examiners must keep in mind that the provisions of Section 3417 of the RRA 98 (IRC section 7602(c)) apply to third party contacts. Form 12175, Third Party Contact Report Form, may be necessary.

  6. The leads will be maintained in a file. They will be assigned based on priority and available resources. As a general rule, a lead should not be held longer than a year.

    1. If it becomes apparent that a lead will not be assigned for examination because of its low priority or other business reasons, it will be closed (rejected).

    2. In cases where the lead will not be assigned, consider sending a letter to the taxpayer and advising of possible reclassification issues. Exhibit 4.23.3–2 contains a letter to use for this purpose. Include a copy of Publication 15–A, Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide, with the letter.

    3. All closed leads, regardless of the source, that do not result in an examination will be maintained in a file kept at the group level. Leads may be destroyed after 2 years. Leads that result in an examination will be kept with the examination file and closed out simultaneously with the case.  (03-01-2003)
Classification of Program Monitoring Leads

  1. There are employment tax programs that require monitoring of taxpayers to assure compliance with the program agreements involved. Some of the taxpayers monitored may result in the discovery of noncompliance and audit potential. Some of those programs are discussed below.

  2. Currently, with the exception of the SS-8 program, these leads are developed at the group level. These leads are exempt from CIP procedures under the "routine business operations" exemption (see IRM  (03-01-2003)
SS-8 Worker Classification Follow-up

  1. Form SS-8, Determination of Worker Status for Purposes of Federal Employment Taxes and Income Tax Withholding, is the form used by a business or worker to request a determination or ruling letter regarding a worker's federal employment tax status.

  2. Forms SS-8 are a potential source of leads for employment tax examinations. Group Managers should contact the appropriate SS-8 site to arrange the referral of leads for their coverage area, if they have not already done so.  (03-01-2003)
Classification Settlement Program (CSP) Follow-up

  1. The Classification Settlement Program or CSP establishes procedures under an optional classification settlement program that will allow businesses and tax examiners to resolve worker classification cases as early in the administrative process as possible, thereby reducing taxpayer burden. The procedures will also ensure that the taxpayer relief provisions under section 530 of the Revenue Act of 1978 are properly applied. Under the CSP, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) examiners will be able to offer businesses under examination a worker classification settlement using a standard closing agreement.

  2. CSP Coordinators will identify taxpayers participating in CSP and Areas will establish systems for follow up. Since the CSP closing agreement includes a provision that the taxpayer complies prospectively, CFOL command codes will be researched to ensure that taxpayers are in compliance with the CSP closing agreements.

  3. Taxpayers not in compliance may have high worker classification audit potential. See IRM 4.23.6, Classification Settlement Program, for additional information.  (03-01-2003)
Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment (TRAC) Monitoring

  1. The Tip Rate Determination and Education Program was initiated by the Internal Revenue Service to improve and ensure compliance by employers and employees in industries where tipping is customary. Under this program, employers can agree to voluntarily enter into one of two arrangements, the Tip Rate Determination Agreement (TRDA) or the Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment (TRAC). See IRM, TRDA/TRAC Agreements, for additional information.

  2. These procedures shall apply starting with the monitoring phase of the agreements and only after the employer has been given a reasonable amount of time to implement the program.

  3. Responsibility for the Tip Rate Determination and Education program involving chain restaurants rests with the area where the chain is headquartered, the Headquarters Area (HQA). The HQA is responsible for monitoring the chain as a whole as well as all individual units throughout the chain. Monitoring will include keeping impacted area offices aware of any actions.

  4. The HQA Tip Coordinator will provide timely status reports to all affected area offices (Member Areas) to include any actions initiated. In addition, the HQA Tip Coordinator is responsible for contacting the chain restaurants to make them aware of their tip compliance rates pursuant to a tip agreement.

  5. Monitoring activities will include review of reports supplied to the IRS under the agreement as well as IRS forms filed including Form 8027, Employer's Annual Information Return of Tip Income and Allocated Tips, and Form 941. The monitoring activities with chain restaurants also apply to non–chain restaurants and other non-restaurant establishments under agreements (i.e. gaming and cosmetology).

  6. Taxpayers under tip agreements with egregious noncompliance issues will be considered for audit.  (03-01-2003)
Compliance Initiative Projects (CIP)

  1. Some lead driven projects require Compliance Initiative Project (CIP) procedures, involving groups of taxpayers that may be subject to audit as a result of the lead development activity.

  2. CIP procedures are not required in the case of " routine business operations," defined in IRM

  3. Other source workload included in this section for which CIPs are not required are Collection referrals, Criminal Investigation referrals, TE/GE referrals, Information Reports, and Return Preparer Project.

  4. The criteria mentioned in IRM must be used to determine when CIP procedures apply for Employment Tax projects.  (03-01-2003)
Compliance Checks — Employment Tax

  1. Employment tax leads will be assigned to an examiner on an as needed basis. After review of the available information, the group manager and examiner will determine whether initial contact should be made as a compliance check or if an examination should be initiated.

  2. A compliance check should be considered as an opportunity to educate the taxpayer and encourage compliance.

  3. A compliance check is clearly different from an examination or an audit, in that it does not seek to make a determination of tax liability.

  4. Compliance checks are useful tools. However, care must be exercised to prevent examining the taxpayer under the guise of a compliance check and establishing a Section 530 safe haven. Questions should be limited in scope.  (03-01-2003)
Guidelines for Compliance Checks

  1. Tell the taxpayer upon initiation of a check that this is merely a compliance check and does not qualify as an inspection under IRC section 7605(b) or as an audit for purposes of Section 530 of the Revenue Act of 1978. This should be followed up by providing the taxpayer with a written notice of the same information. Exhibit 4.23.3–3 contains a contact letter that furnishes this information.

  2. Limit the scope of the check only to IRS documents that have already been voluntarily supplied to the Service. This includes forms that are not actually in our possession (e.g., Form W–4). The taxpayer’s books and records should not be requested or examined.

  3. Do not ask how the taxpayer made determinations that a Form W–2 or 1099 should be filed. If no form was filed, however, it would be reasonable to ask how much was paid and whether the recipient was incorporated or other questions designed to determine whether or not filing was appropriate.

  4. If there is a need to go further, initiate an examination. Advise the taxpayer, orally and in writing, that the check has been expanded into an examination, and be prepared to proceed with an employment tax audit.

  5. If there is no need to initiate an examination, advise the taxpayer of the same. Exhibit 4.23.3–4 contains a letter that is used for this purpose.

  6. The examiner should generally be able to secure the information described above in one or two contacts with the taxpayer or his or her representative (i.e., if a corporation, the officer with access to the necessary information, or if a sole proprietorship, the owner). If more than two contacts are necessary, an examination should be opened (with the concurrence of the group manager.)

  7. The examiner can recommend that no examination be conducted when:

    1. The deficiency involved does not justify the time and cost of an examination;

    2. ARDI (Accounts Receivable Dollar Inventory) considerations are involved;

    3. The examiner is able to determine the taxpayer is currently in compliance; or

    4. The examiner is able to bring the taxpayer into compliance without examining the books and records.

  8. Leads will be carefully considered before they are assigned to an examiner for an examination to prevent unproductive and no change examinations, and to prevent establishment of a "prior audit safe haven." See Publication 3114, Compliance Checks.  (03-01-2003)
Initial Contact With Taxpayers

  1. A telephone call or letter will be used in all instances to schedule an appointment in the field for an employment tax interview or compliance check.

  2. The initial interview is an important part of the examination and/or compliance process.

    1. The first few minutes should be spent explaining the process and the taxpayer’s rights. The taxpayer’s receipt of Publication 3498, The Examination Process, will be confirmed and specifically noted in the workpapers. (Publication 3498 fulfills the requirement in IRC section 7521(b) that taxpayers be informed of the process and their rights under such process at or before the initial interview.)

    2. If the taxpayer has not received Publication 3498, furnish the publication before proceeding with the initial interview.

    3. Several other provisions in IRC section 7521 affect taxpayer interviews. See IRM below.

  3. If the examiner is able to determine the taxpayer is in compliance or is able to bring the taxpayer into compliance at the initial interview without reviewing the books or records or asking common law questions, the examiner may recommend that no examination be conducted. Examiners should follow delinquent return procedures as described in IRM 4.23.12 of this Handbook, if applicable.

  4. Do not settle tax due, or agree not to examine a taxpayer where noncompliance is known, in exchange for prospective compliance. Where settlement of tax appears to be advantageous to Service objectives, the Area Office of Chief Counsel should be contacted for assistance. On LMSB coordinated industry cases, the attorney assigned to the case should be contacted for advice. In situations where execution of a closing agreement is warranted to resolve an issue, Counsel will assist in providing the appropriate language.  (04–21–1999)
Employment Tax Examination Procedures

  1. The following procedures are provided to assist examiners in the examination of employment tax returns.  (03-01-2003)
Required Filing Checks — Employment Taxes

  1. The group manager should be alert to possible employment tax issues in assigning non-employment tax cases and should, when appropriate, call this to the attention of the examiner for consideration under the required filing checks procedures. See the Examination of Returns Handbook, IRM 4.10.

  2. The related employment tax returns are not usually associated with the income tax returns or tax-exempt returns classified for examination. Examination of the related returns will ordinarily be made from the taxpayer’s retained copies of such returns or a BRTVU. If an employment tax examination is warranted and the examiner needs, but cannot secure, copies of the returns, the examiner will requisition the originals of those returns for association with the case file.

  3. Collection employees share full compliance check responsibilities. When making a field visit, the revenue officer should determine whether all required employment tax returns were filed and paid. If the revenue officer encounters a situation where it appears that the firm is treating employees as independent contractors or where there are questionable fringe benefits, they will make a referral to the territory Employment Tax Group Manager, or to the PSP Support Manager, if no employment tax group manager is located in the territory. Refer to the Collection Handbook for further guidance.  (03-01-2003)
Referrals to the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division

  1. The relief provisions under Section 530 apply only to federal employment taxes, therefore the worker should be treated as an employee for all other purposes. There is potential that an Employee Plans issue exists. If an examiner encounters an employer entitled to the relief provisions of Section 530, a referral determination will be made. Exhibit 4.23.3–5 contains an employee plans referral checksheet.

  2. If a referral to TE/GE– Employee Plans is required as a result of a compliance check or an examination, the examiner will report the findings on Form 3449, Referral Report, and mail to:

    IRS - EP Classification
    McCaslin Industrial Park
    2 Cupania Circle
    Monterey Park, CA 91755–7631  (03-01-2003)
Scope of Employment Tax Examination

  1. It is recognized that examinations, whether change or no-change, vary in scope. Normally, the examiner is expected:

    1. To conduct the examination to a point where the reported employment tax liability is determined to be substantially correct,

    2. To determine whether information returns and wage statements have been correctly filed, and

    3. To determine whether all applicable Federal returns requirements have been met.

  2. In some cases, the examination will be extensive to properly determine the taxpayer’s employment tax liability and information return compliance. In other cases, examiners will be able to complete the examination after inquiry into only a few items because, in their judgment, to proceed any further with the examination would result in no material change in tax liability.

  3. Initially, employment tax returns are established only for the fourth quarter (or last quarter field) of each calendar year under examination. Other Form 941 periods and Form 940 should not be controlled on ERCS/AIMS until such time as the examiner determines an examination is warranted for those periods. For example, an examination is opened because of information received by SB/SE from a TE/GE lead, the SB/SE examiner will control (on ERCS/AIMS) the fourth quarter only. If the SB/SE examiner later determines that the remaining returns for that calendar year should be examined, then ERCS/AIMS control of those returns should be requested. If, however, the examiner determines that the remaining quarters should not be examined, then only one return, the fourth quarter, will be closed as a no-changed case. No other return will require a no-change or a survey, since no other return is controlled on ERCS/AIMS.

  4. The examination report will not include any calendar quarters for the current year, unless the taxpayer is no longer in business. Inform the taxpayer to correct any errors for these quarters in accordance with IRC section 6205 and the Federal Income Tax Regulations there under. For example, if the examination was concluded on November 1, 2001, prepare an examination report for 2000 and 1999 and advise the taxpayer, assuming the same issue existed for 2001, to correct the error for the first three quarters of 2001 in accordance with IRC section 6205. This procedure is consistent with Policy Statements P-4-4 and P-5-133.

  5. An employment tax examination should not be started for a calendar year until after the last filing date for all employment tax returns of that year. Normally, this is January 31, following the end of the calendar year. If the employment tax is to be computed under IRC section 3509, it will be necessary to wait until after the filing date for information returns in order to determine the applicable employment tax rate. These returns are due the last day of February following the end of the calendar year.

  6. Copies of the prior and subsequent year returns will be inspected. Expand the audit to include open periods where the issue is recurring or where there appears to be other large, unusual or questionable items.

  7. Document any factors used to limit the scope of the examination and the managerial approval of such action.  (03-01-2003)
Scheduling the Appointment

  1. In arranging for a convenient time and place to start an examination, it is advisable to telephone the taxpayer or the representative. If the initial appointment is scheduled by telephone, mail an appointment letter to confirm the appointment and summarize the list of records to be made available during the examination.

  2. At all times endeavor to make appointments at a time and place that will meet the convenience of the taxpayer and be consistent with Federal Income Tax Regulations section 301.7605–1 on time and place of examination. Field examinations will normally be conducted at the taxpayer’s place of business. Enter a taxpayer’s private premises only when invited in by the rightful occupant. If fraud is a feature or if the interests of the Government may be jeopardized, the convenience of the taxpayer need not be regarded as paramount.

  3. Examinations should be conducted at the place where the taxpayer maintains the business operations. However, the examination may be conducted at a place other than the location of the business operation if agreed to by the examiner and the taxpayer or the authorized representative. Once the appointment is made, try to avoid cancelling it.

  4. If the case file indicates that a power of attorney is on file or if a taxpayer or duly authorized representative requests, orally or in writing, that Service notification be made through the representative, the examiner will determine if there is a valid power of attorney on file with the Service and if any restrictions are contained therein.

  5. Publication 3498, The Examination Process, must be included with all initial contact letters. If it has not been mailed to the taxpayer in advance of the interview, it will be provided at the initial meeting. Workpapers should be documented to confirm that Publication 3498 was provided to the taxpayer.

  6. Examiners are not authorized (See the Criminal Investigations Handbook) to assure taxpayers that their books and records will be used solely for civil purposes. If a taxpayer insists upon such assurances, or gives the examiner a statement that the books and records are only being made available for limited purposes, the examiner shall find out the taxpayer’s reasons for refusing to furnish the records without restriction and then discontinue the examination and report this information to the group manager. The group manager and the examiner should then discuss the matter with the Criminal Investigation function. That office will study any available information on the taxpayer and will advise on further steps to be taken. It may decide that in view of all known factors, including the taxpayer’s refusal to furnish records unconditionally, that there is a possible indication that fraud exists. When appropriate, a referral to Criminal Investigation function will be made in accordance with procedures in IRM, Referrals to the Criminal Investigations, of this Handbook. Advice should be sought from Area Counsel when necessary.  (03-01-2003)
Taxpayer Rights

  1. IRC section 7521 was enacted by the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 (TAMRA) as part of the Omnibus Taxpayer Bill of Rights. Under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, the taxpayer has a right to:

    1. Receive, in non-technical language, an explanation of the many rights available at each step of the tax process. This explanation must be furnished before an initial interview. Publication 3498, The Examination Process, was developed to meet this requirement. Routine telephone calls initiated by the taxpayer or the Service are not considered initial interviews. Publication 3498 explains in detail our procedures covering examination of tax returns and appeal rights and should be furnished to all interested taxpayers.

      1. At the beginning of an examination, ask taxpayers whether they have any questions regarding the audit process, regular selection procedures and appeal rights.

      2. If the taxpayer does have any questions, give a clear and concise explanation.

      3. Advise the taxpayers that there is no 90-Day Deficiency Notice and employment tax cases are not normally heard in the U.S. Tax Court, but they are heard in District Court. The Tax Relief Act of 1997 specifies that cases involving employee classification and Section 530 relief are under the jurisdiction of the Tax Court.

    2. Consult with a representative who is currently authorized to represent taxpayers under rules provided in Circular 230. If taxpayers clearly state, during an interview, that they wish to consult with a representative, the interview must be suspended. In cases where this process is abused (i.e., repeated suspension of interviews to contact a representative) an administrative summons may be issued. A taxpayer cannot be required to accompany an authorized representative to an examination interview in the absence of an administrative summons. However, the taxpayer’s voluntary presence at the interview can be requested through the representative as a means to expedite the process.

    3. Upon prior notice to the Service, the taxpayer may make an audio recording of an in-person interview. Upon prior notice to the taxpayer, the Service is entitled to make a recording or transcript of an interview provided the taxpayer receives a copy upon request and pays the cost of reproduction.

  2. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights authorizes the Taxpayer Ombudsman or designee to issue Taxpayer Assistance Orders (TAO) to cease an action, or to take an action, after determining that a significant hardship to the taxpayer either has, or would, otherwise result from the way in which the Internal Revenue Code is being administered. See Delegation Order 232, (as revised) in the Handbook of Delegation Orders, IRM 1.2.2.  (03-01-2003)
Third Party Authorization/Power of Attorney

  1. Accountants, attorneys, enrolled agents or other representatives, from whom a taxpayer has requested assistance on tax problems, may submit inquiries to the Internal Revenue Service. The third party expects a reply to the inquiries so the problem can be explained to the taxpayer. To authorize this third party reply, the representative may submit a Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, (POA), or Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization (TIA).

  2. The Form 2848 and Form 8821 should contain the following information:

    1. Taxpayer(s) full name(s), address, EIN, or SSN and telephone number;

    2. Representative(s) full name(s), CAF (Centralized Authorization File) number(s) (if one has already been assigned), address (the box under New Address should be checked if address changed since being assigned a CAF number) and telephone number;

    3. Type of tax (must be specific); if it is specifically for Form SS–8, it must indicate the form specifically.

    4. Tax year(s) or period(s) (if form indicates "for all year" or "for all periods" , insert the earliest year or period under examination as the beginning year or period);

    5. Name and address where correspondence and/or notices are to be sent (optional);

    6. The taxpayer’s signature and date of signature; and

    7. If the POA is granted to an attorney, CPA, or enrolled agent, a declaration of good standing before the IRS must be signed by the representative. (This does not apply to the Form 8821).

  3. If the POA/TIA is not attached to any return or document, either the original or a copy of the form should be promptly forwarded to the Taxpayer Relations Branch at your servicing Campus. The original or a copy of the POA/TIA should also be retained with the case file. (Note: Original documents, photocopies, or documents submitted by facsimile transmission (FAX) are acceptable for processing.)

  4. Forwarding the POA/TIA to the Campus will trigger required actions to ensure input of a POA code to the entity on the appropriate master file or non-master file and will result in subsequent mailings of copies of computer communications to the authorized representative. POAs/TIAs are maintained on an automated system know as the Centralized Authorization File (CAF).

  5. POAs/TIAs filed for specific issues are not to be detached from the related document and sent to the campus, unless the document authorizes recognition for a return in addition to the specific issue. In this case, a copy of the POA/TIA should be sent to the Taxpayer Relations Branch in the campus to input the return portion on the CAF system. Examples of specific issues include, but are not limited to the following:

    • Form 843, Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement;

    • Form 966, Corporate Dissolution or Liquidation;

    • Form W–4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate;

    • Form 4361, Application for Exemption from Self-Employment Tax for Use by Ministers, Members of Religious Orders and Christian Science Practitioners;

    • Form SS–4, Application for Employer Identification Number; and

    • General Power of Attorney or Durable Power of Attorney. These powers of attorney usually do not contain sufficient information to process on CAF. If a general or durable power of attorney is submitted, attach a completed Form 2848 (a transmittal power of attorney), and send both forms to the CAF function for processing.

  6. Occasionally, the POA of record states he or she is no longer representing the taxpayer, or the taxpayer indicates they wish to cancel the existing POA. In such instances it is important that the CAF be corrected to delete the existing POA. Cancellation of an existing POA can be effected by securing a statement to that effect, signed by the existing POA or the taxpayer. Such signed statements will be sent to the Taxpayer Relations Branch in the campus.

  7. The Form 8821 does not authorize a representative to sign documents on behalf of the taxpayer or represent the taxpayer before Appeals.  (04-21-1999)
Bypassing a Taxpayer’s Representative

  1. There may be occasions when it becomes necessary to bypass the taxpayer’s representative. Guidelines are provided in IRM 21.11, Processing Powers-of-Attorney.  (03-01-2003)
Trustee in Bankruptcy Acting as Employer

  1. In accordance with IRC section 3401(d)(1) and the holding of the Supreme Court in Otte v. U.S., 419 U.S. 43, a trustee in bankruptcy is an employer for purposes of income tax withholding and withholding the employee’s share or FICA. This is because the trustee in bankruptcy has control of the payment of wages. The payor is obligated to prepare and file Form 941 and to prepare, file and distribute the related Form W–2 for each wage claimant. Furthermore, Otte has been extended to provide that the person having control of the payment is also an employer for purposes of the employer’s share of FICA and FUTA. See In re Armadillo Corp., 410 F. Supp. 407 (D. Col. 1976), aff’d 561 F.2d 1382 (10th Cir. 1977).

  2. The Otte doctrine may be applied in cases other than trustee in bankruptcy situations. Accordingly, in any case in which the payer is required to withhold and pay over Form 941 taxes, the current supplemental wage withholding rate plus the current FICA withholding percentage can be used. Alternatively, each employee’s withheld amount may be calculated using the Tax Withholding Tables.  (03-01-2003)
Examination Request Master File, Form 5345B

  1. As soon as it is determined that an examination will be conducted, the examiner will complete Form 5345B in duplicate (one copy for terminal input, and one copy to remain in the case file). A maximum of five tax periods for the same taxpayer may be requested on each Form 5345B. TE/GE examiners may continue to use Form 5597. (Areas with automated inventory controls systems, such as RGS and ERCS should follow locally established procedures in lieu of using Form 5345B for requesting or updating controls.)

  2. Examinations of LMSB coordinated industry cases (CIC) must be annotated on Form 5345B. This will create AIMS aging code 04 and the corresponsing ERCS activity code will have a "2" as the fourth digit. The 04 aging code can also be input at a later date using Update Form 5348.

  3. After obtaining group manager approval, forward the Form 5345B for terminal input. Retain a copy of each Form 5345B in the case file.  (03-01-2003)
Examination Update, Form 5348

  1. Form 5348, AIMS/ERCS Update, (or Form 5595, EO Update) is used with examination audit labels to:

    • re-establish closed returns;

    • update status code;

    • update organization code;

    • update statute date;

    • update project code;

    • generate a follow-up request for a missing return;

    • request additional audit or address labels; and,

    • update amount of claim.

  2. Instructions on preparing Form 5348 appear on the reverse of the form.  ()
Request For Terminal Action, Form 4844

  1. A Form 4844, Request for Terminal Action, will be completed where the results of a compliance check or examination reveal that the taxpayer has filing requirements that are not currently on IDRS. The IDRS Handbook, Document 6209, lists the correct codes for BMF Filing Requirements.  (03-01-2003)
Time Reporting

  1. Accurate time and activity reporting is essential to effective planning, budgeting and evaluating the Employment Tax Program. Currently, each division has separate reporting procedures.

  2. For those employees working mixed inventories, time, as it relates to the specific tasks, will be charged to the appropriate codes. Activity codes can be found in Chapter 12 of the ADP and IDRS Information Handbook, Document 6209. See IRM Handbook 4.9 Exhibits 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 for complete explanations.

  3. It is important to accurately identity LMSB CIC inventory by using Aging code 04.

Exhibit 4.23.3-1  (03-01-2003)
Guidelines for Evaluation of Leads

(1) Information from the income tax return can reveal wages that have been misclassified in a number of areas:

 a. Compensation of corporate officers can be shown as "0" but a review of the Form 1120 may reveal that the officers have taken draws, dividends, professional fees, administrative fees, etc., to avoid taxable wages.

 b. Compensation of corporate officers can be shown as "0" but a review of the Form 1120 may reveal that the officers have spent 100% of their time in the operation of the business.

 c. Schedules for "other deductions" often disclose bonuses to officers and employees. Payments to consultants are often listed on these schedules.

 d. The reconciliation of accounts often shows loans and advances to corporate officers which may be salary in disguise.

 e. Cost of goods sold often reveals labor and wage costs which may not appear on Forms W–2/1099/ 941.

 f. A service organization reporting cost of labor in cost of goods sold is suspect.

 g. Schedule C, Form 1040, often shows cost of labor and/or commissions in the cost of goods sold—but no Forms 941 have been filed.

(2) Reconciliation of the Forms 941/940/W–2 and the income tax return often highlights a discrepancy.

(3) Taxpayers may file Form 940 but no Forms 941. Tying this information into the tax return may show a discrepancy.

(4) Reconcile labor deducted on the income tax return less the FICA wages and total of amounts reported on Forms 1099 issued. Any discrepancy may mean an excessive deduction for wages and an adjustment. If the accrual method of accounting is used, an adjustment to the FICA wages reported will have to be made to make the income tax return information comparable to the Forms 941 and 1099.

(5) Large changes in the gross profit percentage [(SaIes—Cost of Good Sold) divided by Sales)] from one year to another may indicate hidden labor costs.

(6) The Payor Master File General Transcript (CC PMFOL) provides the following information:

 a. No Record of filing or filing late can eliminate the safe haven provided by Section 530 if this becomes an issue.

 b. The summary of transcript contains information concerning the number of Forms 1099 filed and the dollar amount of these forms. This figure can be compared to the miscellaneous wage figures reported on the tax return for possible underreporting.

(7) Researching the particular industry of the workers will indicate the pros and cons of issues presented in previous rulings—or indicate a category on which to base an evaluation. The research will provide a basis for evaluating the likelihood of successfully challenging an issue.

(8) Interviews of third party contacts (particularly the individual supplying the lead information) can provide additional information to ensure the correct entity has been identified, provide the number and types of workers, the possible amount of wages misclassified, and other information which will assist the evaluator in assigning a priority to the lead. However, before contacting third parties, ensure that the provisions of IRC section 7602 are followed.

(9) If no internal information can be obtained, the initial lead evaluation process is restricted to the information contained on the lead, interviews of third parties, general industry research, and past experience in the industry. If the lead warrants additional consideration, after the above steps have been taken, the lead may, at the manager's discretion, be assigned to an examiner for personal contact with the taxpayer.

Exhibit 4.23.3-2  (03-01-2003)
Letter Advising Taxpayer of a Possible Reclassification Issue

INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Department of the Treasury
  Taxpayer Name:
  Taxpayer Identification Number:
  Person to Contact:
  Employee Identification Number:
  Contact Telephone Number:
  Contact Telephone Hours:
Dear Taxpayer:  
 Our local office has received information that shows you file Forms 1099–MISC, Miscellaneous Income, with the Internal Revenue Service. Because the Forms 1099–MISC are significant in either the number issued or in the amount paid, we are sending you Publication 15–A, Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide. Please read the enclosed publication to determine whether you are handling the employment status of these workers correctly.
 Our office is available to assist you with any questions you may have about the classification of workers or Federal Employment Taxes. You may contact the person whose name and telephone number are shown above if you have any questions.
  Sincerely yours,
Publication 15–A  

Exhibit 4.23.3-3  (03-01-2003)
Letter Advising Taxpayer of an Employment Tax Compliance Check

INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE   Department of the Treasury
      Taxpayer Name:
      Taxpayer Identification Number:
      Tax Period(s) Ended:
      Person to Contact:
      Employee Identification Number:
      Contact Telephone Number:
      Contact Telephone Hours:
Dear Taxpayer:  
 This is to confirm the appointment to conduct an employment tax compliance check scheduled for:
 Place: Date:
 The purpose of a compliance check is to verify that a business owner is adhering to all Federal recordkeeping and reporting requirements. This consists of reviewing the following documents for the tax period(s) listed above:
  • Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return
  • Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return
  • Form 945, Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax
  • Form(s) W-2, Wage and Tax Statement
  • Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements
  • Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate
  • Form (s) 1099 Series, U.S. Information Returns
  • Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns
  • The related yearly income tax return:
    [] Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, including Schedule C,
    [] Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return
    [] Form 1120A, U.S. Corporation Short–Form Income Tax Return
    [] Form 1120S, U.S. Small Business Income Tax Return
    [] Form 1065, U.S. Partnership Income Tax Return
 Please have these documents available for review at our appointment.
 This compliance check does not qualify as an examination or inspection under IRC sections 7602 or 7605(b) or as an audit for purposes of Section 530 of the Revenue Act of 1978. If as a result of this compliance check we decide to open an examination, we will issue a letter notifying you of this. A formal notification will be made within thirty days from the date of this visit.
 We encourage you to read the enclosed Publication 3114, Compliance Checks; Publication 1, Your Rights as a Taxpayer; and Notice 609, Privacy Act Notice. Thank you for your cooperation.
    Sincerely yours  
Publication 3114  
Publication 1  
Notice 609  

Exhibit 4.23.3-4  (03-01-2003)
Follow-up Letter Advising Taxpayer That an Employment Tax Examination Will Not Be Conducted

INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Department of the Treasury
  Taxpayer Name:
  Taxpayer Identification Number:
  Tax Period(s) Ended:
  Person to Contact:
  Employee Identification Number:
  Contact Telephone Number:
  Contact Telephone Hours:
Dear Taxpayer:  
 Thank you for your cooperation in responding to our questions during our recent compliance check. It has been determined that an employment tax examination will not be conducted at this time.
 The enclosed Publication 15–A , Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide, may answer some of the questions you have about your responsibilities as an employer. The publication has information to help you determine whether an individual is an employee or an independent contractor. Please take some time to read this publication.
 If you have any questions regarding Federal Employment Tax matters, you may contact the person whose name and telephone number are shown above.
  Sincerely yours,
Publication 15–A  

Exhibit 4.23.3-5  (03-01-2003)
Employee Plans (EP) Referral Checksheet

1. Were any non-employees reclassified as employees? Y N
 If yes, please attach a list of those employees.

2. Were any plan participants’ compensation adjusted? Y N
 If yes, please attach a list of the participants, their compensation, and the adjustment amount.

3. Does the employer offer plan participation of individuals other than common law employees or self-employed individuals treated as employees pursuant to IRC section 401(c)(1)?
 Y N

4. Are there any employees who are covered by the Section 530 safe haven who have been excluded from participation in the plan? Y N
 If yes, please attach a list of the names of those employees.

INSTRUCTIONS: Any yes answer warrants a referral to TE/GE —Employee Plans (EP).

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