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4.19.10  Examination General Overview  (10-01-2003)
Examination General Overview

  1. Wage and Investment (W&I) Exam Operations and Small Business/Self Employed (SB/SE) Campus Examination supports the mission of the Service by maintaining an enforcement presence and encouraging the correct reporting by taxpayers of income, estate, gift, employment, and certain excise taxes in order to instill the highest degree of public confidence in the tax systems integrity, fairness, and efficiency. Both W&I and SB/SE Campus Examination are referred to as either "Examination" , " Campus (Service Center) Examination" , or "Correspondence Examination" .

  2. Examination will measure the degree of voluntary compliance as reflected on filed returns; reduce noncompliance by identifying and cost-effectively allocating resources to those returns most in need of examination and taxpayer contact. Conduct, timely and quality examinations of tax returns and make quality contacts to determine the correct tax liability.

  3. The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent IRS organization created to help taxpayers when normal procedures are not working. Examination personnel need to be familiar with TAS case criteria in Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Part 13 (Taxpayer Advocate Service).

  4. This section contains information on Examination general procedures for administrative matters and provides references for common issues and related items that might be found on tax returns.  (01-01-2008)

  1. Some of the IRS acronyms used in Examination are listed below. Others can be found in the Document 6209.

  2. IRS Acronyms are listed electronically. See .

    23C Assessment Date; Master File Notice Date
    AAC AIMS Assignee Code
    AAR Administrative Adjustment Request
    ADJ Adjustment
    AFDC Aid for Dependent Children
    AEIC Advance Earned Income Credit
    AEITC Advanced Earned Income Tax Credit
    AGI Adjusted Gross Income
    AIMS Audit Information Management System
    AO Area Office
    ARDI Accounts Receivable Dollar Inventory
    ASED Assessment Statute Expiration Date
    ASFR Automated Substitute For Return
    BMF Business Master File
    BMFOL Business Master File On-Line
    BOD Business Operating Divisions
    C-Team Compliance Team
    CAF Centralized Authorization File
    CARE Customer Assistance, Relationships & Education
    CAT A Category A Claims
    CC Closing Code
    CC Command Code
    CCC Computer Condition Code
    CCP Centralized Case Processing
    CDCC Child Dependent Care Credit
    CDP Collection Due Process
    CEAS Correspondence Examination Automation System
    CECS Centralized Exam Classification System
    CF Computer Form
    CFC Campus Fraud Coordinator
    CFf Collection Function - field
    CFOL Corporate Files On-Line
    CFS Customer Feedback System
    CPB Corporate Print Business
    CSCO Compliance Service Collection Operations
    CSR Customer Service Representative
    CF and S Centralized Files and Scheduling
    CFSU Centralized Files and Scheduling Unit
    CICS Closing Information Cover Sheet
    CIP Compliance Initiative Project
    CIRS Criminal Investigation Referral System
    CIS Correspondence Imaging System
    CORR Correspondence Examination
    CRN Credit Reference Number
    CRI Compliance Research Intranet
    CTC Child Tax Credit
    CTF Campus TEFRA Function
    CTR Cash Transaction Report
    DAE Discretionary Automated Examination
    DC Disposal Code
    DCC Detroit Computing Center
    DCI Data Capturing Instruments
    DDb Dependent Database
    DDE Direct Data Entry
    DI Desktop Integration
    DIF Discriminate Function
    DIS Distributed Input System
    DLN Document Locator Number
    DMF Debtor Master File
    DMFC Debtor Master File Case
    DST Decision Support Tool
    DUPF Duplicate Filing (DupFile)
    EFC Exam Fraud Coordinator
    EFDS Electronic Fraud Detection System
    EFIN Electronic Filer Identification Number
    EFS Electronic Filing System
    EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
    EFTPS Electronic Federal Tax Payment System
    EGC Employee Group Code
    EIN Employer Identification Number
    EIC Earned Income Credit
    EITC Earned Income Tax Credit
    EITCRA Earned Income Tax Credit Referral Automation
    ELF Electronic Filing System
    EONS Electronic On-Line Network System
    ERCS Examination Returns Control System
    ES Estimated Tax
    ESP Estimated Tax Penalty
    ETAP Employment Tax Adjustment Program
    FCR Federal Case Registry
    FAM Filing Analysis Module
    FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
    FHA Federal Housing Authority
    FICA Federal Insurance Contribution Act
    FIRP Foreign Information Return Program
    FLC File Locator Code
    FMS Financial Management Service
    FOFI Forgiveness of Federal Indebtedness
    FOIA Freedom Of Information Act
    FP Full Paid
    FPAA Final Partnership Administrative Adjustment
    FRC Federal Records Center
    FRP Frivolous Return Program
    FSAA Final Sub-chapter S Administrative Adjustment
    FTA Fraud Technical Advisor
    FTP Failure to Pay
    FUTA Federal Unemployment Tax Act
    FWT Federal Withholding Tax
    FY Fiscal Year
    GII Generalized IDRS Interface
    HC Hold Code
    HCTC Health Care Tax Credit
    HHET Household Employment Tax
    HHS Health and Human Services
    HIP Health Insurance Premium
    HOH Head of Household
    HPTF Hard-core Payment Tracer Function
    HQ Headquarters
    HSH Household Help
    HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development
    ICL Initial Contact Letter
    ICP Integrated Case Processing
    ICR Initial Contact Resolution
    IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System
    IDS Inventory Delivery System
    iDST Integrated Decision Support Tool
    IGP Information Gathering Project
    IMF Individual Master File
    IMFOL Individual Master File On-Line
    IRC Internal Revenue Code
    IRM Internal Revenue Manual
    IRMF Information Return Master File
    IRN Item Reference Number
    IRP Information Returns Processing
    ISRP Integrated Submission Remittance Processing
    IT Income Tax
    LEM Law Enforcement Manual
    LIHC Low Income Housing Credit
    LMSB Large and Mid-Size Business
    LOS Level of Service
    LUQ Large Unusual Questionable items
    MACS Midwest Automated Compliance System
    MCC Martinsburg Computing Center
    MCC Mortgage Credit Certificate
    MDC MACS Development Center
    ME Math Error
    MF Master File
    MFJ Married Filing Jointly
    MFS Married Filing Separate
    MFT Master File Tax (Code)
    MFTRA Master File Transcript
    MISTLE Management Information System Top Level Executive
    MSSP Market Segment Specialization Program
    NAP National Account Profile
    NC Name Control
    NCC National Computing Center
    NCRS National Compliance Research Study
    NCL Net Capitol Loss
    NEC Non Employee Compensation
    NEI Non-Earned Income
    NIF Not In Files
    NMF Non Master File
    NOL Net Operating Loss
    NOLD Net Operating Loss Deduction
    NRP National Research Project
    NPS National Print System
    NQRS National Quality Review System
    NRA Non-Resident Alien
    NSD No Source Document
    NU Nullified Unpostable
    NUMIDENT SSA File Number
    OIC Offer In Compromise
    OLE On-Line Entity
    ORINC Ordinary Income
    OTAC Office of Tax Administration Coordination
    OTFP Other Than Full Paid
    PAO Penalty Appeals Officer
    PBA Principal Business Activity Code
    PBC Primary Business Code
    PC Priority Code
    PDT Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer
    PIN Personal Identification Number
    PN Pending Transaction
    POA Power of Attorney
    POD Post Of Duty
    PSSN Primary Social Security Number
    PSP Planning and Special Programs
    PY Processing Year
    QRDb Quality Review Database
    QRDT Questionable Refund Detection Team
    QRP Questionable Refund Program
    RC Reason Code
    R & C Receipt & Control
    RCP Research Compliance Project
    REMIC Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit
    RGS Report Generation Software
    RI Recertification Indicator
    RIS Request for Information Services
    RPC Return Processing Code
    RPC Return Processing Coordinator
    RPD Return Processing Date
    RPM Return Program Manager
    RPP Return Preparer Program
    RPS Remittance Processing System
    RRA Revenue Reconciliation Act
    RTF Returns Transaction File
    RTVUE Return Review (IMF Only)
    SAT System Acceptability Test
    SBC Secondary Business Code
    SB/SE Small Business/Self Employment Operating Division
    SC Service Center now known as Campus
    SC Source Code
    SC Status Code
    SCAMPS Service Center (Campus) Automated Mail Processing System
    SCCB Service Center (Campus) Collection Branch see CSCO
    SCEB Service Center (Campus) Examination Branch
    SCRIPS Service Center (Campus) Recognition/Image Processing System
    SD Source Document
    SE Self-Employment
    SEI Self-Employment Income
    SERP Service Wide Electronic Research Program
    SET Self Employment Tax
    SFR/SUB Substitute for Return
    SOI Statistics of Income
    SPOC Single Point of Contact
    SPRG Specialized Product Reviewed Groups
    SSA Social Security Administration
    SSN Social Security Number
    SSSN Secondary Social Security Number
    SST Social Security Tax
    TAC Tax Assistance Centers
    TAMIS Taxpayer Advocate Management Information System
    TAS Taxpayer Advocate Service
    TC Transaction Code
    TCMP Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program
    TCWMS Telephone Call Workload Management System
    TDI Taxpayer Delinquency Investigation
    TDO Treasury Department Order
    TE Tax Examiner
    TEFRA Tax Equity & Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982
    TIA Taxpayer Information Authorization
    TIF Taxpayer Information File
    TIN Taxpayer Identification Number
    TMP Tax Matters Partner
    TO Territory Office
    TP Taxpayer
    TPNC Taxpayer Notice Code
    TPI Total Positive Income
    TY Tax Year
    UDOC Uniform Definition of a Child
    UHH Unmarried Head of Household
    ULC Universal Location Code
    UPC Unpostable Code
    URC Unpostable Resolution Code
    VMS Voice Messaging System
    WT Withholding Tax
    W & I Wage and Investment Operating Division
    YD Year Digit  (01-01-2008)
Some Publications used by Examination

  1. This list is not all inclusive.

    • 17 Your Federal Income Tax

    • 78 Cumulative List of Organizations

    • 501 Exemptions, Standard Deductions, and Filing Information

    • 503 Child and Dependant Care Expenses

    • 515 Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities

    • 519 U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens

    • 525 Taxable and Nontaxable Income

    • 575 Pension and Annuity Income (Including Simplified General Rule)

    • 555 Community Property

    • 596 Earned Income Credit

    • 3498 The Examination Process

    • 3498A The Examination Process (Examinations by Mail)  (01-01-2008)
Some Forms Used by Examination

  1. This list is not all inclusive.

    • 886 H (Series) Explanations of Items

    • 3210 Document Transmittal

    • 4549/4549EZ Income Tax Examination Changes

    • 4700 Examination Workpapers

    • 5600 Statutory Notice Worksheet

    • 12140 Correspondence Examinations Telephone Memo

    • 12483 Declaration Statement

    • 13181 Examination Report Generation Software (RGS) Closing Information Cover Sheet

    • 11652 Questionnaire Form 1040 Schedule C (Profit or Loss From Business)

    • 8693 Low-Income Housing Credit Disposition Bond

    • 8862 Information to Claim Earned Income Credit after Disallowance  (10-01-2004)
Other IRMs Pertaining to Examination Programs

  1. Other IRM chapters provide information on single topics that pertain to more than one function. Examination employees are responsible for researching and utilizing information contained in all reference materials. The following is a list of IRM chapters and sections pertaining to Examination programs (not all inclusive):

    • 1.4.17. Compliance Managers Guide

    • 1.5. Managing Statistics in a Balanced Measurement System

    • 1.10. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Correspondence

    • 4.3. Midwest Automated Compliance System (MACS) Handbook

    • 4.4. AIMS/Processing Handbook

    • 4.10.12. Frivolous Return Program

    • 4.13. Audit Reconsideration

    • 4.14. Statutory Notices of Deficiency

    • 4.20. Examination Collectibility Handbook

    • 4.23. Employment Tax Handbook

    • 4.25. Estate and Gift Tax Handbook

    • 4.27. Bankruptcy

    • 4.29. Partnership Control System (PCS) Handbook

    • 4.31. Flow-through Entity Handbook

    • 5.1.18. Locating Taxpayers

    • 9.1. Criminal Investigation Mission and Strategies

    • 11.3. Disclosure of Official Information (also see 21.13 General Disclosure)

    • 13. Taxpayer Advocate Service

    • 20.1. Penalty

    • 20.2. Interest Manual

    • 21.1. Accounts Management & Compliance Services Operations

    • 21.3.7. Processing Third Party Authorizations on the Centralized Authorization File

    • 25.1. Fraud Handbook

    • 25.2. Information and Informants Rewards

    • 25.6. Statute of Limitations

    • 25.12. Delinquent Return Refund Hold Program

    • 25.15. Relief from Joint & Several Liability  (10-01-2004)
Examination IRM References

  1. Examination employees are responsible for researching and utilizing information contained in all reference materials. The following is a list of IRM parts, chapters and sections pertaining to Examination programs (not all-inclusive):

    • Part 3 Submission Processing

    • Part 4 Examining Process

    • Part 8 Appeals

    • Part 9 Criminal Investigation  (01-01-2008)
Correspondence Examination Letters

  1. Letters used for correspondence issues are listed below. These letters are used by both W&I and SB/SE. The BOD owner of each letter has been indicated at the end of each description.

  2. Additional information about the originator/owner of each letter can be found by researching the Multimedia Publishing web site. Any revisions must be discussed with the BOD originator listed on the Multimedia Publishing web site.

    • CP 75 taxpayer inquiry, exam initial contact letter - EIC refund frozen

    • CP 75Ataxpayer inquiry, exam initial contact letter - no refund frozen

    • CP 75Btaxpayer inquiry, EIC part of refund delayed

    • CP 87A duplicate EITC/dependent, duplicate primary to dependent, duplicate primary to primary (soft notice)

    • CP 87B duplicate EITC/dependent claiming himself or herself (soft notice)

    • CP 87C duplicate dependent over age 23 (soft notice)

    • CP 87D duplicate dependent who filed joint (soft notice)

    • CP 85A filing status rules EITC (soft notice)

    • CP 85B qualifying child rules EITC (soft notice)

    • CP 85C Schedule C filters EITC (soft notice)

    • 105C claim disallowance

    • 106C claim partially disallowed

    • 525(SC) proposed letter of change to return and appeal rights general 30 day letter

    • 525A(SC) Appeals Test at PSC

    • 528(SC) letter to transfer taxpayer(s) return as requested

    • 530(SC) no change for unallowable program and taxpayer has a refund remaining letter advising taxpayer of no change examination

    • 531(SC) general statutory Notice of Deficiency (TEFRA-Non-TEFRA) )

    • 539(SC) reply to taxpayer when two or more returns are combined into one multiple-filers 30 day letter

    • 545(SC) reply to taxpayer when return filed is recomputed as joint contact letter- multiple filer

    • 555(SC) reply to taxpayer after statutory notice has been issued

    • 565(SC/CG) acknowledge and request for additional information

    • 566(SC) initial contact notifying taxpayer of examination and requesting additional supporting documentation

    • 566(SC)/CG) initial contact notifying taxpayer of examination and requesting additional supporting documentation

    • 566B(SC/CG) request for supporting documentation with report proposing change

    • 566B-EZ (SC) simplified Service Center ICL/30-day combo letter

    • 566D(SC) additional info 1040X

    • 566E(SC) initial contact letter for Questionable Refund Program (QRP)

    • 566H initial contact letter for Questionable Refund Program backlog cases

    • 569(SC) letter of claim disallowance

    • 570(SC) claim allowed in full

    • 590(SC) no change and books and records examined

    • 601(SC) closing letter advising taxpayer of delay in refund

    • 691(SC) payment inquiry letter

    • 692(SC) reply to request for reconsideration of findings

    • 693(SC) reply to taxpayer request for reconsideration of assessment

    • 694(SC) reply to taxpayer cannot pay but agrees to deficiency

    • 711(SC) no change for unallowable Item and no refund remains

    • 713(SC) unallowable item and individual return program 30-day letter (SB/SE)

    • 718(SC) self-employment tax quiz letter

    • 907 request for statute extension

    • 928 follow-up for statute extension

    • 937 transmittal letter for power of attorney

    • 1024(SC) closing letter with survey after assignment and initial contact but records not examined

    • 1226(SC) correction programs other than unallowable items when books and records have not been examined closing letter no change

    • 1384(SC) notice of deficiency (bankruptcy)

    • 1543(SC) discrepancy in payer information initial contact letter - IRP Returns

    • 1576(SC) reply to taxpayer election to pay balance due within 15 days letter to taxpayer - IRC Section 6013(b)

    • 1654(SC) reply to taxpayer who requests case be transferred to an Area Office

    • 1862(SC) computed tax and penalties based on information available (SFR)

    • 1902(SC) requests telephone number to resolve issues before transfer to Area Office suspense letter for unable to reach by telephone

    • 2083(SC) cover letter for 4549-A

    • 2194 (SC) alternative minimum tax proposal letter

    • 2246(SC) sending taxpayer F4549/4549EZ with adjustments and penalties (TEFRA) cover letter for Form 1902C and Form 1902-B

    • 3070(SC) no change letter

    • 3077(SC) income subject to self employment tax

    • 3164(SC) third party contact

    • 3175-C letter used by SBSE Exam ti respond to frivolous filer who send frivolous correspondence to IRS

    • 3176-C frivolous information letter update request

    • 3186(SC) refund hold letter for prior year audit

    • 3219 (SC) statutory notice of deficiency

    • 3274(SC) preliminary determination not considered IRC Sec. 6015(f)

    • 3279 final determination partial allowance IRC Secs. 6015(b) or (c)

    • 3338C audit reconsideration acknowledgment letter

    • 3339C audit reconsideration additional substantiation letter

    • 3340C audit reconsideration denial letter

    • 3454(SC) initial contact for discretionary programs - married filing joint

    • 3454A(SC) initial contact for discretionary programs - single

    • 3500 interim letter to correspondence from taxpayer (replaces 2834)

    • 3501 second interim letter to correspondence from taxpayer (replaces 2835)

    • 3540(SC/CG) initial contact letter for alimony payees

    • 3541(SC/CG) initial contact letter for alimony payers

    • 3581(SC/CG) no change closing letter (SB/SE)

  3. All versions of Campus Correspondence Examination letters must have the approval of the W&I or SB/SE SPOC (Single Point of Contact) before any changes can be made. All forms, letters, and publications should be posted to the Multimedia web before they are used in any program. All letter headers will contain:

    • Taxpayer Identification Number

    • Form

    • Year

    • Person to Contact Name

    • Contact Person Identification Number

    • Contact Telephone Number

    • Contact Fax Number

    • Contact Hours

  4. The correspondence letters can be prepared by the clerical staff or tax examiners.

  5. Extension routed phone numbers must be included on all replies to taxpayer correspondence.  (10-01-2004)
Research and Development Wage and Investment

  1. The W&I Headquarters Reporting Compliance Discretionary Examination (Non-EITC) Group will coordinate with W&I Campus Operations Managers all research and development programs/projects within W&I regarding trends, schemes or ideas desired to assist in determining research items. Research & Development issues may be developed into tests or studies, in conjunction with the Research organization. Campuses participating in Research tests or studies will be asked to capture data for Research analysis via Data Capture Instruments (DCI).

  2. W&I Headquarters will control the source and selection of research and development returns. The Midwest Automated Compliance System (MACS) is one source used to perform research on and prepare filters to identify returns for research projects. The development of MACS filters will be done at the national level. Campus MACS access will be limited to return screening and classification. See IRM (4), Research and Development Small Business/self Employed, for an explanation of MACS.

  3. All Research project returns will be established on AIMS using the Source Code and Project Code designated by the Headquarters Reporting Compliance Discretionary Examination analyst.  (10-01-2004)
Research and Development Small Business/Self-Employed

  1. Research and Development (R&D) may be initiated by local or Headquarters Personnel. The program goal is to improve compliance through a more timely identification and resolution of emerging issues.

  2. Program goals are accomplished as follows:

    1. Screening a sample of returns on the front end as they are filed.

    2. Utilizing a multi-functional approach to resolve identified problems at the lowest level which include:

      • Taxpayer education

      • Form revision

      • Processing changes

      • Projects identified for targeted areas to measure the extent of non-compliance and establish technical positions and legal precedence.

  3. Compliance team personnel are expected to be innovative in their approach to identifying sources of returns with high potential for abuse or non-compliance and secure and screen those returns and recommend corrective actions.

  4. MACS is a security-certified, menu driven computer system that contains a combination of the transcribed return transaction files and selected entity information. IMF (Individual Master File) includes Forms 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, and 1040NR. BMF (Business Master File) includes Forms 990C, 1041, 1065, 1120, and 1120S. EMF (Employment Master File) includes Forms 940, 941, 943, 945, 1042, and CT-1. In addition, MACS contains fields calculated especially for the MACS data, such as Activity Codes, Business Operating Division (BOD) Codes, Cash-T, Gross Profit Percentage, Market Segment Code, perfected NAICS Code, Total Revenue, and others.

  5. Refer to IRM 4.3, MACS Security Handbook or the MACS web site for additional information.  (01-01-2007)
Communication Compliance Team Forum SB/SE

  1. Periodic meetings may be held for Campus Compliance Team Coordinators and National Representatives to ensure uniform operation of the program, to share information and expertise, and to develop national strategies for accomplishing program goals.

  2. The Headquarters Examination Analyst will maintain a roster containing the names, telephone numbers, VMS numbers, fax numbers, and addresses of all Compliance Team Coordinators. This roster will be updated promptly. The Headquarters Examination Analyst should be notified promptly of all changes.

  3. On a quarterly basis, the Campus Compliance Team Coordinators will forward a report to the Headquarters Examination Analyst on the status of all projects/initiatives in process as well as those in developmental stages. The Headquarters Examination Analyst will compile and distribute to all Coordinators and to the W&I Reporting Compliance Analyst a complete report of all projects/initiatives in process and in developmental stages.

  4. It is imperative that an open line of communication between Compliance Teams at the Campuses and SB/SE Headquarters, continues to be the primary goal to have an efficient and effective early detection compliance program.  (10-01-2004)
Source of Returns SB/SE

  1. SB/SE Compliance Team personnel are expected to be innovative in looking for sources of returns where high potential for abuse or non-compliance may exist. Liaisons with other Campus functional areas should be used for assistance in identifying returns and employing methods from which projected conclusions can be drawn.

  2. Contact the Campus MACS Coordinator when Compliance Team members identify programs containing specific selection criteria which can be matched against the Returns Transaction File data base records files.

  3. MACS provides the capability to do market segmentation and issue identification with clear cross-functional benefits for SB/SE. SB/SE Campuses have a MACS database for each area office served. The MACS database will be updated by MDC on an annual basis to include the prior filing year. MACS has stringent operating restrictions to ensure the security of the data and that taxpayer privacy is not compromised.

  4. MACS may be used to retrieve specific taxpayer data; e.g., a three year spread of a taxpayer's returns, including a Cash -T (cash transaction) analysis. This information may be used for case building or return selection decisions. A MACS facsimile may be used in lieu of the original return, much like RTVUE (IMF Taxpayer Data File) print.

  5. MACS may be used to research a market segment to identify samples of returns to determine the level of non-compliance and to decide whether a formal Compliance Initiative Project (CIP) should be started.

  6. No compliance initiative, examination action, taxpayer educational effort, etc., should be started on specific taxpayers identified using MACS, without the approval of a specific Compliance Initiative Project. The Compliance initiative documentation should clearly define the selection criteria used.

  7. A discretionary source of returns for SB/SE can be made available through the Monitor Run Report (ATSO1). This report is produced locally at each Campus against the GMF16, which is a copy of the GMF15 (Campuses good tape which goes to MCC where it posts to the Master File) and is retained locally. The Monitor Run program produces charge outs (not AIMS) and a summary report of returns containing Schedule C, Profit or Loss From Business and/or Schedule F, Profit or Loss From Farming with criteria specified in LEM IV. Returns will be pulled and forwarded along with the charge outs to the Compliance Team Coordinator for further evaluation and examination potential.  (10-01-2004)
SB/SE Campus Compliance Projects

  1. If recurring significant errors of the same type are identified by one or more SB/SE Campus Compliance Teams, and it is determined that they should be addressed through examinations, projects are implemented to measure the extent of the non-compliance and determine whether an approved Examination program project is warranted.

  2. Return selection methods are used that will provide the best estimates of noncompliance and that can be duplicated at the least cost if a program project is eventually implemented.

  3. The SB/SE Headquarters Examination Analyst provides assistance for developing the methodology for project approval. Decisions can be made as to either working selected returns in Correspondence Examination or at the Area Offices, depending on the complexity and the availability of resources. Each return selected for examination is identified with a technical explanation of the tax issue.

  4. A classification check sheet is prepared for non-project returns with potential non-compliance. Returns are established on AIMS using Source Code 20, Campus Examination Local Classification, and a locally defined Project Code 0500 0575.  (01-01-2007)
SB/SE Compliance Initiative Project (CIP) Procedures

  1. Compliance Initiative Project procedures are followed when groups of returns with the same areas of potential non-compliance are selected and forwarded for examination in a project, either in the Campus or Area Office.

  2. Compliance Initiative Project (CIP) refers to and replaces all Type III research activities previously categorized as RCP, Fed State initiatives, IGP, Compliance 2000 projects, etc. CIPs are characterized by the use of data to identify and quantify areas of noncompliance. They usually will involve a study, survey, or other analysis of a group of individuals such as those involved in a specific economic activity, undertaken to identify, measure, or analyze compliance with the tax laws. CIPs are often multi functional in their approach. Any project using taxpayer identifying data is a CIP research activity. CIPs do not include routine business operations. CIPs must be approved prior to compliance contact with taxpayers.

  3. A CIP Form must be prepared for all compliance initiative projects. If the number of taxpayers involved is 100 or less, a CIP Part I must be completed. If more than 100 taxpayers are involved, a CIP Part II must be completed by the initiating office. In preparing CIP Form Part One, Compliance Initiative Project Authorization information, the background information, CRI research required, and the other data required will be entered. This authorization will require the signatures of the Project Coordinator, originating Operations Manager, and Campus Compliance Director for approval. A copy of this CIP Form should be forwarded to the Headquarters Examination analyst.

  4. If single returns have high examination potential, or have specific areas of potential non-compliance and are selected for examination, but not grouped with other returns as a project, no CIP documentation is prepared.

  5. See IRM 4.17Compliance Initiative Projects Handbook for detailed information and procedures.  (01-01-2007)
SB/SE Reporting Requirements Project Returns

  1. The SB/SE Campus Compliance Team Coordinator ensures that a tax issue explanation is prepared for each project return selected for examination.

  2. Establish each return selected for examination on AIMS using Source Code 11, SB/SE Campus Examination Compliance Team Studies, Tests and Research, with an appropriate locally Defined 0500 0575 Project Code, which will be communicated to the Headquarters Examination Analyst for monitoring purposes.

  3. The SB/SE Campus Examination Compliance Team Coordinator can request to establish a specific Project Code in those instances where like type project returns are being identified, selected and examined at multiple Campuses. In those instances, the SB/SE Headquarters Examination Analyst (WSD) will secure a specific Project Code (0800 0899) and or Tracking Code to be used with that inventory.  (01-01-2006)

  1. One of the cornerstones of the American tax system is confidentiality. The taxpayers must feel secure in sharing private and detailed financial information with the government. As such, all employees have a responsibility to ensure that the privacy and confidentiality of tax records are given the highest degree of security. In addition, as detailed in IRM, Disclosure is one of the key elements under the Case Administration Auditing Standards.

  2. All employees must be familiar with the basic information available in IRM, Customer Service Operations General Disclosure Guidelines. More detailed information is always available in IRM 11.3, Disclosure of Official Information, and from your local Disclosure Officer.

  3. Before disclosing any tax information, you must be sure you are speaking with the taxpayer or authorized representative. See the Taxpayer Authentication guidelines in IRM 21.1.3, Operational Guidelines Overview. Also, before leaving any messages on a taxpayer's answering machine, review IRM, Leaving Information on Answering Machines/voicemail. Fax procedures contained in IRM, Facsimile Transmission of Tax Information must be reviewed prior to faxing confidential information to the taxpayer.  (10-01-2006)
Fraud Referrals

  1. The primary objective of the National Fraud Program is to foster voluntary compliance through the recommendation of a criminal investigation and/or civil penalties.

  2. The objective of the Campus Fraud Referral Program is to:

    1. Identify cases with potential fraud.

    2. Develop fraud with the guidance from the Fraud Technical Advisor (FTA).

    3. Refer potential fraud cases to the field for further development.

    4. Refer potential criminal fraud cases directly to Criminal Investigation (SB/SE Campuses Only).

    5. Pursue the assertion of the civil fraud penalty and/or 10-year ban on campus correspondence cases when appropriate (SB/SE Campuses Only).


    Effective 10/1/2006 the SB/SE Campus Examination Operation will roll out an expanded Fraud program that will include asserting the fraud civil penalty in a campus environment. The W&I campuses will continue to follow the existing Fraud program guidelines that outline the Exam Fraud Coordinators (EFC) will develop potential fraud cases in conjunction with the Fraud Technical Advisor (FTA) and then transfer the cases to the Area Office for assertion of the fraud civil penalty.  (10-01-2006)
Identifying and Developing Fraud in Correspondence Examination

  1. During the course of an examination, information may be obtained which indicates that taxpayers may have or are attempting to understate their tax liability through fraudulent means. Although only a small percentage of cases are fraudulent, it is necessary to detect and report any potential fraudulent activities. The following list identifies examples of indicators of fraud that are most likely to be found in a campus environment (this list is not all inclusive and may involve a promoter/return preparer):

    • Omission of income

    • Overstated Schedule A, Itemized Deductions

    • Altered Documents

    • False deductions/adjustments to income

    • False/overstated W-2 for EITC purposes

    • False Schedule C for EITC purposes

    • Identity theft or sale

    • False basis in assets

    • False transaction date for asset disposition

    • False statements made by taxpayer

    • False exemptions

    • Use of decedents SSN

    • False business, rental or farm expenses

    • False or overstated refundable credits

    • Amended returns with any of the above

  2. If fraud is suspected, it is essential that the case be referred to the designated Campus/Exam Fraud Coordinator (CFC/EFC). The case must be developed to determine if affirmative acts (deceit, subterfuge, camouflage, concealment or some attempt to color or obscure events or to make things seem other than they are) exist. The service must prove that the taxpayer acted deliberately and knowingly with the specific intent to violate the law.


    Any potential fraud referrals coming from a Criminal Investigation program case such as QRP, RPP or RPAT should be coordinated through the HQ Analysts who will contact CI HQ and the referring FDC.

  3. Refer to IRM 25.1 (Fraud Handbook) for additional information.  (10-01-2006)
Responsibilities of the Exam Fraud/Functional Coordinators (EFC/FFC)

  1. Review the Campus Fraud Lead Sheets ( Form 13549 ) received from within the Examination Operation to determine if sufficient indicators of fraud exist. In the W&I campuses this will also include referrals from the co-located AUR Fraud Coordinator.

  2. Ensure that Form 13549 is properly completed and approved by the initiators manager.

  3. Conduct preliminary research including:

    1. IDRS research (IMFOL, RTVUE, and IRPTR, if available) for prior and subsequent years.

  4. Make a determination to accept or decline a fraud lead ( Form 13549) within 21 days of receipt for the W&I campuses, or 10 days for the SB/SE campuses.

  5. Additionally, the W&I EFCs will:

    • Document fraud lead receipts on the Fraud Inventory Listing which will be sent with the Fraud Report to HQ Operations by the fifth of each month.

    • Contact the Fraud Technical Advisor (FTA) within 3 business days of receipt to discuss and secure a recommended plan of action from them to develop the case for fraud. See IRM (Accepting or Declining a Fraud Lead).

    • Once the case is developed based on the recommended plan of action, secure concurrence from the FTA to complete Form 11661.

    • Secure approvals on Form 11661 and transfer case to Area Office PSP for assertion of fraud civil penalty.  (10-01-2006)
Responsibilities of the SB/SE Campus Fraud Coordinator

  1. Screen all Forms 13549 from the Functional Coordinators for completion.

  2. Perform additional research on Currency and Banking Retrieval System (CBRS) and internet as deemed necessary (if available).

  3. Make a determination to accept or decline a fraud lead within 21 days of receipt. This includes contacting the Campus Fraud Technical Advisor (FTA) within 3 business days after determining that the fraud lead has potential for development. See IRM (Accepting or Declining a Fraud Lead).

  4. Development of the civil fraud penalty issue on correspondence examination cases for assertion of the penalty by the campus.

  5. Coordination of the civil fraud penalty case with the FTAs and Counsel.

  6. Issuing 30-day letter and composing language for the explanation of adjustments for the fraud issue.

  7. Review of civil fraud and fraudulent failure to file penalty computations.

  8. Preparation of the Statutory Notice of Deficiency containing the Civil Fraud and/or Fraudulent Failure to File Penalties, and ensuring that the proper alternative positions are specified in the 90-day letter package.

  9. Evaluation of audit reconsideration requests of the civil fraud penalty asserted by the campus.

  10. Monitoring and updating the Campus Fraud Monitoring Report  (10-01-2006)
Accepting or Declining a Fraud Lead

  1. If the Campus/Exam Fraud Coordinator declines the fraud lead, the reason for the declination will be annotated on Form 13549 and returned to the initiator through the initiators manager.

  2. If the Campus/Exam Fraud Coordinator accepts the fraud lead for further development of the fraud issue, the case will be transferred and reassigned to the Coordinators group.

    1. If the case is being transferred from another Exam unit, the sender will update RGS to reflect the Employee Group Code (EGC) of the Campus/Exam Fraud Coordinator.

    2. If the case is being transferred from AUR, the AUR Functional Fraud Coordinator will close the case from the AUR system and annotate on the Form 13549 that the case has been accepted for examination. The Campus/Exam Fraud Coordinator will ensure the case is established on AIMS (using Source Code 85) in the correct EGC and controlled as any other AUR Referral.

    3. If the case is referred to and accepted by the Area Office Examination Operations, it must be established on AIMS before being sent to the Area Office.

    4. Contact the Fraud Technical Advisor (FTA) within 3 business days to discuss the fraud lead. If the FTA agrees that there are indicators of fraud that warrant development, secure and proceed with the recommended plan of action. When the case is developed and concurrence is received from the FTA, Form 11661 should be completed.

    5. The CFC/EFC Manager will review and approve Form 11661 and forward it to the FTA for approval and authorization to update the case to Status 17 (fraud development). The completed form may be faxed or forwarded, via Microsoft Outlook/Secured Messaging to the CFC Manager for approval.


      Only cases already under examination should be updated to Status 17. (There should be no cases which are directly started in Status 17 unless there is another tax period already under examination or it is related to another examination.)

  3. If it is determined by the CFC/EFC and FTA that fraud development is beyond the scope of the campus environment, the case will be updated and transferred to the appropriate SB/SE Area Office PSP function. The case will be updated to Project Code to 0076 (Campus Fraud Development) prior to release. The CFC/EFC will also:

    1. Notate the final disposition on the Form 13549 and return a copy to the initiator via the initiators manager.

    2. Track all Campus Fraud Leads, including those being rejected or transferred on the appropriate tracking systems. This information will be submitted to Headquarters by the fifth of each month.

    3. The Campus/Exam Fraud Coordinator will be responsible for working the AIMS Status Workload Report that is generated for Status 17, EGC 5XXX.  (10-01-2008)
Responsibilities of Correspondence Examination Technicians

  1. Identify indicators of fraud during the examination process.

  2. Maintain an accurate case record that reflects all statuses/actions taken, documents received and conversations with the taxpayer, representative, return preparer and third parties. All actions and statements made by the taxpayers need to be documented.

  3. Documentation is critical in the development of fraud. It is essential to follow the existing Auditing Standards and preparation of work-papers as defined in IRM 4.19.13, General Case Development and Resolution.

  4. Discuss the indicators of fraud with the Team Manager. If the Team Manager concurs, complete sections one and two of the Form 13549 (information and indicators of fraud), detailing the taxpayers' suspicious actions and the specific indicators of fraud identified. Secure the Team Managers initials, date and forward the sheet/case to the Campus/Exam Fraud Coordinator for consideration.  (10-01-2006)
Responsibilities of the Fraud Technical Advisor (FTA)

  1. See IRM 25.1, Fraud Handbook. The FTA and his/her manager can be found on the National Fraud Program web site at  (10-01-2004)
Questionable Refunds

  1. The Questionable Refund Detection (QRDT) program uses a multi-functional approach to decrease the number of filings and refunds that are questionable.

  2. The QRDT will:

    1. Be located in each Campus.

    2. Identify questionable refund prior to issuance whenever possible with minimum impact on processing timeliness.

    3. Prevent issuance of refund checks to multiple and fraudulent filers.

    4. Review questionable returns identified in other functional areas.

    5. Alert Campus personnel to questionable refund indicators.

  3. Report questionable returns that indicate any multiple and/or fraudulent refund schemes discovered during classification/screening immediately to a manager for referral to QRDT. These include:

    1. Tax Return Form number

    2. Tax Year

    3. Type of W-2 (manual, typed, computer)

    4. Employers name and complete address

    5. Taxpayers name and complete address

    6. Address to which refund is to be sent

    7. Amount of refund  (01-01-2007)
Return Preparer Scheme Identification

  1. Return preparer schemes may be identified within any Examination Operation workload and by any method (i.e. correspondence examination, classification, etc.).

  2. A return preparer scheme may be identified as a suspect pattern of non-compliant issues which have similar characteristics and appear on three or more original tax returns or amended returns.

    1. Example One: When classifying Form 1040X amended returns, the same language appears in Part II, Explanation of Changes, on three or more amended returns. The explanation for the issue/tax change is suspect or egregious and the impact on tax may be large or small.

    2. Example Two: Three or more taxpayers have been examined and adjusted by Correspondence Examination, whose original tax returns have been completed by the same preparer. The examination revealed the same types of deductions, expenses or credits with similar dollar amounts were claimed by all or most of the taxpayers and/or similar/same documents were provided by the taxpayers as substantiation.

  3. Preparer Scheme Referral Process

    1. Examination Operations will refer the following information to the Campus Fraud Coordinator (CFC) if the scheme, as described in (2) above, was identified in an SB/SE Campus or by the Return Preparer Coordinator (RPC) if the scheme, as described in (2) above, was identified in a W&I Campus:

      1. Preparer name and/or business name

      2. Preparer TIN and/or EIN

      3. Scheme issues identified

      4. Affected Tax Years

      5. Any statute of limitations (SOL/ASED) concerns

      6. Number of open/in-process taxpayer cases

      7. Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of each open/in-process case

      8. Number of closed taxpayer cases

      9. Examination results (Dollars/Hour and Dollars/Return)

      10. Project Code and Source Code from which the affected returns generated, if known

      11. Provide remarks/comments/additional information which establishes the non-compliant or negligent behavior of the preparer.

    2. The CFC or RPC will review the preparer scheme documentation to determine if the information warrants referral to the appropriate Headquarters Analyst.

  4. If the CFC or RPC determines the preparer scheme has merit for further development/action, a preparer scheme spreadsheet will be prepared containing the information referenced in (3)(a) above, and will be forwarded by the third Wednesday of each month to:

    1. The Workload Selection and Delivery (WSD) Analyst responsible for the Return Preparer Program if the scheme was identified in an SB/SE Campus.

    2. The EITC or Discretionary Policy Analyst responsible for CI Referrals/Return Preparers, depending on scheme issues, if the scheme was identified in a W&I Campus.

    3. The SB/SE and W&I Headquarters Analysts will then present the preparer scheme information package to the Service Wide Enforcement Preparer Strategy (SWEPS) Team to determine further actions.

  5. If the CFC or RPC determines the preparer scheme should not be referred to the appropriate Headquarters Analyst for further development/action, the CFC or RPC will return the preparer scheme information package to the Examination Operation with a written explanation for declination.  (01-01-2007)
Return Preparer Penalties

  1. Generally, Campus Examination Operation personnel do not develop or assert penalties against tax return preparers. However, there may be instances where campus employees may be directed to do so. In that event, the following information and procedures will apply.

  2. Refer to IRM 20.1, Penalty Handbook, for additional information.

  3. A number of penalties apply to income tax return preparers. Any person who prepares an income tax return or claim for refund for compensation or who employs other persons to prepare income tax returns or claims is considered to be an income tax return preparer.

  4. Absent reasonable cause and good faith, preparers incur a penalty if:

    1. any part of the understatement of liability with respect to any return or claim for refund is due to a position for which there was not a realistic possibility of being sustained on its merits,

    2. the preparer of the return or claim knew (or reasonably should have known) of such position, and

    3. such position was not disclosed or was frivolous.

  5. A penalty is charged for understating a taxpayers tax liability when the understatement was due to willfulness or any reckless or intentional disregard of rules and regulations.

  6. Examiners will flag cases where there are indications of possible income tax preparer violations by use of Form 3198, Special Handling Notice, and forward to the Examination Return Preparer Coordinator (RPC) for review and forwarding to Area Office RPCs.  (01-01-2007)
Office of Professional Responsibility

  1. The Office of Professional Responsibility sets, communicates and enforces the rules of professional conduct applicable to tax professionals as defined by Treasury Department Circular 230. OPR may propose disciplinary action against a practitioner for noncompliance issues associated with their personal or business tax returns.

  2. Make a referral to the Office of Professional Responsibility if the non-filer is a tax practitioner (attorney, certified public accountant, enrolled agent, or enrolled actuary). Forward copies of delinquent returns of tax practitioners through supervisory channels to the:

    Internal Revenue Service
    Office of Professional Responsibility
    1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
    SE:OPR, Rm. 7238
    Washington, DC 20224

  3. Sanctions for failure to file will be administered by the Headquarters, Office of Professional Responsibility.

  4. Also furnish the following information:

    1. Whether or not penalties have been proposed or invoked.

    2. Whether there has been a fraud referral or a referral for criminal investigation.

    3. The name and telephone number of a contact person.  (10-01-2001)
Master File Tax (MFT) Code 31

  1. In January 2001, a Master File process was implemented which allows for the processing of a split spousal account on the Master File rather than creating and subsequently posting the account to the Non-Master File (NMF). These adjustments often result from Innocent Spouse, Offer-In-Compromise, Petitioning/Non-Petitioning and Bankruptcy issues. The split account will appear as an MFT 31 module on IDRS as well as the Master File and will be "linked" to the MFT 30 account.

  2. See IRM 25.15.15, Mirror Modules for Requests for Relief From Joint and Several Liability, for procedures on creating a MFT 31 account for an Innocent Spouse Case. Refer to IRS Document 11312 as well as the NMF web site, for more information.

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