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4.19.9  FCP (FUTA Case Processing) Technical System Procedures  (02-05-2008)
System Authorization and Security

  1. Access to the FCP System is restricted to authorized users. The FUTA Coordinator, appropriate management official and security personnel must authorize individual user access.

  2. A security profile is established and maintained for each user. User may choose their own password. Each password should:

    • Be at least eight characters

    • Contain a minimum of one alpha character, one numeric character

    • Differ from the user's login (including any reverse or circular shift of the login)

  3. User profiles are established to allow access to the specific areas/functions of the system needed to perform your assigned duties. Inform your manager/coordinator if you are prohibited from accessing an area of the system needed to complete an assigned task.

  4. The system produces audit trail information on any updates/changes made to the system. Each user must ensure only authorized accesses are preformed. Do not attempt unauthorized system queries.

  5. To ensure the security and integrity of the FCP system:

    1. Protect your password. Do not reveal it to anyone.

    2. Never allow anyone access to the system using your login and password.

    3. If you have reason to believe that your password has been compromised alert your manager immediately.

    4. Lock your workstation when it is not in use.

    5. Log off the system at the end of your shift.

    6. Never leave sensitive information on the screen and leave your workstation.

    7. Do not eat or drink near computer hardware.

    8. Use computers and software for official purposes only.

    9. Do not copy licensed or copyrighted software for private use. It is a violation of federal law with civil and criminal penalties.

    10. Retrieve your hard copy prints from the printer. Give prints, remaining near or on the printer for an extended period of time, to your manager for disposition.  (02-05-2008)
Accessing Windows/FCP

  1. Access to the FCP system requires a login and password for both Windows XP and the FCP system.

  2. To display the Windows XP logon window depress the <CTRL><ALT><DEL> keys simultaneously. When the logon screen appears you will be required to enter your SEID (standard employee identifier) (log in) and Password. The Domain field should already be filled in. Once you have entered the required information use your mouse and click on "OK. " See Figure 4.19.9-1.

    Figure 4.19.9-1

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Windows Login Screen

  3. The first time you logon to the workstation you will use an assigned/temporary password. The system will prompt you to change your password. Change your password using the following steps. See Figure 4.19.9-2.

    Step Action
    1 Enter your old password.
    2 Choose a new password following the guidelines provided in IRM (2) above.
    3 Re-enter your new password and click on the OK radio button.

    Figure 4.19.9-2

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Change Password Screen

  4. Once the required information is entered the workstation desktop applications will appear.

  5. From the desktop double click on the " CF_ launcher" icon. The FCP system allows access to multiple tax years through the use of a single icon.

  6. The "CAWR & FUTA Menu" will appear.

    1. Type "2" to access FCP (FUTA Case Processing.)

    2. Type "1" to access CAP (CAWR Automated Process.)


      See IRM 4.19.8

    3. Type numerical number 3 to exit CAWR & FUTA Menu. See Figure 4.19.9-3.

      Figure 4.19.9-3

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      CAWR & FUTA Menu

  7. After selecting "2" the FCP system logon screen will load and display.

    1. Enter your FCP user name.

    2. Enter your FCP password .

    3. Click on "Login" to gain access to the system.

    Various problems may occur while logging on. Correct mistakes made while entering your login and/or password by using the <Backspace> key. The <Delete> key will not work for logging on.

    Figure 4.19.9-4

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    FUTA Login Screen

  8. The very first time you log into FCP you will receive the prompt "Your password has expired. Click OK to create a new one." After clicking "OK" the following window will appear. See Figure 4.19.9-5. You will need to input:

    • Original password.

    • Create a new password.

    • Re-enter the new password.

    • Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the screen.


      This will permanently change your password for any future logins.

    Figure 4.19.9-5

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Password Change Screen  (02-05-2008)
FCP Navigation

  1. When you first login the following screen will be displayed. Any of the following can be executed by placing the curser over the button and clicking the left mouse button.

    1. Query case button.

    2. Print screen button.

    3. Exit FCP button. See Figure 4.19.9-6.


      When the Exit button is selected the user will be prompted to either logoff current user or exit program.

    Figure 4.19.9-6

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    First View of FCP  (02-05-2008)
File Options

  1. When you place the cursor over file option located in the upper left hand corner and left click the mouse button a drop down will open up that will allow the following functions. These functions are activated by either scrolling over the listed item and clicking the left mouse button or by pressing the combination of keys on the keyboard simultaneously. See Figure 4.19.9-7.

    1. New Query or <Ctrl> + <Q>

    2. Print Screen or <Ctrl> + <P>

    3. Logout of FCP or <Ctrl> + <L>

    4. Exit FCP or <Alt> + <F4>

      Figure 4.19.9-7

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      File Option

  2. The file drop down can be closed either by placing the cursor over the file option and left click the mouse or by placing the cursor else where in the CAP database and left clicking the mouse.  (02-05-2008)
Edit Option

  1. When you place the cursor over edit option and left click the mouse button a drop down will open up that will allow the following functions. These functions are activated by scrolling over the listed item and clicking the left mouse button.

    1. User Profile: This allows a user to view their profile and change their password.

    2. Replies/Undeliverables Rcvd: This function is used by the clerical staff to input replies and undeliverable dates to specific cases within the FCP database.

    3. FUTA Form 940Cs: This function allows the tracking of state certification received in the FUTA unit prior to the case selection process.

      Figure 4.19.9-8

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      Edit Option  (02-05-2008)
User Profile Screen

  1. The profile screen displays the following:

    1. User IDRS site, unit and number

    2. Change password


      This button allows a user to change their password at anytime. See Figure 4.19.9-5.

    3. User name and phone number

    4. User profile


      Change password is the only function of this screen. Any updates/changes to the user IDRS site, unit and number, user name and phone number and user profile have to be performed by the FUTA Coordinator.

      Figure 4.19.9-9

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      User Profile Screen  (02-05-2008)
FUTA Form 940C Table

  1. When Forms 940C (loose state certs) are received in the FUTA unit with no additional correspondence, the FCP system needs to be immediately updated upon receipt to show the Form 940C exists and needs to be considered prior to any taxpayer correspondence. See Figure 4.19.9-10.

    Field Number Field Description
    1 Advanced Search Button
    2 New 940C Button
    3 Delete 940C Button
    4 Search for 940C's input by user name
    5 Search for 940C's input by date range
    6 Sequence Number
    7 EIN
    8 Tax Period
    9 Company Name
    10 Site that created 940C record
    11 User that created 940C record
    12 Phone number
    13 Date created
    14 First sort 940C option
    15 Second sort 940C option
    16 Apply new 940C button
    17 Undo new 940C button
    18 Close 940C window button

    Figure 4.19.9-10

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    FUTA Form 940C Table  (02-05-2008)
Search FUTA Form 940C Table

  1. Selecting the search button allows users to search for a specific Form 940C by the following fields by selecting the drop down arrow in the search field: See Figure 4.19.9-11.

    • EIN

    • Tax Period

    • Company Name

    • Remarks

    • Input Date

    • Sequence Number

    • Site ID

    • User name

  2. After selecting the search field criteria the user needs to put the specifics in the search string field. See Figure 4.19.9-11.

  3. After the search field and search string field is populated the find button will become accessible. See Figure 4.19.9-11.

    Figure 4.19.9-11

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Search FUTA Form 940C Table  (02-05-2008)
New FUTA Form 940C Input

  1. This responsibility may be assigned to specific users at each site. Check with your manager or lead before inputting any Form 940C.

  2. When adding a new Form 940C record you will be required to complete the following information: See Figure 4.19.9-12.

    1. EIN

    2. Tax Period

    3. Company Name

    4. Remarks (Optional)

    5. Sequence number, Site ID, Created By, Phone Number and Input Date


      These fields will all auto populate with the information assigned to your user profile and current system date after the apply button is selected.

    6. Apply will save any new record added.

    7. Undo and close will cancel the request

  3. After inputting a new record write the serial number on the front of the Form 940C. No two serial numbers are the same. This number is used to file the documents in sequence order at each site.

    Figure 4.19.9-12

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    New FUTA Form 940C Input

  4. After a new Form 940C record is input any subsequent case that is loaded to the FCP database are cross checked with the Form 940C table. Any case that matches a Form 940C record will get a "yellow bar across the screen of the case" to notify the tax examiner that a Form 940C record exists. The yellow bar will display "940C" and the associated " Sequence Number."


    The yellow bar will also display when a case has a disaster present or cases with statute date is within 90 days.

    Figure 4.19.9-13

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Yellow Bar  (02-05-2008)
Help Option

  1. When the cursor is placed over the "Help Option" and clicked with the left mouse button you will see a drop down that lists the CAWR/FUTA website. The website can be accessed through FCP during your login session. The site can also be accessed via the internet explorer icon located on your workstations desktop at

    1. Left mouse click "Help Option" .

    2. Scroll down to CAWR & FUTA web page, left mouse click and website will open and run as wallpaper in the FCP database.

    3. Close website option.

    4. The arrow buttons serve the function of forward and backward while using the website.

    5. This button will refresh the current web page.

    6. This button will return you to the CAWR & FUTA home page.

    Figure 4.19.9-14

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Help Option  (02-05-2008)
FUTA Query Screen

  1. How and when to use of the FUTA query screen depends on what phase of the program you are working. You will need to access either your assigned batches or individual case files. There are two parts on the FUTA query screen. They are "Query by" and "Case key fields " . To access the FUTA query screen either left mouse click on the query button ( See Figure 4.19.9-6) press <CTRL> <Q>. Either function will open the FUTA query screen.


    After your initial login the FCP query screen should open automatically.

  2. The FUTA query screen has four main functions that are accessed by the selection of the radio buttons in the "Query by" area of the FCP query screen.

    • Case Key Fields: This is used to query a single case. This is used mainly when working cases after the initial screening phase.


      Case " Key Fields" is the default setting.

    • Assigned Batches: This is mainly used in the initial screening phase of the program.

    • Case ID: This allows a user to query a case by the Case ID when the EIN is not available.

    • DLN: This allows a user to query a case by the DLN (Document Locator Number) when an EIN is not available.

    To perform a single case query: See number one in figure 4.19.9–15.

    • Query by radio button select "Case Key Fields"

    • Select "program release"


      FCP allows access to current year and the past two program release years. "Program release" will default to current year program being worked.

    • EIN "Required" for single case query.

    • Tax Period (Optional)

    • MFT (Optional)


      If tax period/MFT is left blank will query all records pertaining to the queried EIN for the selected program release.

    • Get records button executes the query request.

    Figure 4.19.9-15

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    FUTA Query Screen

  3. To access assigned batches: select radio button "assigned batches" . This will automatically access the "Select Batch User Inventory Screen" . Batches are assigned to a user by either a manager or coordinator. To open an assigned batch scroll over the batch you want to open and left mouse click and the batch. The batch will open automatically. The select batch user inventory screen displays the following information. See Figure 4.19.9-16.

    1. User name and total batches assigned.

    2. Batch types assigned, by left mouse clicking on the batch type this will expand to show the batches assigned. Click it again and it will hide the associated batches.

    3. Batch number.

    4. Total batches assigned for each batch type.

    5. Date and time batch was assigned.

    6. Program release year of cases within the batch.

    7. Close button exits user batch screen.

    Figure 4.19.9-16

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Batch Screen  (02-05-2008)
Detail Screen Header Section

  1. After you select a batch or perform a single case query, FCP will access the information associated to the requested record(s). When a record(s) is accessed it will automatically default to display the detail screen.

  2. The "header section" contains the following information. See Figure 4.19.9-17.


    The header section is viewable in all case screens.

    1. Show's the EIN of the record you are viewing and the amount of records contained within the batch.

    2. Display's the case EIN

    3. Tax period of case

    4. MFT of case

    5. Program release

    6. Name control of business

    7. Business name

    8. EIN count: This field displays the amount of cases for the EIN being viewed.

    9. Batch number

    10. User name the batch/case is assigned

    11. Exit case button: By selecting this button you can close a query or remove a case from the assigned batch.

    12. Site ID

    13. Date assigned

    14. Case ID number

    15. Close query button: By selecting this button you will close the "view" of the current case or batch

    16. Case cycling buttons

      Figure 4.19.9-17

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      Detail Screen Header Section

  3. The case cycling buttons are also part of the detail screen header section, each case cycling button performs a different function below is a breakdown of their functions. See Figure 4.19.9-18.

    1. These buttons will allow a user to cycle to the first or the last record within a batch.

    2. These buttons will allow a user to cycle one record at a time within the batch.


      These buttons would not appear when accessing a single record.

    3. The check mark is called the post edit button. This button is normally grayed out, but once an update is made to a case the post edit button will become available and has to be selected to save any changes made to a case.

    4. The "X" button is also grayed out until an update is made to a case. This button allows the user to delete any changes made to a case prior to selecting the post edit function.

      Figure 4.19.9-18

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      Cycling Buttons  (02-05-2008)
Open/Closing Status Codes

  1. FCP has three open status codes:

    • Blank

    • DADJ

    • REOPEN

    Every case in the FCP database starts with a "blank " status code. Open status code "REOPEN" is accessed by clicking the left mouse button while your curser is placed over the case status drop down located in the header section of the case. This code will allow a user to reopen a previously closed case. Open status code" DADJ" is created when a case is updated with an undeliverable date or the suspense date has expired and the case is classified as a no reply. The open/closing status codes are displayed in the drop down menu in alphabetical order. Below is a list of the possible closing status codes.


    The open or closed status of a case cannot be modified unless the case is assigned to your user name.

    Closing Status Codes Definitions
    6020 6020b case
    AADJ Agreed adjustment
    BANK Bankruptcy
    CADJ Un-agreed adjustment
    CAFE Cafeteria Plan
    CAUE California Unity of Enterprise
    CDUP Duplicate Record
    CMUL Multi-state Filer
    CNOC No Change
    COMM Common Paymaster
    CSYS Systemic Closure (cannot be undated by user)
    CTOL Tolerance (see LEM 4.19.5.)
    DFNT Defunct Corporation
    LEAS Leasing Employee's
    NRPY No Reply
    REIM Reimbursable Account
    STEX Statute Expiration Case
    TRAN Transfer
    UNDL Undeliverable

    Figure 4.19.9-19

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Open/Closing Status Codes  (02-05-2008)
FCP Screens

  1. A case can contains five separate screens of information. There are two ways to access a screen. First by clicking the left mouse button on a screen tab and second using the shift key and the underlined character listed on the screen tab. Below is a list of the screens and their related underlined characters.

    1. Detail Screen <Shift> <D>

    2. Money Amounts Screen <Shift> <M>

    3. Correspondence Screen<Shift> <C>

    4. Entity Screen <Shift> <E>

    5. History Screen <Shift> <H>

    Figure 4.19.9-20

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    FCP Screens  (02-05-2008)
FCP Detail Screen

  1. The case information section contains both information input by the user and information complied by (IDRS) "Integrated Data Retrieval System." The information provided in this section of the detail screen has to always be considered in the processing of a case. Below is a list of the information available. See Figure 4.19.9-21.

    1. Audit potential radio button: This only applies to accounts that the federal taxable wages are the same as the state taxable wages.

    2. ASED (Assessment Statute Expiration Date)

    3. RSED (Refund Statute Expiration Date)

    4. Corrected and Cross Reference Information: The indicator field allows two options "C" if this is a correct EIN and" X" if this is a cross reference EIN. Once the indicator field and EIN field is populated the "clear button" will enable. This button will clear the fields prior to post editing the information.

    5. Remarks: This field allows up to a 50 character case note.

    6. IDRS Case Control Information: Displays last IDRS update date.

    7. DLN (Document Locator Number) (see Doc 6209 for definitions)

    8. Filing Requirements (see Doc 6209 for definitions)

    9. Freeze Codes (see Doc 6209 for definitions)

    10. Case Indicators: Case indicators of zero or blank means no condition exists.


      CP Indicator is the only exception. CP Indicator zero means 4010C letter case, CP Indicator 1 means 4011C letter case.

    Indicator Definition
    CAF Power of Attorney Present
    CP 0 = 4010C, 1 = 4011C (See Note)
    Uncollectable TC 530 present
    RCC Return Condition Code Present
    6020b Substitute for Return Present
    High Limit Balance Due Exceed $21,000
    RCCJ Return Condition Code (Not Subject to FTD Penalty)
    SW State Wages Present
    Rate Rate Code
    Manual Comp Case Requires Manual Processing

    Figure 4.19.9-21

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    FCP Detail Screen  (02-05-2008)
Money Screen

  1. This screen provides federal wage and tax information reported to the IRS. It also it includes state wages, timely and late contributions, that were processed by the certifying state(s). I The FUTA program compares the amounts reported by the certifying state to determine if the proper wages/tax was reported on the Form 940, 1040 or 1041. The screen has five main sections;

    • Federal Reported

    • Federal Adjusted

    • Miscellaneous State Information

    • State Reported and State Adjusted

    1. The Federal Reported line displays the following information: See Figure 4.19.9-22.

    • Taxable Federal Wages: Amount originally reported as taxable wages on Form 940, 1040, 1041 Schedule H.

    • Tax Settlement: Amount originally reported as tax paid on Form 940, 1040, 1041 Schedule H.

    • Timely Payments: Contributions reported by the state as being received timely.

    • Late Payments: Contributions reported by the state as being received late.

    • Allowable Credit: FCP automatically calculated field.

    • Gross Federal Tax: FCP automatically calculated field.


      Federal Reported line is not user up datable.

    2. The Federal Adjusted line is where the user can make changes/corrections to any of the following fields. See Figure 4.19.9-22.

    • Taxable Federal Wages

    • Tax Settlement

    • Timely Payments

    • Late Payments

    3. Miscellaneous State Information: The UE (Unity of Enterprise) indicator applies to California cases only. See IRM 4.19.5. Value of this field is "blank" for no UE present and "9" if UE is present. FCP will set the UE indicator based on case conditions. See Figure 4.19.9-22.

    4. State Reported line displays the following information: See Figure 4.19.9-22.

    • Certifying State

    • State Reporting Number

    • First Quarter State Wages Reported

    • First Quarter Experience Rate

    • Second Quarter State Wages Reported

    • Second Quarter Experience Rate

    • Third Quarter State Wages Reported

    • Third Quarter Experience Rate

    • Fourth Quarter State Wages Reported

    • Fourth Quarter Experience Rate


      State Reported line cannot be updated by the user.

    5. The State Adjusted line is where the user can make changes/corrections to any of the following fields. See Figure 4.19.9-22.

    • Certifying State

    • State Reporting Number

    • First Quarter State Wages Reported

    • First Quarter Experience Rate

    • Second Quarter State Wages Reported

    • Second Quarter Experience Rate

    • Third Quarter State Wages Reported

    • Third Quarter Experience Rate

    • Fourth Quarter State Wages Reported

    • Fourth Quarter Experience Rate

    6. Increase/Decrease field is calculated based on the information contained in the Federal Adjusted line and State Adjusted line. A "decrease" case will "bracket" the money amount.

    Figure 4.19.9-22

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Money Screen  (02-05-2008)
Correspondence Screen

  1. The correspondence screen is used for issuing the appropriate correspondence from the FCP system. You can choose the appropriate letter using the drop down arrow. The correspondence screen contains the following information:

    1. Delete Correspondence Button: This button will allow a user to delete a letter by left mouse clicking on the letter then selecting the " Delete Correspondence Button" .


      The "Delete Correspondence Button" will only delete the letter history in FCP. If the actual letter needs to be deleted on IDRS use the appropriate IDRS command code.

    2. Generic Letter ID

    3. Letter Type

    4. Issue Date

    5. Suspense Date

    6. No-reply date: This date is updated automatically if a response is not received from the taxpayer prior to the suspense date expiring.

    7. Undeliverable Date

    8. Reply Date


      The Undeliverable and Reply Date is populated by clerks when input through the Edit option window. See IRM

    9. 940B request fields

      Figure 4.19.9-23

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      Correspondence Screen  (02-05-2008)
Types of Correspondence

  1. The correspondence screen has five different types of letter that can be generated from the FCP system. Because all five letters are classified as "C" letter the user requesting the letter has to be interfaced with the IDRS system at the time of the request. The five letters available and one form. The available forms/letter are listed below: See Figure 4.19.9-24.

    • 4010C: This letter is the first proposed balance due letter.

    • 4011C: This letter is the first proposed credit due letter.

    • 380C: This letter is used as the main reply and late reply correspondence.

    • 3785C: This letter is used in place of the 4010C when the statute expiration date is within 90 days.

    • 3786C: This letter is used in the reply phase to inform the taxpayer the information provided resolved the discrepancies.

    • 940B: This generates a recertification that has to be printed by the FUTA Coordinator once a week.


      Verify local recertification procedures with FUTA Coordinator prior to requesting Form 940B.

      Figure 4.19.9-24

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      Types of Correspondence

  2. When a "C" letter is requested FCP will load the letter input screen. Portions of the letter input screen will auto populate from the information contained within the case. The letter input screen displays the following information:

    1. Salutation

    2. Return Address Code: Two digit code that tells IDRS the return address to be printed on the letter.

    3. Signature Code: Two digit code that has been establish by each site to print the signature that will appear on the letter.

    4. "Cancel button" will exit letter input screen; "submit button" ; processes the letter to IDRS; and " preview button" will allow the user to view the letter content.

    5. Selective Paragraphs


      By clicking the left mouse button on the letter next to the selective paragraph will allow the user to preview the paragraph content in the bottom preview window.

    6. Selective Enclosures

    7. Selective Fill-ins: This section displays the "selected paragraphs" , "fill-in numbers" , " type" (this is the character requirements for the fill-in), " description" of the fill-in.

    8. Type in Fill-in: This field is where the user input the fill-in requirements to the selected paragraphs.


      The entire 4010C/4011C letters will pre-format except the salutation, return address code and signature code.

    9. Notes: This field gives guidance for valid fill-ins. This field also is used when an open paragraph is selected.

    10. Preview Window

    Figure 4.19.9-25

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    4010C Interface Window  (02-05-2008)
Form 3465

  1. The Form 3465 is used when a case is within 90 days of ASED (Assessment Statute Date) expiring. The Form 3465 will be auto populated with the tax/taxpayer and user information from the FCP database. The Form 3465 button is located in the detail header section of the case but requires certain conditions to make it accessible to the user. The requirements have to be completed in this order:

    1. "STAT <90" Literal has to exist on the case.


      The "STAT <90" is calculated by FCP using the ASED date compared to current date. See Figure 4.19.9-26.

    2. Closing Status Code has to be updated to STEX. See Figure 4.19.9-26.

    3. Once the case is closed STEX FCP will allow the selection of the 3785C letter. See Figure 4.19.9-24.

    4. After the letter is input the Form 3465 button will become accessible.

    Figure 4.19.9-26

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 3465 Button

  2. The Form 3465 will be auto populated with the tax/taxpayer and user information from the FCP database. However the user will be required to complete:

    1. The routing information

    2. Applicable Penalties

    3. Remarks

    4. Print the form and attach it to the case.

    Figure 4.19.9-27

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Form 3465  (02-05-2008)
Entity Screen

  1. The entity screen stores the business state and zip code only. This information is downloaded from IDRS when the case is created. The state and zip code should only be modified if the case has a disaster present (yellow bar across the detail header section) and a better address has been secured. When the entity screen tab is selected, the following screen appears:

    Figure 4.19.9-28

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Entity Screen  (02-05-2008)
History Screen

  1. The history screen gives a line by line account of all actions taken by current and previous user to a specific case.

    1. Created By: This is the user name who took the action.

    2. Description: This is a brief description of the action taken.

    3. Created: This is the date the action was taken.


      All action are displayed in date order.

      Figure 4.19.9-29

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      History Screen

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